There is a general misconception that rich people do not need to work as hard as ordinary folks because they have money. This is far from the truth. As a matter of fact, many rich people work as hard if not twice harder than the ordinary folks who live on day-by-day basis. Donald Trump, the multi billionaire once wrote that he sleeps less than 3 hours daily because there is just so much to learn and to do with regards to expanding his business empire. Donald Trump is a prolific reader who would spend much of his time to read as much as he could. That billionaire Manhattan business mogul understands that knowledge is power. How many of us could boast ourselves with regards to spending time to improve ourselves intellectually as compare to him? The way I see it, most of us ordinary folks prefer to idle away our time in canteen gossiping and talking about others.
There are those who would rather leave it to fate and luck to become rich. Just take a look at the crowds that gathers to try their luck with 4D and Toto bets. It is funny though that there are people who would rather spend time to queue up to buy lottery tickets rather than to pick up a book to improve oneself.
On a footnote I am afraid that the rich dad poor dad author does the general public and readers a disservice. His concept and idea that we should not trade time and effort for money earn is rather misleading. Robert Kiyosaki should have clearly point out that hard work alone cannot guarantee us success in life. We should work smart. Instead that fellow goes beating around the bush in his rich dad poor dad book that we should learn to take risks and all the nonsense how he became one of the most successful real estate agent in the world! I bet if here were born in Singapore he would probably become another statistic of the ordinary folks.!There are those who prefer to bury themselves in their work and claimed they have done their best but just that luck or fate is not on their side. How silly of these people! As the saying
Saturday, June 16, 2007
What is hard work?

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