If you are feeling lethargic all the time, drowsy, sleepy, lack of energy and even muscle weakness despite having adequate rest, exercise and healthy diet then there is a possibility that you are suffering from some form of mitochondria disease.
Mitochondria disease is caused by genetic defects and inherited from the maternal side of the family. Thus a woman is responsible for passing this hereditary disease to the offspring. So thumbs up to the man, your child can’t put the blame on you for such disease.
It is not known exactly as to what causes leads to such genetic defects. Changes in the nuclear DNA of the chromosomes could be trigger by a variety of factors such as environmental pollution, toxins, radical oxidation, temperature, radiation and etc.
The mitochondria genetic footprint is passed to the offspring during the female egg fertilization process. Aging process could increase the risk of gene mutation of the mitochondria being passed down to offspring.
Mitochondria disease might range from non-noticeable symptoms to extreme severity cases leading to certain fatality. Mild mitochondria disease may not be easily noticeable and detectable by health experts.
The severity of the mitochondria disease depends on the trigger threshold. Most cells contains 100 or more of the mitochondria and if less than 30% of these mitochondria are not functioning properly, the person may still not feel the effect because the remaining 70% of the mitochondria is able to compensate and produce the necessary energy to sustain the cell.
If say more than 50% of the mitochondria in the cell are defective than chances are that the cell will not be able to sustain due to lack of energy and dies. Individual has different tolerance to different degree and severity of this genetic disease.
Treatment for this hereditary disease remains pretty much under research. One of the known ways to alleviate the symptoms and effect of this disease is by taking Coenzyme Q10. At this point of time there is no cure for Mitochondria disease but there are some measures you can take to minimize or reduce the side effects caused by this disease.
CoQ10 has powerful anti oxidant properties and helps the body to fights against radical oxidation that results in inflammation. It is also crucial for energy production as it contributes to the break down of sugar and fat for the production of ATP, the fuel used by cells to keep the body running.
Always consult a physician if you intend to take CoQ10 with other medications. This supplement is not regulated by FDA thus you should always start with a smaller dosage and gradually increase according to your body response.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Mitochondria Disease – Treatment With Coenzyme Q10
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Why You Need Coenzyme Q10

Coenzime Q10 abbreviated as CoQ10 is a natural substance (enzyme) produce by the body. This compound, also known as an enzyme or rather a cofactor enzyme is very important as it helps the body cell to produce and utilize energy properly. All cells in living organism requires energy to function properly.
Why is it so important for our body cells to produce energy? Let's cite for example the electricity supply to your home. You household appliances such as the computer, television set, toaster, microwave oven, air conditioner, refrigerator and many more relies mainly on electricity power to function. If the electricity to your home is cut off or disrupted you would experience extreme inconveniences.
Likewise our entire body system, both physically and mentally are deeply impacted if the cells in the body are unable to produce and utilize energy properly. The food we eat are broken down into nutrients which the cells need by various complex enzymes.
The mitochondria is the part of the cell responsible for the production of the energy. Mitochondria is also known as the factory power house of the cell. Excess carbohydrate is converted to sugar or fat and store in the cell as reserve fuel.
The factory powerhouse is responsible for converting the stored reserve fuel (sugar and fat) into useful energy called ATP which the body can utilize. A typical cell may contain a hundred or more of these tiny mitochondria.
A lot of problems can arise if our body is unable to produce adequate energy for the cells. Hormones imbalance, fatigue, weakening of muscles in particular the heart, inflammation of organs, and accelerated aging are some of the side effects associated with mitochondria related disease.
So what has CoQ10 got to do with the mitochondria? Research indicates some of the mitochondria related disease are due to low level compound of CoQ10 in the body. This compound facilitates the cell utilization of oxygen to synthesize with the sugar and fat in the cell to produce energy (ATP) for the cells more effectively.
As per my previous posting on pet dog Muffin which was diagnosed having serious heart inflammation due to aging, CoQ10 intake has proven to be very effective in this case. The flurry dogie seems to be in better health. Like any other nutrients, CoQ10 benefits depends on a variety of factors such as the patients health condition, lifestyle, age and etc.
CoQ10 is found in food such as beefs, spinach leaves, soya products and sardines. So if these food items are taken regularly it is expected that it's going to increase this enzyme in our body which definitely will provide more energy to work and keep us fresh.
Apart from these food mentioned above, several multi vitamins are also available in the market which recovers the deficiency of this enzyme in our body. Owing to its wonderful benefits you should try to include CoQ10 in your multi vitamin supplement which you take and this can also be included in the topically applied anti-aging creams as well, since it can rouse the re-growth of collagen and protein cells.
One of the question often raised with regards to CoQ10 supplement intake is how much should one take? No doubt this enzyme has lots of important health benefits but just because someone who took a high dosage of it feels good does not mean it is also good for you because your body functioning may be different from others. So it is always better to start the dosage in small proportion just to check if that's going to be helpful for you or not.
Friday, December 18, 2009
The Key To Longevity - Baby Face
So now finally there’s a good reason to be happy if you have baby face. Apparently there is research data indicating that baby face adults equate to longer life span. I wonder what other benefits researches may uncover in the future on those adults with baby face.
Interestingly Danish researchers reported in their findings the key to longevity on those baby face folks is most probably due to longer telomere, a key DNA component that affects the rate of aging. A telomere is part of the DNA that protects the cell from degradation and deterioration during cell replication.
The telomere allows the cell to replicate successfully through the process of what is known as cell division and this process helps to reduce the possibility of any anomalies arising out from the cell replication. Abnormal or incomplete cell and DNA replication may eventually leads to uncontrollable tumor growth such as cancer.
Cell division better known as ‘mitosis’ occurs throughout lifetime. Cell division is necessary to replace dead cells and it is what causes us to grow in lifetime. Cells are genetically program by the DNA to terminate after certain period of time so as to make way for new cells to replace those that are damaged. Shorter telomere may cause changes to the DNA that will prevent damaged cell from dying naturally.
Genetic DNA research indicates the telomere gets shorter and shorter during each cell division and eventually the cell division and replication stops when the telomere depletes. This phenomenon explains why there is limitation to how many times a cell can divide and replicate. Shorten telomere is one of the major causes of health deterioration and aging.
Apart from gene, external environmental factors such as pollution and stress affects how far we are able to hang on in life. The way I see it, it's kind of premature to conclude that baby face adults will indeed have longer life span as there are many other factors which determines one's health.
Perhaps it is not the outward physical appearance that determine how long one live but rather living a healthy lifestyle improve one's physical appearance thus making seems as though those with pleasant disposition and wellbeing lives longer.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Anti aging - Coenzyme Q10
My pet dog Muffin, a male Pomeranian is one of the older pet dog in town. He was barely 2 months old and weight less than 500gram when we first got it from the pet shop. Time sure flies. He is sure one lucky dog who enjoy the comfort of home and well like and taken care off by everyone in the family.
Muffin has always been in good health and hardly fall ill for the past 14 years. Things take turn for the worse as of recent. For the past 3 months he started to lose appetite, cough incessantly, vomited, experienced difficulty with breathing and muscle weakness. The visit to the animal specialist center prove to be timely.
The vet commented that we were lucky to have brought Muffin for checkout at the soonest opportunity because given the deteriorating condition, he could have not make it if not treated promptly.
Apparently he was suffering from serious heart inflammation, windpipe collapsed resulting in incessant cough throughout the nights and the lungs were filled with water, which probably explains the incessant cough throughout the nights.
Muffin has cataract on one of his eyes, which is common in aging dogs. He always had annual medical checkout and vaccination throughout the years. The vet always give him thumbs up on excellent good health.
All these years, Muffin diet consists of Caesar dog can food and other pet dog dried tidbits. He is very picky and choosy when it comes to canned dog food and he will not take any other brands apart from Caesar brand dog food.
Occasionally Muffin gets to enjoy home cook meals. It seems that years of salt and oily food intake have taken its toll on the dog. I guess the same goes for human. Aging is a normal process affecting every living organism.
No matter how careful we may be with our choice of food and lifestyle, accumulated toxins in the body through the food we eat, air we breath and other pollutants as well as aging across time eventually sets in and cause our body immune system to weaken and breakdown.
The vet has given specific orders that Muffin is to be put on strict special pet dog diet food approved only by the animal specialist center. No more canned food, pet tidbits and junk foods allowed, not even fruits such as pear or apple with the exception of papaya and vegetables such as broccoli.
The prescription treatment include heart medicine to reduce inflammation and drugs to alleviate water retention in the lungs. On top of that the vet also prescribed high concentration of Coenzyme 10 and other medications such as Sanhuang pills and Taurine. The vet mentioned advice that all dogs above 7 years of age should take CoQ10 supplements.
I have understood the benefits of CQ10 but hardly pay attention to it until I realized the tremendous improvement in Muffin's health as a result of taking CQ10. Even though he is still frail in health, nevertheless his condition has improved considerably.
What is Coenzime10 or CoQ10? How does this substance helps in the fight againts anti aging? Basically this substance is an enzyme produce naturally by the body and the level decreases with age.
This enzyme plays essential role in providing nourishment for the cells and the production of energy in every cell in the human body. It acts as powerful anti oxidant and protects the heart muscle,boost up immune function and helps to enhance stamina.
Free radical damage is one of the major factors responsible for accelerated aging process that caused many of the visible signs of skin aging. Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that can destroy the cell membranes.
Free radical is one of the primary causes of aging and age-related diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. It can also attack collagen molecules in the skin when the collagen becomes damaged the skin gets discolored, saggy and wrinkled.
Deficits in CoQ10 are associated with various diseases such as congestive heart failure, migraines, lowered immunity, infertility, fatigue, high blood pressure, chronic inflammation and host of age related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
This substance is found in food that we take regularly such as the beef, soybean products, spinach,broccoli and peanuts. Apart from aging, some medications such as cholesterol lowering drugs could deplete CoQ10 level and thus it is necessary and important to take CoQ10 supplements .
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Pet Ownership - A dog's life
Owning a pet can enrich your lifestyle, particularly if you are single and live alone. Research has shown that a pet can help to reduce blood pressure and lower anxiety. The bond and relationship that is build up between both pet and owner can help to raise the good feeling hormones, notably serotonin and dopamine. No wonder pet such as dog is considered man's best friend.
You always have to be mindful that you are making a lifetime commitment when you bring a pet home. Have you heard the phrase ' To you it's just a dog but to the dog you are his everything'. Dog ownership comes with total responsibility to the upkeep and well being of the pet's entire life. Being a pet owner can be quite challenging and at same time rewarding too.
I have been living with my Pomeranian pet dog for well over 15 years. He was just barely 2 months old and weights a mere 300gram when he became a member of the family. Today he is an old dog of ripe old age, slow and clumsy but albeit contented and happy with his life.
It was not that easy and smooth sailing in terms of caring for his well being though. It takes a lot of patience to clean up the mess that the pet created during the weekdays while I am away at work. At times after a hard day's work and reaching home in the late evening feeling completely exhausted and tired, the last thing on my mind was to spend another half an hour or more to bring it out for a stroll and clean up its living quarters.
Interestingly, the repetitive tasks of bringing out the dog for a walk, cleaning up and bringing it for the annual vaccination and other health checkout becomes routine and mundane so much so that I don't feel its bothering me at all.
Time sure flies. With advancement of age comes the deterioration of health. Gone are the days where the flurry doggie jumps around and play with toys. Nowadays he's quite withdrawn, quite and moves slowly.
Muffin suffers from cataract in one eye and had to be on medication for heart inflammation for the rest of its life. As a matter fact the vet mentioned that he's the oldest pet dog he had ever treated in the Animal Specialist Center.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Mobile Phone Radiation - What Is The Risk?
There’s no slowing down to the surge in mobile phone and other wireless gadget demand throughout the world. Mobile applications are getting more powerful, thanks to improvement made to the mobile equipment hardware and software.
Nowadays, mobile smart phones are jam packed with various features such as high-resolution camera, video recorder, inbuilt wireless wi-fi, multiple song and video format download and playback, huge memory and on the box ready support of myriads and host of Internet applications.
Goggle Android, Apple iPhone OS, Microsoft Mobile PC and many others are aggressively battling and vying for the lucrative mobile business market share. Some people just simply can’t leave their home without mobile phone. Wireless mobile communication has become a large part of our lifestyle.
Mobile phone video, data and voice charges are getting cheaper and more affordable. It is quite a common sight for people to get glued to their mobile gadgets, be in the street walking, jogging, sitting and even driving (although that is illegal and against safety traffic regulation of course).
You can immediately upload pictures taken through your mobile phone to share it with friends by connecting to the Internet and surf Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other social web 2.0 media, all within the palm of your hand.
Mobile e-commerce applications have come a long way. Nowadays you can conduct real time online trading, check the latest stock market information, order goods and services via web base applications, navigate your with GPS equipped mobile handset, watch television and movie online.
Beneath all these high tech solutions offered by mobile phone lays a hidden silent death trap. It’s not surprising that few people are aware of the danger associated with electromagnetic field radiation emitted by mobile phone and other wireless gadgets.
Mobile communication industry would want you to believe that there is only minimal risk associated with exposure to EMF radiation. Is EMF radiation exposure really safe and nothing to be of concern of as what these giant corporation stakeholders claim to be?
Well, it might be the case and perhaps we should not worry too much if the number of mobile phone users is low compare to the general population. The reality though is that mobile phone subscribers have increased multiple folds the past few years as mobile phone cost and subscriber-pricing plan becomes more affordable.
It is estimated that Singapore will have over 6.91 million mobile subscribers by year 2013. Mobile phone emits EMF so long as it is switch on regardless of whether you use it or not. Even in power saving mode, EMF is still emitted albeit in lower radiation level.
Imagine the amount of EMF radiation that you are exposed to in crowded areas. With typical 4 out of 5 person carrying mobile phone, it is not surprising that you are being bombarded with EMF radiation almost all the time.
The potential risk associated with mobile EMF has been known for years. Time and again mobile phone and other wireless equipment designers and manufacturers claimed there are no concrete findings to indicate that the radiation emitted from such equipments are harmful to health.
Since most of the EMF health risk investigations were either conducted or sponsored by organizations link to mobile industries and wireless markets, it is not surprising that results of the investigation would prove in favor of them (EMF radiation from mobile and wireless equipments do not pose any health risk).
Scientists now believe that EMF do indeed pose health risk. Some of the health risks associated with prolong exposure to EMF are 1) cancer, 2) genetic changes, 3) sleeping complications, 4) infertility problem, 5) psychological and personality changes, 6) brain and nervous system disturbance, 7) hormone imbalance and etc.
Do check out http://electromagnetichealth.org/quotes-from-experts/. It will help you to understand better the effects of radiation on health.