Does blood type affect our personality and character? Is it possible for us to determine a person’s trait by blood type? Is there such a thing as compatibility by blood groups? Is there any scientific element of truth in blood type personality? Is there any scientific evidence to link blood type to a person’s character? Since the 1930s and till today, there are many Japanese who believe in blood type personality traits so much so that some companies assign jobs and responsibilities according to blood group types.
Here’s a short summary of the personality and trait for the different blood types.
Type O:
Type O's are organized, outgoing, and risk takers. They can express truth very clearly, outspoken and sometimes mistaken for being stubborn. They are initiators, although they don't always finish what they start. Creative and popular, they love to be the center of attention and appear very self-confidence.
Type O’s people are warriors.
Type A:
Type A’s like to avoid confrontation and introverted. While outwardly calm, they have such high standards (perfectionists) that they tend to be balls of nerves on the inside. Type A's are the most creative and artistic of the blood groups. They can be shy, considerate, loyal to friends and are conscientious, trustworthy, and sensitive.
Type ‘A’ people are farmers.
Type B:
Type B’s are practical and strong personalities. Goal oriented, strong-minded and persistent, type B's will start a task and continue it until completed, and completed well. Type B's are the individualists of the blood group categories and find their own way in life.
Type ‘B’ people are hunters.
Type AB:
Type AB’s are unpredictable and are the split personalities of the blood groups. They can be good with money, outgoing and shy, confident and timid. While responsible, too much responsibility will cause a problem. They are trustworthy and like to help others.
Type ‘AB’ people are humanist.
Dr. D'Adamo in his book ‘The GenoType Diet’ explores diet connection to blood type. Better known as blood type diet, Dr D’Adamo believes people with certain blood type are more predispose and susceptible to different diseases. Even though most medical experts and doctors has ruled out Dr D’Adamo findings as without any proven basis and down right ridiculous, the book serves as nice reading though.
Have you ever wonder why there are different blood type and even so why not 10 or more different blood types? Why human blood type is confined to A, B, O and AB only?
At times I wonder Adam, the first man to walk on this earth has which blood type?
According to Dr D’Adamo, blood type ‘A’ initially appeared in Asia or Middle East somewhere in between 25,000 to 15,000 BC in response to new environment conditions.
Is that fact or fiction? You be the judge.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Blood type and personality

Blood type and personality
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