One of the common false assumption that many people has in regards to weight loss is that they think reduction of fat intake will hep to lose weight. This is far from the truth.
As a matter of fact, you probably need to take fat to reduce fat. Sounds illogical but there are mounting scientific evidences to substantiate this theory in addition to testimony from people all over the world.
There are various types of fats but not all them are beneficial. Here are some of the benefits associated with oil found in some fatty diet that helps to boost your health.
- Safflower,flaxseed and fish oil can help to reduce blood sugar and increase good cholesterol.
- Helps to combat premature aging and reduce inflammation.
- The oil in some fatty diet is rich in polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fat,both which are known to help in protecting heart.
- Our bodies need healthy fats for instance our brain is made of fats and cholesterol
- Fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E & K) can't be absorved unless fat is present in our body.
- Oleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid helps in weight loss. The exact mechanism is not known , there are indications that it helps to keep little fat cells from growing big and at the same time maintain muscle which helps to burn fat.
My wife enjoys fatty food diet but not me because I find it a bit difficult to digest. When we go to KFC for a quick bite (as much as I know that KFC fast food is pretty much unhealthy, junk food to be precise) she will will consume the skin and leave the tender moisture meat for me.
She also enjoy taking all sorts of nuts for snacks, for instance, Macadamia, Hazelnuts, Almonds and etc. She don't like tooth sweetening stuffs such as chocolates, ice cream and pretty much prefer to take anything that is fatty so to speak.
Despite her high fat diet, her weight still seems to hover around normal range (between 49kg to 50kg is considered normal and ideal for a woman of her height of 160cm). She is not the sporty type and her routine exercise involved taking a short stroll after dinner.
In summary, reduce fat intake is not the answer to weight loss. You need to reduce sugar and carbohydrate consumption, exercise more and live a healthy life style.
Sunday, March 04, 2012
Eat Fat To Lose Fat

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