Thursday, February 01, 2007

Bachelors more prone to get aids?

Time sure pass quickly. I celebrated my birthday alone with cakes and tidbits in the evening. Poor Richard. Was a bit frustrated the day before yesterday when I was informed by my AIA insurance agent that I had to go for medical checkup with regards to the AIA investment fund that I sign up with about two weeks ago. I was rather upset with the AIA policy that states all new single male AIA policyholders of above 35 years of age must undergo compulsory AIDS blood test screening. I waited for almost 1 hour before I get to get the blood sample collection and other medical test done. To aggravate the situation, there was like seven or eight patients in queue the clinic to see the doctor.
Most of the patients were coughing and sneezing incessantly.I wonder if those married male above 35 years of age would not go hanky panky and go astray somewhat. A significant number of married males contracted aids through unprotected sex with other women and in doing so ended up passing the disease to their spouse. So much so for single male potentially having higher probability of contracting aids as compare to married men.

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