The question 'how to open a chakra' is an extremely important and crucial one since the seven chakras in a human body, located from the base of the spine to the crown of the head are powerful life force energy centers which needs to be opened so that the energy meridians can be balanced for smooth energy flow for the ultimate physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing of man. These chakras can be opened with the technique of Chakra meditation which uses specific mudras or hand movements and Sanskrit sound vibrations.
The base or root Chakra is called the Muladhar Chakra which is located at the last bone of the spine and is symbolized by a red lotus with four petals reflecting group identity and tribal power. To open this chakra, join the tips of your thumbs and index finger and concentrate on the area between your genitals and anus where this chakra is and then chant the Sanskrit sound 'LAM' slowly taking in deep breadths. Remember that the 'a' would be pronounced as 'ah' and end the M with 'mng' in a slightly resonating and vibrating mode.
The Swadhisthana Chakra is an orange lotus with six petals located in the sacral region of a human body. To open this chakra, in a sitting position, place both your hands on your lap, the right one being on top of the left one, with palms sides up. Gently let the tips of your thumbs touch each other and meditate with the sound 'VAM' focusing on the chakra symbol in its proper location.
The Soar Plexus or the Manipura chakra is symbolized by a yellow lotus with ten petals. To open this chakra for improving personal power, bring both your hands in front of your stomach, just below your solar plexus joining the tips of each of your fingers excepting the thumb and then cross the thumbs over one another. Remember to keep your fingers straight which are pointing away from you and then chant the sound 'RAM'.
The very important Anahata or the heart chakra given by the vivid green lotus with twelve petals can be opened by sitting cross legged, placing your left hand on your left knee and bringing your right hand in front touching your body at just below the breast with the tips of the index finger and the thumb joined. Concentrate on the central powerhouse chakra and meditate with the sound 'YAM'
To open the blue lotus with 16 petals of the Vishuddha or the throat chakra, join the tips of your thumbs and cross your fingers on the inside of your hands. Concentrate on the throat chakra resonating at the base of your throat and chant the sound 'HAM'.
The sixth chakra is the third eye chakra symbolized with an indigo lotus with two petals. Located between ones eyebrows, it is known as the third eye and is the beginning of the spiritual journey of man. To open this chakra, join the tips of your middle fingers and point them upwards, bend the rest of your fingers inside with the phalanges of the index fingers being joined and thereafter join the tips of your thumbs pointing them downwards. Chant the sound 'AUM' or 'OM' considered to be the most powerful sound in the universe.
The seventh and the highest is the Sahasrara Chakra, the violet lotus with a thousand petals reflecting the ultimate spiritual enlightenment of man. Remember not to work on this chakra before you have opened and grounded the Base Muladhar one. To open this chakra, bring both your hands in front of your stomach and cross all fingers like you do while in prayer. Then, lift up both your ring fingers and join the tips keeping the fingers straight, Moreover, cross your thumbs one over the other with the right one being on top and chant the sound of creation 'NG' concentrating and meditating on the lotus at the crown of your head.
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
A Brief Understanding Of How To Open Chakra

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