Insomnia is normally not a fatal condition, but it could be dangerous. Not getting an adequate amount of rest may be dangerous when operating cars or trucks or other equipment and may even cause other health problems. Health professionals suggest that we get eight hours of sleep a night for a purpose.
Studies show that up to 200,000 motor vehicle accidents in the U.S. are caused by sleep-deprived drivers each year, and that 1,500 of the accidents result in death. Studies also show that approximately one third of Americans have admitted to dropping off to sleep while driving, and that 10% of the incidents led to a car accident. People who experience habitual drowsiness (insomnia or a different sleep problem) are more likely to go to sleep at the wheel than people who have normal sleep habits.
You might be surprised to learn that your sleep patterns could have an influence on how long you live. A 2002 study shows that people who sleep about seven hours a night have the highest life-span, whereas those who slept six hours or less, or eight hours or more had shorter life spans. Sleep loss itself doesn't cause you to have a higher mortality rate, but this same research revealed that people who took sleeping pills did have a higher death rate.
Not surprisingly, your sleep patterns can have a considerable impact on your quality of life. People with insomnia could have a quality of life that is just about as bad as people with chronic medical conditions, including heart disease. That's because individuals who have insomnia experience more fatigue, irritability, and poorer relationships with their friends and family than those who get enough rest. Insomniacs also have more attention and memory difficulties, which unfortunately result in more errors at work. All of these put together can definitely result in a decline in your quality of life.
Insomnia can have a significant effect on your mood (you know you're always grumpy whenever you do not get plenty of sleep). But it may also bring about depression or other emotional issues. Sleep disorders and psychological problems are usually so connected that in some cases treating a person for insomnia can alleviate or even cure their emotional problems.
As you have seen, not getting enough sleep can definitely take a toll on your body. Lack of sleep can do more than make us fatigued, it can result in accidents or major health concerns later on. If you suffer from sleep issues for more than a few nights or a few weeks, you should visit a doctor for sleep treatments as well as make sure there aren't any other health issues causing your sleeplessness.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sleep Deprivation And What It Could Do To You

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