Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Powerful Tips For Adults On How To Avoid Chicken Pox .

If you are an adult and you have not contract chicken pox during childhood then chances are that your body has not develop any immunity against chicken pox virus.

Not all adults will succumb to this virus even if they have not develop natural immunity against it. There are couple of things that you can do to increase your body resistance against it.

It goes without saying the healthier you are the less likely it is for you to succumb to the Varicella zoster virus responsible for this so called childhood disease. For a start you need to build your body defense system and what better to that than living a healthy lifestyle.

Quality Sleep
Quality sleep is very important for health and you should make it point to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Don't get the wrong idea that you can do some so called sleep accounting by sleeping less in some days and more on some other days!.

It does not work out that way at least from many medical research data! You need to get adequate rest everyday so that your body can repair and replenish to build up overall immune system against pathogen that lurks everywhere.

So do yourself a favor. Catch up with sleep when it is time to do so each night and try to sleep before the clock strikes twelve. Why is it that it is so important for your to enter deep sleep before midnight?

Did you know that different vital organs in your body repair itself at different hours during the night while you are asleep? For instance, the liver and kidney starts the process of detoxification and cell repair commence before eleven pm?

Well, it sounds unbelievable but you can check it out and do more research to convince yourself. This phenomenon is recorded in Chinese traditional medicine pertaining to sleep and rest with regards to body revitalization.

Reduce Sugar Consumption
Sugar fuels the proliferation of bacteria and virus infection in your body. Too much sugar intake reduce your body defense immune system against chicken pox infection. I am not making this up! You can confirm this by doing a Google search for the connection between high sugar intake and body immunity against virus infections such as chicken pox.

Take Vitamin D3
Did you know that vitamin D3 is very important to increase your body resistance against all sort of viral infections? Oh yes it is true and again I am not making this up. The importance of vitamin D3 simply could not be over emphasize.
So make it a point to take vitamin D3 if you are not catching enough sunshine daily due to your work schedule or etc.

So here you have it, three powerful tips to increase your body resistance against chicken pox. You won't go wrong with these three tips. I did not make up all the above claims. You can verify what I wrote.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Risk Of Chiken Pox On Ezcema Patients

Even though chicken pox is considered a mild disease, did you know that chicken pox is classified under the same category as the small pox? As such never take it for granted that since it is a common infection all things will go well with your child.

If your child has eczema, you will need to take special precautionary measures if he or she contract chicken pox. If your child suffering from eczema contracts chicken pox you must bring him or her to consult doctor immediately.

Eczema is an auto immune disease that triggers skin inflammation and as such, can potentially multiply the skin itchiness, inflammation and infection that may result in other viral and bacterial infections leading to life threatening conditions.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Symptoms Found in Chicken Pox and Shingles

Symptoms of Chickenpox (varicella) may vary from patient to patient making us see people that have headaches, flue like symptoms or even fever, that in some cases can reach 105 F, and swollen glands are also included. The incubation period of the chickenpox may also vary from 10 to 20 days, again depending on the patient and its immune system.

This doesn't last much. Shortly after the flue like symptoms have past the rash breaks out. By rash we understand the appearance of tiny red bumps, mostly on the face, chest or abdomen. Spreading relatively quickly, they start to get bigger in a mater of hours forming a blister on a red base. A funny comparison has been found for them: dewdrops on rose petals. At first the fluid in the blisters is clear only to become cloudy during the period of several days and eventually forming a scab and falling of after another four. The number of blister also varies; while some patients of chickenpox have only a few ones, other can have hundreds, on top of that being the fact that they each like crazy. Lasting seven to ten days, the disease causes the patient to have several crops of blisters.

Another type of skin disease would be the shingles (Herpes Zoster) attack. Occurring nearly always on adults, we see it developing on one side of the human body and having three identifiable symptoms.

->Prodrome: a cluster of warning symptoms appearing before the outbreak of the infection.

->The infection begins.

->Postherpetic neuralgi a develops.

Pain is a very common symptom in herpes zoster, often appearing well before the appearance of the rash.

Predrome (pain) - being the first symptom to appear in patients, it appears to be located at the very site where the virus will be re-activating, making the pain be sharp, piercing, tearing or even similar to an electric shock. Besides pain, the patient might feel that the area is itching or be unbearably sensitive to touch. Muscles aches and even fever are some of the extreme symptoms of the disease. Although usually lasting only a couple of days before the rash, cases have been known where the pain has lasted more ... lot more for weeks or even month.

Active shingles - it marks the actual infection. 50% or 60% of cases occur on the trunk, the side of head being the next big area on witch it appears, making a very big risk the fact that the infection could spread to the mouth or eyes. First a rash appears only to become small fluid-filled blisters in about 12 hours witch eventually grow and become pus filled. The healing last as long as in chickenpox: up to 10 days.

Zoster Sine Herpete is the condition when the pain is not followed by the rash, this thing occurring more often in elder patients, with symptoms very similar to the ones of chickenpox.

For more information about chicken pox virus or even about symptoms of chicken pox please review this page

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Adults Risk To Chicken Pox

Chicken pox is considered to be a mild childhood disease and not detrimental to a patient who is in good health. Did you know for the fact that studies done over the years indicates it is the leading fatality when the statistics are compared to mumps,measles,whooping cough and Haemophilus influenzae type B meningitis.

At least 15,000 people are warded to hospitals each year for this disease, 60% of them being children. On the average from a thousand sufferers only five require hospitalization, and in most case it is none fatal.

The category of people who are at the greatest risk of suffering serious complications from this disease are mostly adults even though infants are also at high risk, forty percent of the mortality rate are still children. That implies a staggering 60% of death associated with chicken pox are adults!

Varicella Zoster virus infection is dangerous to pregnant woman who risk giving birth to baby with serious defects. Adults with very weak immune body system risk bacteria infections, particularly from group A streptococcus bacteria.

Streptococcus bacteria secondary infection as a indirect result of chicken pox albeit being mild can in some circumstances leads to fatality as it spreads to muscle, skin soft tissue,fat or even the blood resulting in toxic shock syndrome, commonly recognize as the dreaded necrotizing fasciitis infection( also better known as flesh-eating bacteria) even though it is very rare.

Adults are also more prone to bone and join infections, pneuomonia and in some rare cases brain infection. Adult with weak immune system also risk getting shingles even after they have recover from chicken pox.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Top 3 Chicken Pox Relief Secrets

Do you need a Chicken Pox Relief to get rid of this unwanted, itchy red rash?

You've come to the right place. The commonest symptom of this disease is this incredibly itchy rash that accompanies the dozens of red blisters that covers the body. One of the worst things you can do would be to scratch the blisters, as this leads to potential scarring and further complications. It is something that you must resist at all costs.

The itchiness from the rash can last for about a week, and much more if not treated. That is why it's important to find some type of Chicken Pox Relief to avoid the itchiness from occurring also to cure this disease as quickly as possible.

Here are a few quick tips used immediately to get relieve the itchiness:

1. Follow A Bathing Procedure.

Taking baths is just about the most sensible thing that can be done as a Chicken Pox Relief. It's an opportunity for you to soak your whole body under water and let every blister be covered. The important thing part is adding some powerful home remedies in the bathtub for any healing effect and also to relief the itchiness from the pox. Oatmeal is an example of something popular to help you reduce itchiness.

2. Use Special Oils.

There are special oils which you can use which have been effective as being a relief. This can be helpful to use right after a bath to apply to all or any of the blisters on the body. This adds a healing effect, along with helps eliminate itchiness quickly.

3. Avoid Scratching!

This is an obvious one, that we mentioned earlier. But it's vital that I say again. If you scratch the blisters, you're urged to maintain scratching all the time. But, if you resist scratching and exercise ignoring the need to scratch the blisters, then surprisingly you won't have much wish to scratch them. Another tip would be to tape oven mittens for your hands, to help you avoid scratching.

These are quick and effective strategies to Chicken Pox Relief that are helpful for any child or adult that is being affected by the disease. The next thing is finding out specifically what bathing procedures to follow along with and what oils and home cures you can use to increase the process.

Check out this Chicken Pox Cure website and video to find out how you can cure the Chicken Pox in less than 3 days, in a easy and safe step-by-step method that has been proven by thousands.

To find out more, go to:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Vaccines Side Effects - Chicken Pox Vaccination

More and more children are given different types of vaccines.  Chicken pox vaccine is one such and it is gaining wider acceptance throughout the world.  Despite the significant reduction of this highly contageous viral infection throughout the years with the introduction of this immunization programme, is it thruly safe and effective?

I can remember all of my 10 siblings having the Chicken Pox back in the 1950's along with all of our neighbor's children. When I was growing up, Chicken Pox was considered a "passage into adolescence" and it was not feared.

The death rate for chicken pox has dropped just like tuberculosis, scarlet fever, pertussis and measles due to improved sanitation, improved nutrition (better distribution of fruits and vegetables) and improved water supply from 1900 to 1940's.

By the 1950's it was no longer the health threat it used to be. I was perplexed when they came out with the vaccine because it was for most, a benign illness that helped build the immune system.

Although it can be a serious illness and certainly not fun, I never heard of anyone dying from the illness while growing up. Out of my five unvaccinated children whom all got the chicken pox, I had one son who had it very hard and was pretty ill for about a week.

I know first-hand how disruptive the illness can be for the family. Yes, chicken pox is an inconvenient illness, but not life threatening for most children. It is only dangerous for those who are immune compromised. If the vaccine protected us as implied, this vulnerable group of kids would perhaps benefit from the shot.

That is not the case. Statistically, there are outbreaks of chicken pox in highly vaccinated populations calling for concerns of efficacy. It is a live virus vaccine that carries risk for the whole family and has never been tested for long-term safety.

If one looks carefully, you will discover that the vaccine was designed for the employers and the working mothers who didn't want time lose at work. You will also discover it is a financial windfall for the vaccine makers. Let us look deeper into the known side effects since the vaccine was introduced in 1995.

• Sept. 2005- New research published in the International Journal of Toxicology (IJT) by Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D., reveals high rates of shingles (herpes zoster) in Americans since the government's 1995 recommendation that all children receive chicken pox vaccine.

Dr. Goldman's findings have corroborated other independent researchers who estimate that if chickenpox were to be nearly eradicated by vaccination, the higher number of shingles cases could continue in the U.S. for up to 50 years; and that while death rates from chickenpox are already very low, any deaths prevented by vaccination will be offset by deaths from increasing shingles disease.

Another recent peer-reviewed article authored by Dr. Goldman and published in Vaccine presents a cost-benefit analysis of the universal chicken pox (varicella) vaccination program. Goldman points out that during a 50-year time span, there would be an estimated additional 14.6 million (42%) shingles cases among adults aged less than 50 years, presenting society with a substantial additional medical cost burden of $4.1 billion.

This translates into $80 million annually, utilizing an estimated mean healthcare provider cost of $280 per shingles case. Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D. served for eight years as a Research Analyst with the Varicella Active Surveillance Project conducted by the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (LACDHS). The project was funded by the CDC. Dr. Goldman, Ph.D., currently serves as founder and Editor-in- Chief of the peer-reviewed medical journal Medical Veritas ( He recently authored five manuscripts concerning varicella, herpes zoster, and capture-recapture published in the European journal called Vaccine.

• March 1998 - The National Vaccine Information Center reported that three (3) short years after the vaccine was licenses there were over 6,574 adverse reports to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) with 82% were from people who got the vaccine only.

The VAERS data has lead to the addition of 17 adverse events to the manufacturer's product label since the vaccine was licensed for use in 1995, including secondary bacterial infections (cellulitis), secondary transmission (infection of close contacts), transverse myelitis, Guillain Barre syndrome and herpes zoster (shingles).

Congressional Records prove that only 10% of all adverse events get reported! That is proof that the vaccine manufactures do not study the vaccine well enough before releasing it on an unsuspecting public.

It is this researcher's opinion that there are benefits to allowing our children to get this infectious illness. The focus should be on how can we support the human body as it gets exposed naturally in life to these beneficial illness that build natural life-time immunity!

We must not be arrogant enough to think that we can eliminate or manipulate this world of natural occurring infections. I believe these natural infections will insure a healthier human race in the long-run. I believe the vaccines side effects are far worse than the illness.

We can enhance immunity through good nutrition, healthy lifestyle, the use of vitamins and minerals and supportive therapies such as chiropractic for improved nervous system and immune system function and development.

Only when we as a nation change our attitudes about healthcare will we see the changes needed to insure our national health. That requires more personal responsibility and a shift of consciousness which I believe is taking place. I will leave you to ponder one of my favorite quotes:

"The significant problem we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created the problem." Albert Einstein

Mary has been independently researching vaccines for over 30 years and has been publicly speaking for the last 15 years. Mary's goal is to educate parents in order to assist them in making a fully informed vaccine decision.

For more information about Vaccination Side Effects, visit

Article Source:


Scars From Chicken Pox – How To Get Rid Of It

Even though chicken pox is considered a mild disease that usually affect children of age 12 years and below, adults can also catch it if they have not develop immunity to it. This is usually the case if one has not contracted it in their childhood years.

Very few serious complications if any associated with this virus infection. At most the obvious and visible indication of it is the scars left on your body after you have fully recovered from it.

It takes a lot of persistent efforts to withstand the itch all over your body and not scratching it no matter how unbearable it feels. No matter how hard you try, it is inevitable and high chance that you will scratch those itchy sores in your body, unconsciously and occasionally while you are asleep.

The extend of blisters and the amount of time it takes to heal and disappear completely from your skin depends a lot on how bad you scratch it during the outbreak. The main concern with the rash and is that the blisters and pus breaks with little or no pressure apply to it.

There is a wide range of OTC (off the shelf counter) scar lotions available to help reduce pock marks and blisters. Topical cream which contains vitamin E helps the skin to smooth and radiate. Natural ingredients such as garlic, lemon and honey are also effective but they it takes time for the scars to diminish.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Chicken Pox Symptoms - There Are Up to 26 Symptoms of the Chicken Pox You Need to Know About

When you're suffering from the chicken pox virus, there are several symptoms that occur as your body's response to this virus. The intensity of these chicken pox symptoms are usually determined by how strong your immune system is. Many children haven't developed a strong immune system, so they're more likely to experience more chicken pox symptoms than teenagers or adults. Make sure you take note of any of the chicken pox symptoms you may be noticing below in yourself or your family member.

This list below are all the chickenpox symptoms that can occur:

Skin Irritations (blisters filled with fluid, rashes, red spots)
Throat Irritation (sore throat)
Loss of Appetite
Nasal Discharge
Impaired Breathing
Muscle Pain (or backache)
Urinary Difficulties
Eye Irritations
Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
Weight Loss/Gain
Inflamed Lymph Nods
Joint Pain
Sudden Onset

Once someone is exposed to the chickenpox virus, it take 2-3 weeks before chickenpox symptoms to occur. Chickenpox usually occurs during childhood, but adults who contract this virus are usually very ill. The chicken pox is an extremely contagious disease that infects approximately 3 million people in the United States each year. More than 90% of the cases occur in children less than 12 years old.

The chickenpox, while a common disease, is not meant to be taken lightly. Each year in the United States, 4,000 to 9,000 persons are hospitalized with the chickenpox, and up to 100 persons die. There are options such as the vaccine, however, studies show it is only 70% effective and contains harmful chemicals that can be detrimental to long-term health.

There are safe, natural and effective ways for treating the above chicken pox symptoms as quickly as possible. Be sure to do your research and find the best solutions for your families health.

Want to cure the Chicken Pox in 7 days or less in the fastest, safest, most natural and effective way possible?

To find out more, go to:

On our website, we provide the safest and most effective treatments and remedies that can easily cure your child or yourself as quickly as possible. We also have hundreds of succes stories and testimonials of what works!

Click the link below to Cure The Chickenpox Fast:

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Chicken Pox Diet For Children And Adults

A real Chicken Pox diet is generally something that is normally often neglected, but is without a doubt a imperative factor to help cure this virus fast.

There are particular foods, that when eaten, can certainly speed up the recovery from the virus. Plus there are many other foods, that when consumed, can make things More serious as well as make your condition take longer to recuperate from.

To begin with, it's crucial to comprehend that this disease is a virus. While suffering through it, your entire body is put under a lot of stress and is working extremely hard to try to fight off this virus from the entire body. It again simply makes sense to have a good Chicken Pox diet to supply your body what it needs and help it in fighting off this virus.

Your Chicken Pox diet needs to be made up of excellent nutrients, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and also easy for your body to digest.

Most foods, such as meat, dairy products, breads, sugars, and so forth... tend to be hard for your body to be able to digest and also your body can't correctly take in all of the nutrients from them. You want to be certain to leave out these kind of foods from your Chicken Pox diet.

So, what sort of foods should you be taking in in order to cure this virus fast? Good question!

You need to be having foods which are rich in water, therefore your body can very easily digest them and process the nutrients. So by way of example, fruits and vegetables, such as: watermelon, kiwi, oranges, blueberries, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, wheat grass, sprouts, and so forth...

Whenever you put all these effective foods into your Chicken Pox diet, you will notice a huge increase in energy and your body will be able to cleanse itself from the harmful toxins as well as fight off the virus faster.

I also advise natural juices. Such as cranberry juice, or orange juice. Make sure everything is all natural. Stay away from additives as well as juices added with chemicals. In addition, vegetable juices are fantastic too.

Another word of advice is juicing your own fruits and veggies. You could get a juicer and try this at your house. Or, use a blender and make a juice smoothie full of fruits and veggies. This tends to make things simpler for your body to consume, even if you have a lower appetite or have a sore throat.

If you adhere to the following Chicken Pox diet, you will definitely be well on your way to get rid of this fast.

To be able to cure this virus fast, you must tackle healing your body INTERNALLY together with EXTERNALLY. Diet is one aspect of curing the this virus, addititionally there is dealing with the rash, blisters and itchiness.

To discover the best Chicken Pox Cure, and find out how to cure chicken pox in less than three days, take a look at this chicken pox cure web site right now for quick tips and strategies, including detailed Chicken Pox Diets you can easily follow.

Article Source:

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Coping With Chicken Pox As An Adult

It first started with a little bit of cough and stuffy nose. The following day slight headache followed but nothing serious that would warrant me to visit the doctor. After all, it is not surprising to catch the flu because there were many people, particularly pedestrians in close contact that sneeze and cough daily.

I took some pain killers (panadol) and it seems to help. It's almost day 2 since since I experience signs of a flu but I reckon I am not going to succumb to it. I felt some itchiness and on my face and make it a appoint to apply itch relieving antiseptic cream every evening before I go to bed.

I got a rude shock and day 4 when I got up from bed and discovered rashes and sores all over my face. Even my scalp is covered with these tiny red spots sores that burst when I apply just minute pressure on it. I lifted my shirt and discovered rashes on my body and inner parts of my thighs.

I have no doubt that I have contracted chicken pox even I did not experience any pain or fever typical associated with this so called well known childhood disease. Perhaps the pain killer that I took days before the disease gets into full blown stage helps.

I went to work as usual in the morning and then decided to leave at noon to see the doctor. No doubt, the lady doctor wasted no time to confirm that I had chicken pox. I wasn't surprise at all as I anticipated that, thanks to the Internet which provides wealth of information on chicken pox symptoms.

Chicken pox is a common air borne spread disease and it is usually not fatal. Nevertheless there are situation whereby adults gets into complications due to their weak body immune system and dies as a result of it.

However it seems that adults experience more discomfort and takes longer time to recover from it. Well, I am in my mid 40s and luckily my body immune system is not too weak.

Apart from the standard skin lotion (I think it is called Calamine or something like that) the doctor also prescribed the antibiotic acyclovir. Acyclovir is an antiviral drug that helps to accelerate and shorten the time to recover from it. The brand name for it is Zovirax.

Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. The mechanism underlying 'Zovirax' in dealing with zoster is quite complex. In layman terms you can think of this wonder antiviral drug as some sort of compound that can trick the chickenpox virus into thinking it is human cell and diverting it from attacking and replicating through human cells.

I am glad that I have recovered fully from chickenpox and by the way, don't take it for granted that you once you have got it you will be immune from it for the rest of the life. It all depends on your body immune system.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Eczema In Children - Useful Remedies To Beat Eczema

There are three kinds of rashes that babies tend to develop. If the cause is not chicken pox or poison ivy it has to be eczema. In such a case the skin will turn scaly, red and it will develop sores. If the itching exceeds a limit the skin will start shedding in the form of scales.

Eczema is also known as Dermatis. Dermatis means skin inflammation and here the skin tends to turn sore and pink. This is a very common problem. It has been found out that one in every ten children tend to suffer from this problem and this is below the age group of five. Once the child becomes a teenager there are less chances of this problem occurring.

Dry skin is just one of the problems that eczema creates, the other is the fact that the skin tends to itch terribly. Eczema is chronic and it can occur periodically. A special kind of cell that is present in the body will react to any foreign body that comes in contact with the skin.

Here the skin inflammation takes place only to protect it. Some of the foreign bodies that are harmful may cause the skin to over react as they trigger out the reaction in self-defense. This can make the skin terribly sore, red and itchy. These special cells are present in large quantities in children who have eczema.

Generally if diseases like asthma, general allergies or hay fever are present in the family, the baby has a higher chance of getting eczema. This problem is passed down from the parents and is present in the genes.


Researchers have found out that babies who have eczema have smaller chances of developing hay fever or asthma later in life. One good thing about eczema is that it is not contagious. There are many symptoms that help in identifying eczema.

The first and foremost is the rash. Initially it might seem like the rashes are disappearing but they are sure to return back. Though eczema rashes are known to itch badly, this need not be the case always. These rashes always start from inside the elbows and behind the knees and then gradually spread to the other body parts.

There are many other kinds of rashes that can be formed besides eczema; only a doctor would generally be able to distinguish a normal rash from eczema. If it is confirmed that the rashes are due to eczema the child will have to use lotions or moisturizing creams in order to stop the skin from drying and also to stop the itchiness.

In case the rashes do not stop the doctor may prescribe corticosteroids. This can be in the form of cream or ointment, which has to be applied to control the inflammation of the skin. Antihistamine can also be taken for severe swelling. This is available in either in the form of a liquid or as a pill. The doctors will definitely prescribe an antibiotic in case the itching has produced infection.

Certain substances trigger eczema. Children who are prone to eczema should avoid these substances. These substances could be soaps, detergents, hot and sweaty skin, dry air (during winters), and perfumes. Skin irritation can increase when it comes in contact with certain fabrics or dust mites.

Even if there is severe itching the child must refrain from scratching it severely since it will only cause the skin to itch more and it will also help in spreading infection. In case of severe scratching the skin can sometimes break and bleed and this is what causes the infection to spread.

The best remedy to this is to wet a cloth with cool water and place it on the area where there is severe itching. Parents should ensure that the nails of the children are cut short in order to avoid the skin from tearing when the child scratches it. Most importantly the patient should drink lots of water since this helps in keeping the skin moist.

Abhishek is an expert Baby Shower organizer and he has got some great Baby Shower Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 117 Pages Ebook, "How To Have A Roaringly Successful Baby Shower!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Article Source:


Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Ultimate Treatment For Eczema - Life Style Change

There is no universal cure for eczema. Various factors contribute to the outbreak of this skin disease. Doctors believed that eczema aka dermatitis is an autoimmune disease bought about genetic defect and it may be passed down to offspring.

The first thing that you need to do to cope with eczema is to accept the reality of the fact that high chances you have to live with it for the rest of your life however it does not mean you are deprived of leading a normal life.

You can live a life that is reasonably eczema free even though you have it. There are two things that you need to do namely 1) reduce factors that leads to outbreak of eczema and 2) be prepare and know the type of treatments that your body particularly your skin will best respond to positively when and if it strikes.

Did you know that even though eczema is an autoimmune disease that is not completely curable, you can do something about it. You can reduce the frequency and severity of the outbreak without resorting to dangerous drugs or medication.

Missing The Mark - Life Style Change

Most doctors and dermatologist standard operating treatment for skin disease is to prescribe topical and oral medication to reduce the itchiness and skin inflammation particularly those associated with autoimmune problems such as eczema outbreak.

Why Topical & Oral Medication The Preferred Choice
We live in an instant gratification world. We want to get well from health symptoms that affects our daily life, usually in the soonest possible time. If we experience stomach acne or dizziness our first choice of treatment is taking drugs that alleviate the symptoms.

Education And Not Medication
Standard topical and oral medications for eczema only treat the symptoms; it does not address the underlying causes that that triggers the outbreak. By the way, topical and oral medications involving western drugs usually comes with long term serious side effects.

While you are on prescription medication to alleviate the itch,inflammation and other complications, you need to get as much information as possible on the skin disease that you are suffering from. Don't leave everything to the doctor!. Do you know that no one knows your own body better than yourself!

The medication that you take are not the magic pills that cures you but rather it is your own body immune systems that overcome the infections and whatever that's triggering the outbreak!. Keep this in your mind!.

Life Style Change
Did you know that even though there is no known permanent effective cure for eczema nevertheless there are ways and things that you could do to minimize the frequency and the severity of the outbreak. Life style change involving good eating habits, exercise, rest and even spiritual well being can make the difference.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remedies For Eczema - Treat It The Natural Way

Natural treatment methods are considered to be off limits by a lot of people and a secondary option for others. There really isn't anything wrong with primarily looking into approved medical treatments. They are, after all, supported by scientific research. However, when it comes to chronic problems like eczema, there isn't a standard treatment to manage it in the long term. In these cases, natural remedies for eczema are a better way to go.

Eczema is a condition where the skin's epidermal layer becomes swollen and develops rashes. These rashes may appear as red itching bumps, pimples, sores, or patches of dry skin. In addition to these varying manifestations of eczema, the rashes can also appear on any part of the body and cause general itching of the body, itchy scalps, itchy hands and feet, or itchiness wherever they appear. Although it is a lifelong disease, eczema does not just appear on its own will. It relies on certain factors like diet, exposure to irritants, and stress before it recurs. Therefore, science cannot provide a definitive treatment for it and can only manage its symptoms.

> >

Unfortunately for those attacked by eczema, symptomatic treatment is the only available medical treatment approach. There is no available treatment that can completely get rid of eczema and stop it from recurring. Science only provides oral medicines and topical eczema creams which effectively reduce the symptoms of eczema and provide relief from body rashes and itching. Eczema medicines and creams are able to produce these results by simply interfering with the inflammatory process associated with eczema.

When you assess the medical treatments above concerning eczema, you will realize that they are only short-term interventions. As "symptomatic treatments", they merely treat the symptoms of eczema and do not treat the eczema itself. Considering natural treatments for eczema as alternatives for them is not a sin. In fact, these remedies for eczema are the better options because they can give you longer-lasting relief. Other than that, they have the added benefits of improving your skin and overall health.

Supplementation is one of the few natural remedies for eczema. In supplementation, natural supplements are taken in addition to the diet. The nutrients in these supplements can help people with eczema because they contribute to improvements in the skin's health. And since eczema afflicts the skin, these supplements can help to strengthen the skin against the symptoms of eczema. Also, supplementation strengthens the function of the immune system. Because eczema is the result of abnormal immune system functioning where it targets foreign bodies that it isn't supposed to, there are speculations that supplementation promotes normal immunity.

Evening Primrose Oil may sound like something that should be rubbed on an eczema rash but it's not. It is a supplement that contains high levels of gammalionlenic acid which is essential in moisturizing the skin. This is a useful remedy for itchy dry skin due to eczema. Vitamins and minerals to be taken along with Evening Primrose Oil are magnesium, zinc, and vitamins C, E, and B6.

Fish oil is another supplement for those people afflicted by eczema. It is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, DHA, and EPA which are known to decrease body levels of leukotriene B4. Leukotriene B4, by the way, is said to cause eczema. Studies show that a 12-week period of consumption of fish oil effectively reduces eczema.

The best diet that goes together with supplementation therapy for eczema is the eczema diet. Basically, the eczema diet is an all-natural diet where a person who has eczema is supposed to eat foods that are organic, non-fertilized, and natural, and to avoid processed foods or foods that contain no vitamins or minerals that can help the body in any way. A person who has eczema is supposed to stick to the eczema diet throughout his or her lifetime in order to avoid the recurrence of eczema.

By combining supplementation and the eczema diet, you will certainly enjoy long-lasting relief from eczema. Long-lasting relief is not a benefit provided by the existing medical treatments as they only target the symptoms of eczema. Natural remedies for eczema such supplementation and eczema diet, on the other hand, are able to relieve people from the symptoms of eczema for a longer time period.

Charles Perkins is a skin care expert. For more information about the natural eczema remedies visit

Article Source:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Is Eczema A Hereditary Disease?

Is eczema a genetic related disease? Can you inherit the disease from your parents? Well sadly the answer is a 'yes'. Till today there is no single universal cure for eczema.

The genetic make up of individual is different and there is no way to tell which combination of genes will trigger the outbreak of it. To date doctors has not been able to isolate the exact genes that cause eczema.

Some researchers believe that a combination of defective genes in conjunction with environmental factors are most likely to trigger eczema outbreak. No one knows for sure if the genes contributing to eczema is passed from the paternal or maternal side or both.

Both parents may have genes that contributes to eczema but they themselves don't suffer from it. When combination of defective genes get passed on their offspring, the children may or may not experience any visible symptoms of it.

Some people suffer from young while others do not experience it till they become adults. There is no clear explanation as to why some people get it when they are adults but suffice to say, it is quite apparent that environmental conditions and lifestyle does contribute or aggravate the situation.

Treatments Of Eczema: What You Need To Know

The same as with any medical condition, eczema can be dealt with in two ways - you can prevent it or use the treatments of eczema. Even though you can't avoid passing on eczema to your kids (the same way your parents couldn't help passing it on to you), you can avoid the reasons for the appearance of eczema symptoms. And although eczema can't be completely fixed, its symptoms can be negated to an extent such that you will feel better and not be so afflicted in your daily activities and social interactions with others who might be afraid of your itchy rashes.

Prevention is always better than a cure. Rather than focusing on your search for effective treatments of eczema, your initial move must be geared towards finding ways to avoid eczema symptom triggers. The first step in preventing eczema symptoms from showing on your skin is to understand what eczema is.

Essentially, eczema is the irritation of the skin's epidermal (outermost) layer. Depending on what type of eczema you have, you can show eczema symptoms like itching red bumps or patches of dry skin. Recurring body rashes and itching are the clear-cut signs that you have eczema though.

There are many known reasons for eczema. It can be caused by food allergies, allergies to animal dander and fur, insect stings, exposure to pollen, and skin contact with irritants, just to name a few. But it truly depends on a person as to which substances and circumstances cause his or her body to develop eczema.

There is no universal single effective treatment for eczema. Even though the symptoms may look  similar for individuals, the exact root cause could be different. Thus it is important for the person suffering eczema to deduce the possible causes that trigger the outbreak and then treat it the required medication accordingly.

The next step in eczema prevention is the identification of eczema causes in a person. Tracing these causes can be done as soon as one or more eczema symptoms show up. It starts by recalling the most recent exposures to food, environment, and other products that may have triggered the localized or widespread eczema rash. Most likely, something you are not used to being exposed to is what triggered your eczema. When the causes of eczema have been properly identified, you then have the power of consciously avoiding these eczema triggering factors.

Treatments of eczema can be sought only when you are experiencing a bout of eczema. These treatments can't exactly get rid of your eczema, but can tone down its symptoms and provide you with your needed comfort. Besides, you wouldn't want people avoiding you because they think that eczema is contagious, even when it's not. Therefore, eczema treatments will certainly come in handy.

Eczema creams are the most popular OTC eczema treatments. Steroidal eczema creams work best for eczema symptoms that involve swelling or inflammation. However, creams that have steroids in them aren't ideal for people with chronic eczema, pregnant women, children, and babies with eczema. For these people it would be best to use non-steroidal creams which still have anti-inflammatory properties in them. When applied properly, both steroidal and non-steroidal creams can diminish swelling, redness, itching, and the overall severity of the rashes.

Those that exhibit eczema symptoms like dry skin that's itchy can benefit from specific treatments for dry skin. These dry skin cures contain moisturizers that restore the skin's moisture, reduce skin dryness and patching, and help skin recover from itchiness. If topical dermatitis treatments like these seem troubling for you, medicine is also available for oral intake. These medicines target the inflammatory process of the body and drastically reduce eczema symptoms and provide relief.

Natural remedies are also possible treatments of eczema. These are superior options for people who are more comfortable with natural treatment approaches. Natural supplements that are currently used as eczema treatments are Evening Primrose oil, fish oil, and probiotics. Modern science has also made the development of an eczema diet possible. This diet involves the consumption of organic food which can help in naturally fighting off your symptoms.

Preventing the development of eczema is possible. And with the available scientific and natural treatments of, one can be relieved from symptoms and enjoy socializing with peers without the fear of being avoided.

Charles Perkins is a skin care professional. For more information on the treatments of eczema, visit

Article Source:

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Eczema Skin Medication That You Should Avoid

There are many types of medicated lotion formulated to ease the itch and pain associated with outbreak of Eczema. One of the most common class of topical treatment contains substance by the name of Corticosteroid.
Corticosteroid is a potent and powerful medication to treat inflammation and should only be administered under doctor strict advice and supervision.

Some countries do not regulate the sales of such potent medication. As a matter of fact, one could easily purchase Corticosteroid medication from of the shelf counter of most shops and pharmacies in China.

Long term usage of such dangerous medication is likely to cause serious side effects such as the thinning of skin, necrosis of bone (decompose and death of bone cells), swelling of the face and many other symptoms which may or may not be reversible.

In any case, you should avoid such potent skin medication treatment and consider all other safer treatments involving natural herbs, diet and change of lifestyle. Even if you have no choice but to take such dangerous medication, you should not use it on long term basis.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Is Eczema Curable?

By Anna Adams

What is Eczema?
Eczema is characterized by dermatitis or inflammation of the upper layers of skin. Patients suffer from eczema develop chronic red skin rashes, skin edema, itching and dryness along with crusting, blistering, flaking, cracking, discharging or bleeding. Upon healing healed lesions appear as discolored skin while blemishing is very rare in eczema. It affects both male and female irrespective of age. Approximately one fifth of all children and one in every twelve adults suffer from eczema.

Types of Eczema
Eczema can be classified in five different types.

It commonly occurs in persons who have inherited allergies, asthma or hay fever.

Allergic Contact
It is caused due to sensitivity of any particular substance. It varies with individual's sensitivity to any particular substance.

Discoid eczema is appeared as coin shaped patches. It can affect people of all ages from young adults to old. But it is more common in middle aged or old persons. In younger people Discoid eczema occurs with atopic eczema. But in adults it is caused due to stress, local skin irritation and excess drinking of alcohol.

It also affects people of all ages including babies at initial stages of life. In babies it appears in the nappy are and scalp. While in adults it appears in scalp and skin creases between nose and mouth sides. Yeast can cause Seboorrhoeic eczema.

Causes of Eczema
Exact causes for disease are not known yet. Rather it has observed that disease results from a combination of genetic and environmental factor. Other factors include emotional and stress factors. Environmental factors include hypersensitivity to detergents, drugs, irritating fabric, soap, bubble bath and temperature change. Skin rashes may also be the result of overactive skin's immune system. Different things can elicit dermatitis such as food, fabric and even traveling across the country. Genetic factors include previous family history of skin problems. If your grand parents suffered from eczema then you will be at higher risk to get eczema outbreaks.

Is Eczema Curable?
There are no treatments available to heal or cure eczema on permanent basis. But there are lots of treatments and preventive measures that really reduce severity of the disease and also inhibit the formation of new lesions.

Different Ways to Reduce Intensity of Eczema
Life Style Modifications
Life style alterations are considered as primary line of protection to control eczema, regardless of the intensity of eczema i.e. mild, moderate & severe. Following are some important guidelines that help you to alter your life style in a way that reduce the severity and frequency of out breaks.
Eczema leaves the skin dry and itchy. It has suggested that proper use of moisturizer captures natural moisture of the skin and prevent dryness and cracking. It is advised to use moisturizer after bath.
Avoid Contact with anything that cause irritation
To reduce severity and stop more outbreaks try to avoid irritants. Soaps, bubble bath, perfumes, cosmetics, laundry detergents, household cleaners, finger paints, gasoline, wool, pet's fur, juices from meats, fruits and plants, jewelry and even lotions can cause irritations. Also avoid personal care products containing alcohol. Frequent washing of hands also cause irritation.

Don't let your body over heat and over sweat
Over sweating and over heating are considered as basic cause for scratch or itch. It is strongly recommended to prevent your body from such conditions.

Abrupt Changes in Temperature and Humidity
Rapid rise in temperature and decrease in humidity results in heavy sweating and dryness.

Use of Cold Compress to Control the Itch
Scratching rash makes it more terrible and makes skin perforated. This will allow bacteria to get enter in skin and cause infection. To avoid this cold compress is use. It can reduce inflammation and desire to scratch.

Short Finger Nails
Try to keep your nails short. This will decrease the probability of skin perforation. It has also suggested wearing cotton gloves during sleeping. This will halt you scratching skin during sleep.

Wear loose fitting cotton clothes
Avoid using synthetic fabrics, wool and rough fabrics. Try to use cotton and cotton mixed clothes with loose fitting.

Proper Rinsing of Clothes
Laundry detergents can provoke eczema outbreaks. To avoid eczema outbreaks try to use fragrance free, neutral pH detergents. It is also suggested to double rinse clothes after washing with detergents. Washing new clothes will also remove extra dyes and fabric finishers that can cause skin irritation.

Stress Reduction
Stress conditions are also responsible for eczema outbreak. It has been observed that reduction of stress also reduce eczema. Try to reduce stress condition.

Regular Use of Prescribed Treatment
Proper moisturizing and regular use of prescribed medicines can effectively improve eczema conditions and also reduce further outbreaks of eczema.

Simply Avoid Environmental Triggers
Patients with Atopic dermatitis who have inherited certain allergies such as asthma, hay fever and food allergies can prevent themselves from further eczema flare-ups by avoiding such environmental triggers that can cause these allergies. Such environmental causes include pollens, molds, mites and animal dander.

Avoid having Food that causes Atopic Dermatitis
Some foods can also elicit allergies in patients of Atopic Dermatitis. And finally these allergies cause Atopic Dermatitis flare-ups in eczema patients.

Eczema does not have any single cure. Eczema cures are unique for every person. Different people use different treatments to treat eczema. These treatments include medicines and natural remedies. Eczema can not be completely cured but symptoms and severity can be reduced by using right treatment for you. Decision is up to you. You must recognize and select right treatment for you according to your skin type and other condition. Eczema can only reduce with use of proper medicines and simple modification in life style.

If you further want to know more specific information about medicines for eczema and eczema treatments visit this website

Article source:



Natural Treatment of Baby Eczema - Fewer Bath Products and Better Nutrition May Be the Answer

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

How To Find The Right Eczema Cure

Eczema is a skin condition that seems to never go away - no matter what you do. In fact, the treatments that are currently being prescribed merely treat the symptoms, and thus when the treatment stops, the itchiness and discomfort starts up again. Is this just another way for pharmaceuticals and laboratories to ensure they have a constant stream of customers for their products?

Contact dermatitis is a common type of eczema, and there are two main types of it that are irritant and allergic. Contact dermatitis is thought to be avoidable as long as whatever causes it is completely removed. The xerotic eczema will result in dry skin and this becomes more serious and will develop into eczema.

Seborrhoeic dermatitis is often classed as dandruff as it causes greasy or dry flaky skin and usually affects the eyebrows and the scalp. This type of dermatitis can also result in redness and scaly pimples. An eczema cure for this type of dermatitis is possible when using the correct eczema treatment.

Dermatitis is a condition that is a result of the skin severely drying out. The most common eczema treatment and dermatitis treatment is moisturizers as these are able to stop the skin from drying out and therefore retain the natural moisture within the human body. In most cases using anything to clean the body can result in the skin drying out and it is highly recommended to avoid things such as bubble baths, makeup products, and also harsh soaps.

Is possible that the eczema is a side effect of a yeast problem, and this is one of the aspects that a doctor or nutritionist will check. Yeast infections can come from food or overgrowth, and there are specific diets that you can try to remove or eliminate the infection. This type of eczema cure is preferred by those who enjoy the natural methods of curing a physical problem.

There are also herbal remedies that are endorsed by many people as being and effective eczema cure. Obviously, there is not much conclusive studies done on herbal remedies, however, they have been around for centuries, so that must count for something. Some of these natural remedies are:

You can also apply a moisturizer after your bath or shower, although again, make sure that it does not contain anything that could cause you to itch. Look for lotions that use natural moisturizing ingredients, and avoid the heavy lotions. If your eczema is on the more severe side, you will need to apply more than just moisturizers. Your skin doctor could prescribe a corticosteroid cream which you should apply once or twice a day only.

Over the years there has been a lot of research carried out into the various forms of treatment for an eczema cure that are available. Homeopathy has proven to be successful in about eighty two per cent of cases where the sufferer has not been helped by the other forms of eczema treatment.

An extreme eczema cure would be to try ultraviolet treatment. This makes use of UV light to attack the cause and symptoms of eczema. Ask your doctor if you qualify for this kind of eczema cure. On the other hand, if this sounds a little too extreme for you, you could request for topical immunomodulators. These drugs are relatively new in the market and will treat the inflamed skin. It can also decrease the effects of an autoimmune condition that could be causing the eczema.

Many people go through their childhood and up to adulthood not finding the right eczema cure, and this can be a distressing condition to be in. Not only is it embarrassing, but it affects the self-esteem, and limits what would be regular routine activities we take for granted. They often find relief in a change of diet and lifestyle. You should consult with a nutritionist if you find that the available eczema cures are not working enough for you.

Want to find out more about eczema cure, then visit Author Name's site on how to choose the best eczema treatment for your needs.

Guest post by Marie Stevens

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Simple Technique To Battle Aging

Guest post by Agatha Harris

Many individuals think that putting up an anti aging therapy is pricey and too tough. With these simple drills, starting an anti aging regimen can turn rather an easy conquest – and trouble-free at that.

How? The basics set out with these three things: A good, protein-rich diet, regular exercise, at least eight hours of sleep… and well, relaxation. Let’s zoom in on relaxation.

Reflexology, or the special art of reviving pressure points on your feet, can aid trim down stress. And if you are relaxed and stress-free, you will look much, much younger. Contrary to popular notion, there are actually approach to alleviate stress directly.

One of which is pressing your thumb into the solar plexus point located right below the ball of your foot. Another tip is elevating your head when you sleep. Adding an excess pillow reduces puffiness around your eyes by draining fluids that usually pool around the eyes.

To boost your anti aging eye regimen, place a cold tea bag, a refrigerated cucumber or a chilled teaspoon over your eye areas. This will assist eliminate puffiness and thus cause you appear younger and more alert.

Another point to consider is to get perked up. Be enthusiastic and continue being lively. Anti aging has to start from within. Droopy eyelids and yawning barely show marks of youth. To have a smooth steady flow of energy throughout the whole day, try ginseng. It offers a better wake-me-up than the quick jolt provided by caffeine boosts.

Also, as the hand is a dead giveaway of one’s age, it is critical to cure your hands. Anti aging ranges to your hands too! To restore them, put on a good amount of cocoa butter lotion twice a day. Finally, move with poise, grace and elegance. Right posture is significant. Avoid slouching and

Sunday, July 03, 2011

What To Look For In An Acai Berry Product

The acai fruit is known to have many health benefits, among which is it's powerful antioxidant and detoxification properties. The acai fruit, also usually called acai berry are native fruit from central and south America such as Peru and Brazil.

The acai tree belongs to the palm family; the berry itself is a small fruit dark purple in color. When consume on a daily basis, this fruit helps to boost the energy level and digestive functions.

Acai berry products are plenteous on the Internet and at health food stores. It seems that the planet has caught on to the fact that the acai berry has one of the peak nutritional profiles of any food ever found on earth.

You can find products out there that take full advantage of the innate nutritional value of this little berry, however, there are also some second-rate products presented. In order to receive the inclusive nutritional potential of the acai berry the products must be processed with a outstanding technique.

The most notable thing you should look for in an acai berry product is the system of processing. This little berry is enormously perishable, so much so that it must be processed within 24 hours of leaving the tree in order to conserve the nutritional profile. Consequently, you will never see a garden-fresh berry beyond of Brazil. There are two main methods of processing these berries.

The outstanding method of processing the acai berry is by freeze-drying. The berries are picked and speedily flash frozen and dehydrated. The ensuing product is a freeze-dried powder that maintains the nutritional integrity of the fresh fruit.

The other means that is often used for processing is a spray-dried. Spray drying the berries extensively reduces the nutritional value. Spray drying uses heat, which destroys many of the nutrients right away. Then it utilizes maltodextrin as a drying agent. Maltodextrin is a short-chained starch sugar. When you buy spray-dried acai berry products you are getting a combination of the fruit and maltodextrin, rather than just the healthful fruit.

An added thing to look for on the ingredients list is the amount of the actual acai berry. If the ingredient list claims a “proprietary blend” that means that the company is not really telling you how much of the actual berry is contained in the product. A blend would be a mixture of acai and other perhaps inert ingredients. Look for a product that is exact in how much of the actual berry is included.

Other things to be alert of are other ingredients such as magnesium stearate, maltodextrin, rice or silica. These are filler and flowing agents and they reduce the authentic nutritional value of the product by dropping the amount of authentic acai berry.

In case you are looking for the great nutritional results that are potential with acai berry products then make sure that you get a product that is freeze-dried powder with the highest strength of the actual acai berry.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Those Little White Lies About Teeth Whitening

Little White Lie #1

The Lie: The best way to get whiter teeth is to use whitening toothpastes.

The Truth: No one would argue that you shouldn't brush your teeth regularly and whitening toothpaste certainly couldn't hurt. Brushing your teeth is vital to the health of your teeth as well as being a basic tenet of good hygiene.

However, the ingredients in whitening toothpastes just don't spend enough time in direct contact with your teeth to provide the kind of results that people tend to believe that they have.

The saliva washes any of the whitening agents away quickly, keeping them from staying in contact for a duration long enough to produce an effect.

Additionally, whitening toothpastes are formulated with whitening agents in concentrations far too low to have much of an impact even supposing that these ingredients weren't washed away quickly by your saliva.

Whitening toothpaste is a great idea but until some radically different type of toothpaste is developed, you won't see any results from these toothpastes that any other type of toothpaste can't produce.

Little White Lie #2

The Lie: Having your dentist whiten your teeth is the best way to get a brighter, whiter smile.

The Truth: Yes, it is true that your dentist can help you to get whiter teeth. However, you don't have to go to your dentist to get the same effect.

The whitening agent which your dentist uses is almost invariably either Carbamide Peroxide or Hydrogen Peroxide: the same whitening agents used in do-it-yourself tooth whitening systems.

The degree to which any tooth whitening procedure is effective is dependent on how concentrated the whitening gel is and the amount of time that the gel spends in contact with the surface of the teeth.

You can get the same results by using a whitening solution with a high concentration of peroxide for a short time (this is the general rule with a whitening procedure performed by a dentist) or using a whitening solution containing a lower concentration of peroxide for a longer time (the way that at home teeth whitening systems usually work).

Of course, there is one other thing to consider here: price. The cost of an office visit and whitening procedure performed by your dentist is far higher than the cost of a whitening treatment which you can administer yourself at home.

The results are the same, but the price of doing it yourself is usually 25% or less than the cost of having your dentist perform the procedure. Knowing this, it should come as no surprise to you that more and more people are choosing home tooth whitening systems.

Little White Lie #3

The Lie: All tooth whiteners produce the same results.

The Truth: There is a lot of difference between tooth whitening solutions. Some products are very effective and others are nearly worthless.

Where these products differ is in the whitening agents which are used. Different products may use one or the other of the two most common whitening agents - but the real difference is in the concentration of these agents, which is what really separates an effective product from one which doesn't get results.

Before you choose an at home whitening product, you should examine the available alternatives, keeping in mind what type of staining you're seeking to reverse and how severe this staining is.

Little White Lie #4

The Lie: Tooth whitening is harmful to the teeth and gums.

The Truth: Tooth bleaching does not harm your teeth or your gums. The whitening agent is applied directly to your teeth and a process of oxidation begins which dissolves the deposits of organic materials which stain or discolor teeth.

No harm is done to the teeth or the gums - it is possible that the teeth may temporarily become sensitive, though this is a short-lived side effect which can be eliminated by reducing the time that the agent is applied to the teeth.

Some whitening gels can also cause minor irritation to the gums - this usually happens because the whitening trays used in the procedure are poorly fitted. This is why using an at home tooth whitening system which uses custom-fitted whitening trays is always the best way to go.

Little White Lie #5

The Lie: Using whitening strips is the best way to get whiter teeth.

The Truth: There's that word "best" again. However, it is not the case that whitening strips are the best, or even among the best methods of tooth whitening.

The problem is that no two people have the same teeth, meaning that a whitening strip can't conform to the surface of your teeth perfectly. Grooves and depressions in the teeth aren't affected and even in the best case scenario, a whitening strip can only get the front of your teeth.

You'll get uneven whitening and very unattractive "stripes" of stained teeth - something which can actually look worse than before you started using the strips!

Little White Lie #6

The Lie: Thermoform trays are cheaper and work just as well as custom whitening tray.

The Truth: In reality, you do need a custom whitening tray to get the best results. You wouldn't assume that someone else's dentures would fit you properly, would you?

A custom tray properly fits your teeth, unlike a whitening strip or a thermoform tray, which leaves unattractive stripes of staining and discoloration where they don't completely stay in contact with your teeth.

A custom tray can also prevent gum irritation by keeping the whitening gel from leaking out of the tray - providing more efficient whitening and less potential for irritation.

Little White Lie #7

The Lie: Paint-on tooth whiteners are the best at home tooth whitening products since they're the easiest to use.

The Truth: If only it were so easy! These products sound like a good idea, but they have the same problem as whitening toothpastes - your saliva will tend to wash away the whitening agent. These products also usually contain very low concentrations of the active ingredient to prevent irritation to your gums and lips.

Other paint on tooth whiteners are basically whitewash for the teeth and do nothing to actually remove stains and discoloration.

Little White Lie #8

The Lie: Teeth whitening systems which use electroluminescence in conjunction with a whitening gel work better than systems which only use a gel because of the high-tech light technology activating the ingredients of the gel

The Truth: As it happens, these products are neither new and high tech nor are they effective. Electroluminescence may look impressive, but it's the same technology used in many children's toys and to provide back lighting for cell phones.

The electroluminescence definitely looks cool, but does nothing to make the whitening agents work better - it is a marketing ploy and nothing but.

Little White Lie #9

The Lie: Tooth bleaching produces the same results for everybody.

The Truth: Everyone's teeth are as individual as they are - and so are their stains and discoloration. There are stains which are more easily bleached away than others.

Yellowish teeth are the easiest to whiten, brownish teeth harder to bleach and grayish stains are the hardest of all to whiten through bleaching.

Little White Lie #10

The Lie: Swallowing tooth whitening gel is harmful

The Truth: Any tooth whitening procedure involves swallowing some of the whitening gel used. It doesn't matter what type of system you choose, the chances of swallowing a small amount of whitening gel are 100%.

There is no risk of injury from swallowing these miniscule quantities of tooth whitening solutions; they may not taste fantastic, but you won't be doing yourself any harm.

Before you buy teeth whitening products online please be sure to go to Teeth Whitening Trays for information you need to know about health issues when using teeth whitening products.Also see more information on where to find the best whitening strips.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Severe Acne Treatment

Guest post by Daniel Hyde
Are you worn out, looking around for the best treatment option for your severe acne? You are not alone, it has happened to many others too. May be, your own situation was not even as terrible as that of my pal who was bugged daily with numerous and insistent acne.

Every single day the road for him would end up in nearby drug stores, bending over several bottles and containers earmarked for acne treatment. The medications share several similarities.

Wondering Why There Are So Many Similarities Among Acne Treatment Medications at a Local Store?

Wonder no more! Do you want to know the secret? All acne drugs are typically made out of same kind of elements. And the reason is not far to see; at its very heart, acne is just an accumulation of under-skin oil that was stubborn and could not be dried out from some pores in the skin.

Therefore, over eighty percent of the acne medications found over-the-counter are skin-cleansing based, to help the opening of the pore and to stop the skin from accumulating extra oil in the interim.

Puzzled with Way too many Choices?

When faced with chronic acne, it can be very distressing and you would want to try out so many things to see it disappear! Sometimes you get confused and overwhelmed with the many choices dancing before you that you don't know just what to do.

The local stores will make available to you an impressive selection and different choices such as soaps, creams, pads and many more. After applying all these; just few days later, you will be looking at the dreadful condition again in front of your mirror!

It May be that You Need a Natural Remedy.

If you have cystic acne which is a kind of chronic acne, you would need thorough medical directives to deal with it. The cystic acne results from the outbreak of the elements of under-skin pimple; this type of acne is chronic in nature and would require satisfactory medications and treatment.

In addition to medical cures, there are certain natural home remedies that are useful in overcoming chronic acne like cyst acne. One of several natural treatments for severe acne is the use of apple Cider vinegar; it is also a confirmed home made cure for different types of acne. This natural acne treatment method works to bring the pH balance in the skin steady, to ensure that the sufferer can swiftly overcome acne problem.

One more natural treatment for severe acne is the combination of water and baking soda; this is effective to get rid of excess oil when applied to the skin. For making this combination far better for painful cystic acne, you can add a small amount of sea salt to it.

Aspirin and honey work as well; apply a mixture of crushed aspirin and water on your face, wash off after couple of minutes and apply honey to function as skin moisturizer as well as anti-bacterial agent. This homemade remedy will help with the treatment of severe acne.

Other natural treatments for severe acne includes aloevera (which is often applied straight to the face), mango and lemon mixture (to be washed off after few minutes) and also neem and turmeric.

More Aggressive Methods.

Often, chronic acne manifest with redness, severe skin damage and scarring, requires more intense treatment program by the dermatologist. Such treatment involves drainage and surgical excision, Isotretinoin, Oral antibiotics and a few others.

If you're confused about what to do with your chronic acne problem, it is wise to seek advice from a dermatologist.

Treatment for severe acne in seven simple steps by Acne Resource Center, a blog by Daniel Hyde about acne cures.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Cancer Drug Kills

Cancer treatment can be very costly due to the expensive drugs formulated to combat cancer cells. If you are not cover by medical insurance, ongoing and prolong cancer treatment could potentially wipe off your entire life savings.

The standard treatment for cancer usually involve chemotherapy and cancer drug medication. Don't be surprise that alot of these so called cancer drugs has serious side effects, many of which could lead to death. So in other words, you might just be paying expensive cancer treatment and medication that which might kills you before the cancer cells do!

Check this out about Avastin, a cancer drug that has potential serious side effects when use in conjuction with chemotherapy.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Magnesium is Necessary for Optimum Health

Guest post by Neil ButterField

It is well known that minerals are vital to maintaining good health. Most people make sure to get enough calcium and iron. There are other less well-known minerals that have a tremendous impact on well-being. Magnesium is one such mineral. Sadly, 61% of adults do not meet the US RDA for magnesium. Receiving the health benefits of magnesium can be as simple as taking a magnesium supplement.

When it comes to treating and preventing osteoporosis, magnesium excels. In osteoporosis, the bones lose a lot of their calcium making them weak and prone to breakage.

Magnesium works to increase the absorption of calcium. Magnesium also helps to balance the various chemicals that the body uses to influence the bone density and how much calcium the bones use.

It increases the density of the bones by making the calcium more readily available for use. This is important because unused calcium can settle out in the kidneys to form painful stones.

It can also cause muscle cramps and pains. By balancing calcium intake with magnesium, the calcium is used more efficiently and problems like muscle cramps and kidney stones can be avoided.

Magnesium also helps control high blood pressure. Magnesium does this by relaxing smooth muscles in the arteries that cause them to dilate. Studies suggest that through this action and its ability to work with potassium to manage blood pressure, magnesium helps to prevent hypertension.
Adult-onset or type 2 diabetes also seem to be be affected by magnesium deficiency. The break down of carbohydrates in the body requires magnesium.

If there is a lack of magnesium, insulin resistance can result. This is a state in which the enzyme used by the body to balance our blood sugar does not work properly.

More insulin becomes necessary to change the level of blood sugar. This often is a precursor condition to full type 2 diabetes. Getting sufficient magnesium increases the efficiency of carbohydrate metabolism and prevents the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Since magnesium has such an effect on diabetes and hypertension, it only seems natural that it would be a factor in cardiovascular health as well. Indeed, it is.

Low magnesium is often associated with irregular heart rhythms. Sufficient levels of magnesium also help prevent abnormal clotting of the blood in the heart. Several studies have suggested that magnesium supplements can help lower the risk of stroke and heart disease and may help patients recover from strokes and heart attacks.

Much of the population does not get enough magnesium. This mineral influences a number of vital processes and in the body. This makes it one of the more important minerals of which to get an adequate amount.

Supplementation is an excellent way to receive the many health benefits magnesium provides. A recommended supplemental amount of magnesium is twice the amount as any calcium supplements. Another recommendation is to use liquid mineral supplements.

Liquid minerals are much more readily absorbed by the body and make a far greater amount of the magnesium available for use by the body's cells. Don't you owe it to yourself to make sure you benefit from the correct level of magnesium?

To learn more about the power of magnesium supplementsas well as other important mineral supplements, visit us online and download your FREE audio Minerals: What your body needs and why. Neil Butterfield is the owner of Mineralife and is also their mineral supplement expert, Mineralife is recognized nationwide for its quality mineral supplements.