Eczema and psoriasis are both chronic skin diseases that can be simply confused by the layperson, however a dermatologist will usually be ready to inform the two apart simply from looking at the symptoms. But each skin diseases have distinct causes and require very different treatments, understanding the variations can help with obtaining an accurate diagnosis from a dermatologist.
While studies have shown that both eczema and psoriasis appear to have a genetic relation, both have entirely triggers and causes. However if you are feeling the requirement for absolute certainty in a diagnosis of eczema vs. psoriasis then a skin biopsy will be performed.
Eczema vs. psoriasis is characterized by skin that is itchy, scaly, and in severe cases could be raw, red, and could additionally bleed. Raised patches of reddish skin on the opposite hand indentify psoriasis; a white or silvery layer sometimes covers these patches and therefore the knees, elbows, scalp and lower back are most typically affected.
While psoriasis also seems in red, itchy patches there are typically silver or whitish layers on the patches, and therefore the skin lesions may also be painful. The areas that are full of skin lesions can additionally help to see if someone is littered with eczema or psoriasis.
The treatment of eczema vs. psoriasis sometimes involves the utilization of moisturizing creams that facilitate to take care of the natural oils of the skin. Psoriasis on the other hand is not associated with allergies and can typically happen in parallel with psoriatic arthritis. On the other hand skin lesions that seem on the inner arm and the rear of the knees are usually indicative of eczema.
In severe instances of eczema there may be the requirement to prescribe antibiotics to forestall bacterial infection where the skin is cracked and a chance of bacteria entering the lesions is possible.
In the case of psoriasis there are totally different types of treatment which will be used to get the condition underneath control and eventually to cure the disease. Some treatments will work for both eczema and psoriasis, though this is often not always the case as some cases of either disease need specific treatments.
It is necessary to keep away from scratching when managing each diseases as broken skin will result in the possibility of bacterial infection. A dermatologist will be ready to help verify the diagnosis, though a skin biopsy could facilitate to further make sure an initial verdict of either eczema or psoriasis.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A Way To Treat Eczema

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