Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Herbal Ginkgo Supplement.

Always feeling lethargic and forgetful? Feeling tired and suffering from loss of concentration? Need a dose of boost to your memory? Have you heard of the herbal supplement called ginkgo biloba? I bet most probably yes.

Herbal Ginkgo Supplement is one of the most widely advertised herbal supplements and you can easily get it from herbal supplement shops. This herbal supplement is made from the extract of leaf from the ginkgo tree. The used of Ginkgo in China has been dated back to 5,000 years.
Chinese medicine practitioners used the Ginkgo to promote regular blood flow, relief asthma and helps to keep the body healthy.

There are indications that Ginkgo may help to improve blood circulation and blood supply to the brain, works as anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent to protect the brain and increases sugar metabolism in the brain.
The leaf extract of ginkgo tree is filled with many organic compounds such as flavanoids and ginkolides that are believed to be particularly beneficial to the cells of the brain.
Although not scientifically proven, it is reported that Gingko may be good treatment for those having trouble with sleep.

Numerous studies indicate oral intake of herbal Gingko supplements helps to relief some of the painful legs from clogged arteries and benefits people with early onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Like any other herbal and vitamin supplements, ginkgo supplements should be taken in accordance to the required prescribed dosage.
Some of the side effects associated with Ginkgo are headache, decreased blood pressure, and in some very rare situations, mild stroke on people with history of seizures. High concentrations of Ginkgo intake may also affect male and female infertility.
Pregnant woman is strongly advised not to take Ginkgo since there is no substantial research being done to indicate its safety.

Overall, ginkgo leaf extract has many health benefits and if in doubt consult a medical doctor before taking this herbal supplement. Herbal Gingko supplement has been used widely and the benefit far outweighs the side effects.

Attached a photograph of a gingko tree with me in the foreground.

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