When someone attempt to cut into your drive lane and force his or her car right in front of you with disregards to traffic safety, devoid of any courtesy and expect you to give way what do you do? Point fingers, curse and swear, or just stand your ground and let that shit car of those idiots to knock onto yours and then settle it the hard old way. It is easy to understand why some people fly into road rage when idiots and inconsiderate badass goes about jumping queue and switching lanes abruptly. Of course, any harsh response from you to any of these inconsiderate people could probably see you landing on the wrong side of the law.
Well, quite often the best that we could do when dealing with such situation is just let that badass pass through if situation warrants it, take note of the car plate number, blog your way to let the public knows about the driver of this car. Write to the press, forums and any other communication media if necessary to put those people to shame. Better still, if possible, take a photo camera snapshot of the incidents, focused your snapshot on the driver and publish it to in the YouTube! Specify in YouTube the date and time of occurrence.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Badass attitude
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Our brain cells are severely impacted if it is deprived of oxygen, the vital life support elements carried by the blood stream. A stroke normally occurs when areas of the brain dies. The major caused of stroke is due to blockage of blood flow in the brain. Massive stroke can occur due to bleeding in the brain, mostly caused by burst blood vessels, normally known as brain hemorrhage. Not many people are aware though that low cholesterol in the brain could weaken the blood vessels and cause it to burst.
In many ways the underlying cause of strokes are identical to that of heart attacks, in particular the hardening of the arteries that thereafter causes plaque builds up.
When plaque builds up, it narrows the artery and gradually reduces blood flow.
We may not even notice the narrowing of the arteries since our body is adaptive and the symptoms might be detectable till it is too late.
However, plaque in the carotid artery (the main artery supplying the brain -- there's one on each side) is a ticking time bomb. At any time, it might cause the artery to clot off, starving the brain of blood. A portion of the plaque might break off, traveling downstream in the blood flow until it wedges in a smaller artery, blocking it and causing the part of the brain supplied by that artery to die. Physicians call this an embolus.
Another possible symptom of stroke is the sudden loss of vision in one eye. This symptom is caused by a tiny bit of plaque, that embolus which was referred to earlier, lodging in the artery to the eye. The first part of the retina to die is the area farthest from the blockage. Vision fades there, the darkness spreads as more of the retina dies.
Is stroke preventable? The answer is yes. As mentioned earlier most strokes underlying process is identical to those of heart attack. Apart from those beyond age 80s, it is possible to avoid stroke if we live a healthy lifestyle. Topping the list is 1) Do not smoke or stop smoking, 2) control your blood pressure and 3) cut down on alcoholic beverages drinks 4) maintain normal weight and exercise regularly and 5) reduce salt intake and have more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Low salt tomato based vegetable juice are rich in potassium which could help regulate our blood pressure.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Increase your chances of getting a seat with public transport.
It gets harder and harder to find a seat in the MRT train or the bus. The number of commuters taking public transports is increasing at alarming rate. Public transport companies are trying all means and ways to cut down on operating expenses due to the oil and fuel price hikes. What better way to maintain profit by taking the easy way out of not increasing the frequency of the number of bus or MRT train services thus resulting in longer waiting time and more passengers squeezing and jumping queues to catch the train or the bus. Chances are high that you wont be able to get a seat at all especially if the bus or train is crowded.
Unless lady luck is with you, most of the time you would probably find yourself standing in the moving bus or train and chances are high though the person who seats right in front or the back of you might not be alighting ahead of you so you got to use your common sense to figure out how to strategically position yourself in such ways that allows you higher chances of getting a seat when someone else alights.
I know it sounds real bad; anyway its every man for him or her self in today’s rat race world isn’t it? So what’s the tip for increasing your chances of getting a seat amidst the crowd in the bus or train? Plenty of to do tips though.
Rule 1:
Foremost, observed the person that sits in front or at the back of you. Is he or she sleeping? Move away from those who sleep soundly in their seat. Chances are high though you might be alighting ahead of them so why bother to stand near them.
Rule 2:
Move away from standing elderly people who might be waiting to catch the next nearest empty seat at soonest possible opportunity. I am not sure about you though, I would prefer not to vie for the same seat as those elderly people.
Rule 3:
Lady luck is with you if those people who sit near you are students and you recognize the schools they are from. Don’t move around, stick to where you are if the next bus or train stopover is nearest to where the school is. There is a high chance though they might just alight.
Rule 4:
Stretch your legs such that you have access to two seats instead of one. Don’t just stand and position yourself right in front of one particular seat. Position your legs such that one leg is within line of sight of one seat and another leg is within reach of the next adjacent seat. You chances of catching the next available vacant seat would be much higher since you now have two potential seats.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Low cholesterol pose risk to our health
We have been told time and again so to speak that high cholesterol is bad for health and that high cholesterol is the leading cause of stroke and heart attack. As a matter of fact this is grossly misrepresented and is far from the truth. Why is this so? Did you know that low cholesterol post risk to our health? Carry on reading and you will surprised, if not shock by the truth.
There are many people who are not aware that there is good cholesterol as much as there is bad cholesterol. In medical terms, LDL is known as the bad guy and HDL is known as the good guy (good cholesterol.) Anyway, that’s beside the point though.
I bet not many people are aware that 1) lowering cholesterol can make heart disease worse, 2) low cholesterol can trigger massive stroke that occurs when the blood vessel in the brain becomes so weak and it burst open and 3) low cholesterol can cause increase chances of cancer risk.
The human body is the most complicated and marvelously design piece of machine in the universe. It is hard to believe that such a complicated machine evolve out of nowhere. Cholesterol is a vital nutrient to the human body. Cholesterol constitutes one of the main components in our body immune system and helps our brain cells to function properly. When medical science steps in and attempt to program the body against what Mother Nature has governed, we do our self more harm than good.
Hard to believe though, as a matter of fact 25% of the human body cholesterol is stored in the brain. Low cholesterol could impair the brain function properly and indirectly linked to Alzheimer and depression thoughts.
As the saying goes, what you don’t know might not kill you; on the other hand what you know in partial truth may get you killed faster instead. Those of us who are health conscious go for periodic full body checkout. What do we do when we discover our body cholesterol is high? We seek medical advice and treatment. We take Statin drug or other medications to control and lower cholesterol level, not knowing the danger of the side effects of such drugs.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Blood type and personality
Does blood type affect our personality and character? Is it possible for us to determine a person’s trait by blood type? Is there such a thing as compatibility by blood groups? Is there any scientific element of truth in blood type personality? Is there any scientific evidence to link blood type to a person’s character? Since the 1930s and till today, there are many Japanese who believe in blood type personality traits so much so that some companies assign jobs and responsibilities according to blood group types.
Here’s a short summary of the personality and trait for the different blood types.
Type O:
Type O's are organized, outgoing, and risk takers. They can express truth very clearly, outspoken and sometimes mistaken for being stubborn. They are initiators, although they don't always finish what they start. Creative and popular, they love to be the center of attention and appear very self-confidence.
Type O’s people are warriors.
Type A:
Type A’s like to avoid confrontation and introverted. While outwardly calm, they have such high standards (perfectionists) that they tend to be balls of nerves on the inside. Type A's are the most creative and artistic of the blood groups. They can be shy, considerate, loyal to friends and are conscientious, trustworthy, and sensitive.
Type ‘A’ people are farmers.
Type B:
Type B’s are practical and strong personalities. Goal oriented, strong-minded and persistent, type B's will start a task and continue it until completed, and completed well. Type B's are the individualists of the blood group categories and find their own way in life.
Type ‘B’ people are hunters.
Type AB:
Type AB’s are unpredictable and are the split personalities of the blood groups. They can be good with money, outgoing and shy, confident and timid. While responsible, too much responsibility will cause a problem. They are trustworthy and like to help others.
Type ‘AB’ people are humanist.
Dr. D'Adamo in his book ‘The GenoType Diet’ explores diet connection to blood type. Better known as blood type diet, Dr D’Adamo believes people with certain blood type are more predispose and susceptible to different diseases. Even though most medical experts and doctors has ruled out Dr D’Adamo findings as without any proven basis and down right ridiculous, the book serves as nice reading though.
Have you ever wonder why there are different blood type and even so why not 10 or more different blood types? Why human blood type is confined to A, B, O and AB only?
At times I wonder Adam, the first man to walk on this earth has which blood type?
According to Dr D’Adamo, blood type ‘A’ initially appeared in Asia or Middle East somewhere in between 25,000 to 15,000 BC in response to new environment conditions.
Is that fact or fiction? You be the judge.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Herbal Ginkgo Supplement.
Herbal Ginkgo Supplement is one of the most widely advertised herbal supplements and you can easily get it from herbal supplement shops. This herbal supplement is made from the extract of leaf from the ginkgo tree. The used of Ginkgo in China has been dated back to 5,000 years.
Chinese medicine practitioners used the Ginkgo to promote regular blood flow, relief asthma and helps to keep the body healthy.
There are indications that Ginkgo may help to improve blood circulation and blood supply to the brain, works as anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent to protect the brain and increases sugar metabolism in the brain.
The leaf extract of ginkgo tree is filled with many organic compounds such as flavanoids and ginkolides that are believed to be particularly beneficial to the cells of the brain.
Although not scientifically proven, it is reported that Gingko may be good treatment for those having trouble with sleep.
Numerous studies indicate oral intake of herbal Gingko supplements helps to relief some of the painful legs from clogged arteries and benefits people with early onset of Alzheimer's disease.
Like any other herbal and vitamin supplements, ginkgo supplements should be taken in accordance to the required prescribed dosage.
Some of the side effects associated with Ginkgo are headache, decreased blood pressure, and in some very rare situations, mild stroke on people with history of seizures. High concentrations of Ginkgo intake may also affect male and female infertility.
Pregnant woman is strongly advised not to take Ginkgo since there is no substantial research being done to indicate its safety.
Overall, ginkgo leaf extract has many health benefits and if in doubt consult a medical doctor before taking this herbal supplement. Herbal Gingko supplement has been used widely and the benefit far outweighs the side effects.
Attached a photograph of a gingko tree with me in the foreground.
Adult toys
Check out the following
I wonder what else the creative Japanese will come out with next?
Barbie toys that can poo, pee and get pregnant?
Monday, June 16, 2008
Diabetic treatment with natural food.
Did you know that adding cinnamon into your diet could help to improve diabetic condition particularly if you suffered from insulin resistance? Studies and human trials indicate cinnamon could help to reduce blood glucose by as much as 30%.
Cinnamon provides sweetness to our taste buds without the side effect of causing blood glucose to spike. Cinnamon has many benefits. Besides being used for cooking, cinnamon can be used to treat painful menstrual periods, colds and nausea.
Bitter melon, also known as bitter gourd is also effective for treating of diabetes.
It is a vegetable often used by Asians as dishes. Substances in the bitter melon help sugar to enter the cell. It is rich in essential vitamins and minerals such as Iron, vitamin A, B1, B2, and C. It can be used to treat blood disorders and fungal disease.
Cocoa, the main ingredient of chocolate has many health benefits among them for regulating and controlling blood sugar. Diabetic patients that drank a special high-flavonol cocoa for one month discovered that the blood vessel function went from severely impaired to normal. Cocoa contains powerful anti oxidant properties. There are increasing scientific and medical evidence indicating cocoa flavonol helps to reduce blood pressure and improve people with brain cognitive defects.
Diabetes can be treated with natural food. Preventive is better than cure and thus we should eat natural food that helps regulate and maintain blood sugar at healthy level. Processed fine sugar is bad for health. Most of us do not realize that the all too often the food we eat contains sugar that enters quickly into bloodstream.
Like most medicines, be it synthetic or natural, taking large amount of cinnamon or bitter melon is not recommended as overdose may cause complications and in rare cases could be lead to stroke and internal bleeding. Chances are serious side effects rare though when taking natural medicine as compare to lab developed synthetic medicine.
Cinnamon and bitter melon should not be taken together with prescribed medication to control blood sugar as it might leads to low blood sugar. Pregnant women sensitive to bleeding are advised not to take cinnamon and bitter gourd as supplements.Cinnamon has blood thinning effect thus should not be taken together with prescribed blood thinning medications.
If unsure please check with your doctor on alternative treatments to ensure it does not interfere with prescribed medicines you are taking.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Ugly singaporeans
We complain and criticize foreigners, in particular Chinese nationals who spit everywhere. We complain and make fun of the terrible and indescribable sanity condition of the rest rooms of remote towns in China. No doubt there are certain truths to what’s being joke about and said regarding food and restrooms in China, however Singaporeans are not far better off either. The only reason why we don’t spit is not because we don’t think it is not hygienic to do so, rather because there’s the penalty and fine impose for such actions by the authority. I have all too often come across un-flushed toilets, even in the company where I am working for currently. These toilets are located in the engineering departments and generally my best bet is that engineers and higher-level management sometimes don't flush after they visit the loo.
Take the public transport such as MRT trains and bus for instance and soon we realize that the locals, both Singaporeans and Singapore PR lack social mannerism. There are those in their best attires and outfits, I guess educated ones who has no qualms of coughing and sneezing right in front of your face. For goodness sake, I wonder if any of these idiots has any considerations for others? For goodness sake, what is so difficult about taking up handkerchief or tissue paper to at least cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, the more so if there is someone standing right in front of you? Don’t these people have the slightest social mannerism at all?
It is easy for airborne disease such as flu and cough to spread to others in crowded areas with such bad habitual people around. It is common for people in Japan to cover their mouth with facemask if they have cold, flu or cough. Even small cities in China such as Baoding are practicing likewise. Worse still, if you get up from you seat and move elsewhere to distance yourself from those beside you who keeps coughing, you are frowned upon as being rude.
The government recently decides to enact new laws that allow police to arrest those suspected of spreading contagious disease, in particular airborne disease knowingly and intentionally without any prior warrant of arrest. Perhaps it is time authority establishes and impose facemask requirement for those who catch the cold and flu as well. So much so for Singapore world-class public transport systems, third world behavior and altitude though.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Holiday travel first aid kits and medicines
Always remember to bring along first aid kits and medicines when traveling for business or holidays. Bring along medical supplies such as the following
1) Anti diarrhea medication. (Charcoal tablets for instance)
2) Anti gastric and stomach tablets (Antacid, Bismack or Weisen U for instance)
3) Allergy reactions medications. (Consult your doctor for the prescriptions).
4) Cough and flu medications
5) Fever and pain medications such as paracetamol or panadol.
6) Throat lozenges
7) Insect bites cream
8) Sleeping medications (melatonin)
9) Motion sickness & nausea medication.
10) Anti malaria tablets
11) Water purification tablets.
Also remember to bring along first aid kits such as antiseptic plasters and dressings.
Check out the weather, climate and any potential dangers at your destination choice. If possible check with your doctor regarding the need to vaccinate for the countries that you are visiting. If your choice of destinations is Asia then it is best to get vaccinations to protect yourself against diseases such as hepatitis A & B, cholera, typhoid, malaria and yellow fever. Water taps of countries such as China and India and many other third world countries are never safe for drinking.
If you cant have access to bottle drinks, always make it a point to boil water from the tap.
If possible, try to brink a portable water filter and purification system to remove some of the contaminants from the water.
Last but not least, always remember to buy travel insurance for the peace of mind and for the sake of your loved ones.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Baoding, Hebei
Baoding is a prefecture-level city of the Hebei province, China and located 140km south of Beijing, the capital of China. Baoding is considered a medium size city and has good connections to the other cities. Baoding is strategically located somewhere between Beijing and Shijiazhuang, the capital of the Hebei province. Interestingly it takes roughly the same amount of time to drive from Baoding to Beijing as it is from Baoding to Shijiazhuang. The Jingshi Expressway connects the city to Beijing and makes traveling extremely convenient. The Baojin Expressway links Baoding to Tianjin, another large city in the northern costal of China.
Baoding is a city with rich culture and historical background. The word ‘Baoding’ literally means protecting the capital. The city history dates back to as far as the Western Han Dynasty and play central stage role during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty. If you ever watch the movie the ‘Three Kingdom’ starring Sammo Hung and Andy Lau, you might perhaps recall some of the famous historical characters such as Liu Bei, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu who became sworn brothers in a small town nearby Baoding.
The city used to serve as the provincial capital till the early 1970 where the capital province was relocated to Shijiazhuang.
Baoding is well known for the health lifestyle practice by the residents and in fact quite rightfully called the famous health city. The city is well known for its traditions of respecting and loving the aged, and keeping in good health. It was reported that the average life span of the Baoding people is generally 5 or more years longer than the nation’s average life span. The Chinese exercise balls or Chinese Meditation balls also better known as Baoding balls, you can easily guess that it obviously originates from this city, created during the Ming dynasty.
I have been to Baoding a number of times, mostly for personal reasons. The city is vibrant and not as busy and hectic as the rest of the bigger cities in China. The pollution situation in Baoding is not as bad as Beijing either. Well at least I am able to admire the clear blue sky at times.
Some of the famous attractions nearby Baoding include the famous Lotus Pond, one of the top most beautiful gardens of China. The Orient Pearl, better known as the ‘Baiyangdian Hot Spring City’ is a must destination for tourist seeking good rest and sight seeing. Baoding has moderate climate. The four seasons are distinct with long winter and summer but short spring and autumn. The average temperature range from 0 to 13 degree C and the best time to visit the city is during autumn.
View Larger Map
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Get rid of toxins and heavy metals from tap water.
Singapore tap water is generally considered safe for drinking. Even though Singapore adopts a comprehensive improved water purification and filtration system that makes tap water generally safe for drinking, one always need to be mindful that the water pipes leading to the individual household, usually either made of either PVC or copper materials may degrades across time and thus may eventually contaminate the water one of these days.
Thus even though the water may be properly filtered at the water source treatment plants, soldered copper pipe joints containing lead may dissolved and eventually contaminate the water too. Water storage tanks used to store water in high-rise flats and apartments might be contaminated if it is not clean, sanitized and maintained regularly. Tap water is generally considered unsafe for drinking in many countries that are heavily polluted.
Tap water of heavily polluted countries such China and India are generally considered unsafe for drinking. Boiling tap water may help to kill gems but not getting rid of the heavy metals, organic, inorganic and dangerous hard to break down toxins. The tap water from some of these heavily polluted cities is even not considered safe for oral usage such brushing teeth.
One way to reduce water contamination is by installing water purification and filtering system in home. There are plenty of home water purification and filtration system available in the market. The most common systems are either based on carbon filtering or reverse osmosis principles. The filtering components or cartridges so to speak have to be change regularly. One of the most effective albeit rather expensive home water purification systems is the Diamond Energy Water Purification System.
You may be able to take precaution in reducing water contamination and soften the impact and effect drinking polluted water at home by installing the necessary water purification and filtering system but what if you are outdoors and have to take your breakfast, lunch or dinner outside? I bet apart for 5 or 6 stars hotels that may have water purification and filtration systems, the rest of the smaller eateries and food stores in China or India use tap water directly for cooking. Is there any easy way to get rid of the toxins from your body then? The answer is yes, apart from simple detoxification method such as applying foot detoxification plaster; one can also considered taking detoxifcation pills to expel heavy metals and toxins from the body.
Checkout the following product at:http://www.econugenics.com/offer/page/chelationpromo//
Generally it would be much more convenient and safer to apply foot detox plaster to get rid of toxins from your body.
Vitamins for Disease Prevention
There are many different aspects of the food that we eat that help to protect us. Our body can take the food that we eat and turn it into energy. However, our body cannot produce several things that we need in order to survive. In order to do the things that our cells need to do to be healthy and to get by in life, our body has to receive several types of vitamins and minerals. Our body does not make these vitamins and minerals; they are instead gleaned from the food that we eat. There are many ways to get vitamins and minerals from food, so a balanced and healthy diet is always recommended. If you are eating foods from all of the food groups in a balanced manner, you are going to find that you are getting the correct vitamins and minerals. This means that your cells are going to be able to do the work that they need to do to make your body function correctly.
However, if you are not able to get the vitamins and minerals that you need, you are going to find that actually your body is not able to function. This is why some people choose to use vitamin and mineral supplements – because they know they aren’t get the proper amount of vitamins and minerals through what they eat.
Whether you get your vitamins through the food that you eat, or through supplements, there is no joke that they are very good for you, and in fact they are essential for you to stay healthy. One of the main jobs that vitamins and minerals do for you is the prevention of disease. When you have the correct vitamins and minerals, your cells are going to be able to break them down and use them in many different ways. The best way that they can use the vitamins and minerals is to use them to strengthen themselves and to put up barriers against disease. The barriers that are built with the correct vitamins and minerals are going to allow you to not get sick as often and to not be as prone to disease.
If you truly want to be healthy, you should make sure that you have a balanced diet that includes the vitamins and minerals that are needed to make your body strong and healthy. This will increase your immune system, helping to prevent all kinds of illnesses.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Beijing delicacies

There’s a joke that the Chinese eats almost anything under the sun, with the exception of the table and chair, anything can be cook and eaten. Probably that explains why you can find Chinese in almost every part of the world. Chinese are very adaptive to all sorts of environment and cultures.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Gearing your mind with success thoughts
The difference between those who make it and those who don’t is that some of these successful people are success-minded. And when one is success-minded, he or she will spent a certain period of time every day mentally going ‘into’ himself or herself, evaluating his or her own needs, requirements, goals, mistakes, focus, and talents. The process of ‘going into oneself’ is akin to concept of having mind power capabilities.
So, if you think you want to achieve financial success and financial independence, go ask your mind for one. You can overcome anything, even the financial burden of buying a big nice house – if you really want it your mind will help you devise a plan to achieve it.
By your very thoughts of virtualized success, you will unconsciously create the extra energy to spur yourself towards your achieving your goals. Successful and top sports men and women always fill their thoughts with success even before the competition begins.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Create A Realistic Plan For Success
Every one of us wants to be successful, but we often rely on luck and chance to achieve our goals. The best example in this case is someone who wants to get rich but only has one alternative: playing the big sweep or 4D lucky draw. Of course, there are chances of becoming rich over night, but how likely is it that this will actually happen? Creating a realistic plan in order to achieve the desired results is vital in any case, no matter how high or low your hopes are.
The safest way to do this is by taking successive steps and gradually increasing your chances of reaching your ideal. Try to think of a metaphor and compare your desires with a professional swimming competition. The first thing you need to do, in order to have chances of winning the race, is to make sure you are not afraid of the water. Before you even consider entering the race you have to eliminate your fears. They are the ones holding you back, but be careful, some of your fears might save you from getting hurt or failing.
Once you are convinced that your goal is worth fighting for, you have to start the hardest stage in you plan: preparation. You cannot expect to win a professional swimming race when you don’t even know how to swim. Start with the basics and never skip any steps out of desire of reaching your goal faster. The experience and knowledge you are skipping will probably come back and hurt you later on. Prepare by taking gradually increasing steps. Swim half a lap first, and then move on to a full lap. Your skills will progress each time and you will soon beat your own lap records every time you enter the swimming pool. It might take days, weeks or years to prepare for the “race”, depending on what your goals are. The main thing is to enter the race feeling confident in your own success and having all the skills that would allow you to win.
Taking steps one at a time and keeping your plan realistic gives you two important benefits. The order and precision of a plan brings confidence. You don’t feel like you are reengaging each new issue on a day-to-day basis. Organizing your strategy reduces the chances of making wrong moves or taking less efficient decisions. Secondly, having a sound plan has many psychological benefits and your subconscious mind worries less, giving you more energy to concentrate on what’s important. You are creating a pattern in your awareness that accepts success and integrates it in your plan. When both your conscious and your subconscious mind believe in your chances of reaching a goal you benefit from a power of concentration and focus that eliminate outside interference and let you follow the shortest path to success.
Even though chance may still play an important role in your quest to reach your ideal, having a realistic plan let’s you change the “unlikely” into “possible”.
Failing to plan is planning to fail. Having no goals in our life is as good as planning to fail.
Having goals but setting unrealistic plans or steps to achieve the goals is complete waste of time.
For instance, if you set a goal to become a millionaire or even a billionaire and strive to accomplish that in a day or too, you are most likely wasting your time.