With so much emphasis on physical appearances today, it's no surprise that teeth whitening is popular. Physical appearance tops the list of most people as one of the first things they base their opinion of someone else on. The pressure is definitely on to be the best, not just the best at what you do, but the best looking too.
Store shelves are overflowing with pastes, creams, gels, even at home laser treatments that claim to whiten your smile in as little as a few days. Marketing gurus hone in on the insecurities people have, and because of it have hit the jackpot. They know your weak spot and aim for it ruthlessly.
First impressions are most likely formed on someone's physical appearance. When you describe someone, normally you will use a physical feature of theirs. It's more likely that you will say "Have you seen Jim? You know, the tall one?" as opposed to "Have you seen Jim? You know, the nice one?".
Most assumptions are made based on this as well. Perhaps you notice someone is underweight. You are more likely to assume that they have an eating disorder than to consider they may be ill or have other physical problems that have caused weight loss. Having this in mind is a pretty good reason for someone to want to always look their best and always strive towards a nicer physical look.
On top of this fear of being judged, there is a tremendous amount of pressure to be perfect coming from celebrities like models, actors, and music sensations. The pressure is on for both men and women. Svelte figures, smooth skin, and dazzling smiles are a must in show biz. For the non famous, this is a lot up to live up to. Many don't realize that pictures have been photo shopped, television cameras have special lenses, even microphones have filters and enhancers. Makeup artists airbrush the person to hide all the imperfections.
The average person buys right into his by doing everything possible to look like their favorite star. This breaks open the market for such whitening products. With the right ad campaign consumers are left with little choice but to cave in and buy the products that claim they will change not just your looks but your life.
Besides all this pressure from others to look your best at all times, there exists a pressure within oneself to look good. Some agree that their is no harsher judge than yourself. Their are some people who obsess so much over their looks that it turns into a disease. As if the pressures from outside sources were not enough, your own low opinion of yourself can drive you to do everything possible to look better. Hair care, skin care, diet, exercise and teeth bleaching top the list of many people's daily regimen.
Aren't you the first one to notice when you could afford to lose five pounds? Did you notice your earlobes are too long? You have yet another wrinkle popping up around your eyes? Your teeth are not the pearly white they once were, are they? No, surely you should buy some sort of teeth whitening gel right away to fix that. Yes, it's a cruel world indeed, when one can't even manage to love oneself.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
The Reason Teeth Whitening Is Popular

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