It is quite common to have television, radio, hifi set or even computer notebooks in bedrooms. Generally speaking it is usually not a good idea to have any items in the bedroom that may distract you from sleep. You may not even realize that some of the usual habits and stuffs that you do may actually cause you to lose quality sleep.
I have the habit of turning on the TV when I go to bed. It just comes naturally since the TV cabinet and the DVD player is just situated right in front of the bed and the TV remote controller is usually placed beside the pillow. What is supposed to be short TV movie watching turn into a two or three hour bedtime TV and by the time when I realize it and decided to turn it off, it’s closed pass midnight or beyond.
When I finally switch off the TV and call it off a day, well the bad thing is that I usually ended getting up once or twice each night, either to relief myself or it just so happen that I just can’t sleep properly due to whatever reasons such as drinking too much caffeine laden drinks such coffee or tea perhaps. When I get back to bed, my fingers automatically does its ugly job, press the TV remote control and there goes my mind wondering aimlessly watching TV programmes no matter how boring it is.
Watching TV just before you go to bed may be too stimulating for the brain. The pineal gland which is responsible for regulating sleep pattern may be disrupted by watching TV just before bedtime. Thus if possible, try to move the TV away from your bedroom of otherwise, make it point to disconnect the TV power socket from the main just before you sleep.
Getting adequate sleep is extremely important to our health. Lack of sleep could result in obesity, lost of mental focus, hardening of the artery walls, high blood pressure and imbalance hormone to name a few. Our body repairs itself most effectively while we are asleep.
PS: I have to admit though at times said is easier than done. My TV in the master bedroom has broken down for over a month and I am very much tempted to replace it with a small LCD TV (it is almost impossible to buy normal CRT TV nowadays). For now, I am in no hurry to get a replacement TV , well I am hoping to get a big sale bargain later.
On a footnote, here's an article on calcified fetus found in 90 year old woman. It is not something new though, but the fact that its found in a 90 year old woman is something that's not usual though.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Improve quality of sleep

Improve quality of sleep
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