Has it ever occur to you that sometimes it makes no difference whether you wash or don’t wash your hand after relieving yourself in the toilet? With the exception of auto liquid soap dispenser and auto on off water tap detection system, the on and off knob of most conventional water taps and conventional soap dispensers are very dirty. We push the soap dispenser or the turn on the knob of the water tap with our hands, wash our hands with soap, rinse it and then turn off the water tap with our supposedly after clean hands. We are back to square one isn’t it? Furthermore, we may even have to touch the handle of toilet doors when go in and out. So what difference does it make whether we wash or don’t wash our hand isn’t it?
How do we get around such problem then? Nothing much though, perhaps you can try to push the liquid soap dispenser or the water tap with your elbow instead of your hand. Similarly, why not use your elbow to push the lift button instead of using your fingers. It was reported years way back whereby the entire residents of a flat in Hong Kong were infected with SARS. How on earth could that happen when over 90% of those infected don’t recall having close contact with the main SARS culprit? Investigation points to the apartment lift buttons contaminated with the SARS gems.
So now you have it, use your elbow if possible and keep a handy wet tissue pack with you when you are outdoors. Clean your hands and fingers if necessary with wet tissue paper after you visit the toilet or push the lift or public transport alight buttons and etc.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Toilet hygiene

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