Sunday, July 15, 2007

Taking that 1st step

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. That is the famous quote from one of China’s greatest ancient philosopher. How relevant indeed was that quote is with regards with coping with today’s life challenges and achieving our goals. Quite often we have many dreams, big dreams in life but we never dare make the first move to realize our dreams because we think it is too far fetched a dream to realize in life. Unless we take the 1st step and make the first move though, regardless of how insignificant and small step it seems, our dreams will always be just that, dreams. Usually it takes great courage, and determination to make that 1st moves. Perhaps we may face obstacles when we take or make the 1st move, life is a constant struggle anyway regardless of what we do. It is matter of time before challenges and problems knock on our door. Instead of being caught off guard, why not make that 1st move and confront challenges head on first.
On a footnote, even though yes, we need to that that 1st step however we could and can always start with a single small step. As the saying goes, think big, start small but move fast. Furthermore, Lao Tzu rightfully says that we should do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small.
So there it goes, one of the most fundamental keys to success in life, taking that 1st step.

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