Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stress reduction with meditation

Reducing your Stress Using Meditation

Many people have stress these days. We have it due to school, work or home issues. There are some people that can leave it all behind while others are facing the burden everyday.

The Art of Stress

With General Adaptation Syndrome, the model designed by Hans Selye, identified the three stages that people will go through when they are stressed out.

With the first part, the body will go on a kind of alarm system that will help it to realize a threat. With this state, Cortisol is released through the body.

The second stage is when the body will become unable to deal with the stress until it is deleted.

The last stage will help the body break down and this will cause exhaustion in the immune system. This can make it hard for the body to fight off illnesses and many people will get sick.

How does Meditation Relieve Stress?

Meditation can be a great method to help reduce stress in a person’s body. With the calming mind that it gives you, a person will feel more in control and be able to deal with certain things better.

With the reduction of stress this does mean that you are done with meditation. The stress that your body goes through will make your immune system prone to getting sick easier. With reducing your stress in the body, you will be better able to stay healthy.

Practicing meditation will help to improve your health and give you a better shot at fighting off illnesses.
Medical research has shown that meditation is effective and practical and convenient technique for managing stress. Meditation helps to divert the mind away from problems that are causing stress. It provides the body the required time to relax and recuperate and clear away stress hormones such as cortisol that may have built up

The next time you are stressed out, you need to think about calming the body down. Your problems may no always go away, but you will be able to better emotionally deal with them.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Contaminated weight loss products

I have been down with flu the past few days Anyway, as usual, many people said that I don’t look ill at all despite the fact that I was having a fever of 38 degree C. Thank goodness, I recovered fully just in time for the Chinese New Year festive celebration.

Heads up for those who wish to consider the ‘easy way out’ on getting rid of excess fats. Of recent, about 30 or more of the so called fat buster products from China were being black listed by the US FDA for presence of dangerous substances which may cause cancer and other health risks. To make matter worst, most of the dangerous and even ban substances are not listed as part of the ingredients of the products.

One of the key dangerous ingredients is sibutramine and is used in many anti obesity prescription. In high dosage it post serious health risk and were found to be 3 times the maximum recommended dosage in many of these China made products.
Some of the pills also contain certain ingredients to induce laxative effect such as Phenolphthalein. Phenolphthalein is now a ban substance as it has been proven to cause cancer.

For further information, check it out the weight loss products

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Improve quality of sleep

It is quite common to have television, radio, hifi set or even computer notebooks in bedrooms. Generally speaking it is usually not a good idea to have any items in the bedroom that may distract you from sleep. You may not even realize that some of the usual habits and stuffs that you do may actually cause you to lose quality sleep.

I have the habit of turning on the TV when I go to bed. It just comes naturally since the TV cabinet and the DVD player is just situated right in front of the bed and the TV remote controller is usually placed beside the pillow. What is supposed to be short TV movie watching turn into a two or three hour bedtime TV and by the time when I realize it and decided to turn it off, it’s closed pass midnight or beyond.

When I finally switch off the TV and call it off a day, well the bad thing is that I usually ended getting up once or twice each night, either to relief myself or it just so happen that I just can’t sleep properly due to whatever reasons such as drinking too much caffeine laden drinks such coffee or tea perhaps. When I get back to bed, my fingers automatically does its ugly job, press the TV remote control and there goes my mind wondering aimlessly watching TV programmes no matter how boring it is.

Watching TV just before you go to bed may be too stimulating for the brain. The pineal gland which is responsible for regulating sleep pattern may be disrupted by watching TV just before bedtime. Thus if possible, try to move the TV away from your bedroom of otherwise, make it point to disconnect the TV power socket from the main just before you sleep.

Getting adequate sleep is extremely important to our health. Lack of sleep could result in obesity, lost of mental focus, hardening of the artery walls, high blood pressure and imbalance hormone to name a few. Our body repairs itself most effectively while we are asleep.

PS: I have to admit though at times said is easier than done. My TV in the master bedroom has broken down for over a month and I am very much tempted to replace it with a small LCD TV (it is almost impossible to buy normal CRT TV nowadays). For now, I am in no hurry to get a replacement TV , well I am hoping to get a big sale bargain later.

On a footnote, here's an article on calcified fetus found in 90 year old woman. It is not something new though, but the fact that its found in a 90 year old woman is something that's not usual though.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Blame it on the hormone

Now here’s an interesting topic on hormone. Medical science now has more data to associate aging with hormone imbalance but what about infidelity?
Check this out on my sex hormone did it.not me.
Now it seems that some ‘smart’ researches claim the human sex hormone is to be blame when a woman cheats on you. Incredulous isn’t it? So next time if a woman cheats on her husband and play hanky panky behind his back, blame it on her hormone.

I wonder what’s next after this? Someone robs you of your money, punch you and even commit murder, blame it on the DNA and hormone? What has this world becomes?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mind reader

Ever wonder what it would be like if people can read your thoughts and observed what your brain visualize on a giant screen? This is no longer science fiction. Japanese scientist reported that they had created the technology that is capable of displaying on the computer screen what’s on a person’s mind.


Thus Hollywood science fiction movies on capturing or recording a person’s dream on a computer system for subsequent digital playback and interpretation are neither far fetch nor a possibility of the distant future. It is going to be reality sooner than we think.

Come to think of it, it is kind of scary isn’t it? Certainly I would not want my personal thoughts and dreams to be a public viewing content. Such technology would prove invaluable to solving crimes along the breakthrough technology such as the like of DNA identification and lie detector test though.

No one knows for sure the consequences of such a technology on human social impact. On one hand, this technology brings along with it a whole plethora of new exciting applications and challenges. For instance, a teacher could immediately know if a student understood the subject being taught or the student is day dreaming. A pastor or preacher would know if any church member attendee is asleep or day dreaming during the sermon.

In another 10 years or so, such technology might probably become mature enough to be economically deployed in cheap portable gadgets. Everyone can read anyone’s mind via such and such miniature mind reader gadgets. I wonder what the world is going to become when that time comes. Perhaps there could be some form of regulation to restrict deployment of such technology but as usual, there will always been some smart Alex around who is able to go around hacking and cracking security protection around such devices.

What is going to become of the world by then with such technology within the reach of the common mass? Well, no one knows for sure, it is such an exciting technology and at the same time worrying too.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Calorie restriction

One of the theories of aging suggests that the human cell has a limited number of times it can divide. Cells split to help repair and regenerate themselves. The cell’s ability to divide is limited and eventually stops dividing and hence dies. Some research done indicates on the average a cell is able to divide at most fifty times. As cell divides, there is possibility it loses some of its genetic DNA blueprint information until eventually there is simply not enough DNA information left to complete the any sort of division.

Thus one of the key aspects of slowing down aging is by delaying the division of cells. It was observed that nutrition has a great effect on cells and notably overfed cells divide much faster than underfed cells. Lab experiments indicates that underfed animals live longer thus calorie restriction in some way does plays a part to contributing to reduce cellular damage.

The exact cause is not known, it is postulated that underfed animals are subjected less to inflammation caused by insulin and glucose damage or that less radical activity takes place when the body is underfed. It is possible that calorie restriction helps to reduce metabolic rate and this helps the body to reduce the generation of free radicals which are harmful to the cells.

Thus it is easy to understand by fasting is good for health. Fasting helps to restrict calorie intake which in turn cause the body cells to slow down its division and in other ways helps to lower cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure.
Calorie restriction with adequate nutrition enables the body to boost up immunity. The human hormone DHEA level is found to increase when the body is subjected to calorie restriction and thus the increased of DHEA due to calorie restriction would help to contributes to reduce incidences of kidney disease and other possible cancer risks. Check out my earlier post on DHEA effect on aging.

In summary, reduce intake of calories by means of eating in moderation might be one of the answers to attaining the fountain of youth.