The term Eczema is used for a group of health conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed or irritated. It is one of those problems that does not have a cure and may return at any time. You cannot be treated for it until what caused it in the first place is discovered. In the vast majority of cases the causes are related to the environment that the sufferers of this condition live and work in.
One theory is that it is caused by an imbalance in the body. This could happen when the amount of hormones the body is producing is too many or not enough. One such example would be when you have a low thyroid function. This will cause you to have poor blood circulation. The result of this being that your skin will develop the symptoms of the condition such as blistering, itching, and swelling.
Another possible cause for some patients could be what they eat. This has been suggested as a cause because quite a few of the patients have complained about an allergic reaction to what they have eaten just prior to the skin flaring up in blisters. This is quite possible, as any infection affects the immune system, and when this happens we are extremely vulnerable to other forms of infection that could cause this skin disorder.
It might not be the food that actually caused the allergic reaction though, you could have inhaled something, or even absorbed something through your skin. This would have increased the load on your digestive organs and affected your immune system.
Stress is also known to cause the skin disorder. Stress causes the body to produces cortisol, a hormone that destroys friendly bacteria in the intestinal tract which results in your digestive system becoming impaired. When that happens, more often than not, you will develop ulcers. This will affect other bodily systems and make you more vulnerable to infection. Should your skin disorder be related to stress then you will be advised to stay away from activities that may cause it to return.
When they have discovered what caused the flare-up of your skin, and this could be by trial and error, the doctors will be better equipped to help you. Obviously, and if at all possible, it would be better to remove any contact with the trigger from your life. And this will reduce the number of times you suffer from the blistering and itching of your skin.
Unfortunately if the cause is genetic there is not a lot you can do about it. The only thing a doctor can do in these cases is to tell you what you should do when it happens again, and what is the best way to prevent it from recurring. A good hygiene routine is probably the best advice, and also the application of moisturizers will help keep your skin healthy.
You can buy supplements and medication from the local drug store that will help you in your fight against your skin disorder. But unfortunately they will not cure it. There is little chance that doctors will ever be able to find the cause of these skin flare-ups as every patient who is diagnosed will probably have had something different that triggered it off.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Causes Of Eczema In Adults

skin disease
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