Chicken pox is considered to be a mild childhood disease and not detrimental to a patient who is in good health. Did you know for the fact that studies done over the years indicates it is the leading fatality when the statistics are compared to mumps,measles,whooping cough and Haemophilus influenzae type B meningitis.
At least 15,000 people are warded to hospitals each year for this disease, 60% of them being children. On the average from a thousand sufferers only five require hospitalization, and in most case it is none fatal.
The category of people who are at the greatest risk of suffering serious complications from this disease are mostly adults even though infants are also at high risk, forty percent of the mortality rate are still children. That implies a staggering 60% of death associated with chicken pox are adults!
Varicella Zoster virus infection is dangerous to pregnant woman who risk giving birth to baby with serious defects. Adults with very weak immune body system risk bacteria infections, particularly from group A streptococcus bacteria.
Streptococcus bacteria secondary infection as a indirect result of chicken pox albeit being mild can in some circumstances leads to fatality as it spreads to muscle, skin soft tissue,fat or even the blood resulting in toxic shock syndrome, commonly recognize as the dreaded necrotizing fasciitis infection( also better known as flesh-eating bacteria) even though it is very rare.
Adults are also more prone to bone and join infections, pneuomonia and in some rare cases brain infection. Adult with weak immune system also risk getting shingles even after they have recover from chicken pox.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Adults Risk To Chicken Pox

adult chicken pox,
toxic shock syndrome
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