Saturday, May 31, 2008

A trimmer you!

Stop Eating When You Feel Full.
This is something most people won’t, or don't, do. Especially those that are in the 'clean plate' club and don't like to leave extra or left over food on their plates. Honestly, there is absolutely no shame in leaving that extra portion of food on your plate. When your tummy feels full, just push yourself away from the table and say "No More For Me Thanks!".

Eat Something Before You Go Grocery Shopping.

It recommended that you should eat something before you do any out of the house, or in house for that matter, activity that will burn calories. But, the main reason for going grocery shopping on a full stomach is that you will be less inclined to purchase all those fattening junk foods because you are not hungry so you aren't tempted by those types of food choices. You will be able to stay on track and only purchase those things you need from the grocery store instead of packing your cart with weight packing foods!

No Eating After 7p.m or 3 hours earlier before you go to bed.
This can be extremely difficult to do. Especially when most happy hours and free strolling happen after 7 o'clock! If this is the case, then you should eat before you go out for leisure hours. Most foods are not properly burned off if eaten after 7 o'clock p.m. So, it's best if you eat long before this time rolls around. However, you can eat something healthy such as fruits or vegetables minus the fatty dips if you really need to snack on something.

Eat In Moderation With Smaller Portions.
Take smaller portions of those calorie packed goodies. This way, you can still partake of all the wonderful eats without packing on all the extra pounds that go along with all those goodies. And remember too to balance out the bad foods, or those that are packed with sugars and carbohydrates, with good foods such as plain fruits and vegetables.

Take A Few Extra Walks or Longer Walks.
Walking is a terrific form of exercise, and can be a great cardiovascular work out in colder temperatures. If possible don’t drive or take any public transport if the distance is reasonable and that you are not in hurry to get something done. Enjoy Mother Nature, give yourself a break and relax your body and mind by taking leisure walks in the park and etc. I spend considerable time walking while I was in Beijing and Baoding last week. Even though I had hearty and more than usual heavy lunch or dinner, the long casual work particularly during the evening (its hot now though during mid noon since it is summer) helps to burn off the calories.

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