Are you going to be in deep trouble, is your health going to be impacted if you sleep less than eight hours everyday? Doctors and health practitioners believed so but the fact of the matter is that in today's fast paced stressful environment, more than often it is not possible to do so.
Nowadays and I am sure not just me but the majority of adults go to bed no earlier than 11pm evening and then wake up 6am or even earlier the next day. If everyone needs at least 8 hours of sleep everyday then I bet majority of the adults are in deep trouble.
My dad lived up to a ripe good old age of 84 before he passed on. He sleep for just slightly over 5 hours everyday, for almost thirty years as far as i recalled. Apart from diabetes which only sets in when he was into his 70s, he was in overall good health so to speak.
I am not sure how on the 8-hour sleep came about, just like no one knows based on what findings and data doctor says we must drink at least six glass of water everyday. As a matter of fact there is now mounting evidence indicating that over consumption of water can be damaging and risk to your health!.
There is no doubt that sleep deprivation and constant sleep disruption can be really damaging to health. Sleep disorder and lack of proper rest is the one the biggest contributor to cancer and other serious diseases. It is a known fact that lack of rest can lower immune system and cause hormones to become unbalance.
The key contention though is in regards to the number of hours a person need to sleep everyday. The way I think about it, I believed the 8-hour is a figure that comes out from no where and there is no data to substantiate it. It is probably a myth much like the six glass of water.
You won't die ahead of your time if you sleep less than eight hours everyday and your health will not deteriorate because of it. Some may require more rest, some require less, the exact amount of time one needs to recharge so to speak depends on individual.
It Is About Quality Sleep And Not The Number Of Hours
As the saying goes, too much good thing is a bad thing and that applies to sleep as well. Did you know that some health experts warns that sleeping more than 8 hours a day can endanger your health!
On one side they advice that everyone needs at least 8-hour of rest and on the other hand they also warned that sleeping over 8 hours a day can pose serious health problems!
The crux of the matter is not insomuch about how many hours you need but rather how well you sleep. Quality of sleep matters more because if are able to rest say just five or six hours everyday, you are still doing fine if you sleep well.
So what can you make up about the eight hour sleep mantra? Forget about it, it is a myth just like any other expounded by some health 'experts' with no data to substantiate such claim. Whatever the case, make sure you sleep well, that's the bottom line.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Do You Really Need 8-Hour Sleep Every Day?

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