My pet dog Muffin, a male Pomeranian is one of the older pet dog in town. He was barely 2 months old and weight less than 500gram when we first got it from the pet shop. Time sure flies. He is sure one lucky dog who enjoy the comfort of home and well like and taken care off by everyone in the family.
Muffin has always been in good health and hardly fall ill for the past 14 years. Things take turn for the worse as of recent. For the past 3 months he started to lose appetite, cough incessantly, vomited, experienced difficulty with breathing and muscle weakness. The visit to the animal specialist center prove to be timely.
The vet commented that we were lucky to have brought Muffin for checkout at the soonest opportunity because given the deteriorating condition, he could have not make it if not treated promptly.
Apparently he was suffering from serious heart inflammation, windpipe collapsed resulting in incessant cough throughout the nights and the lungs were filled with water, which probably explains the incessant cough throughout the nights.
Muffin has cataract on one of his eyes, which is common in aging dogs. He always had annual medical checkout and vaccination throughout the years. The vet always give him thumbs up on excellent good health.
All these years, Muffin diet consists of Caesar dog can food and other pet dog dried tidbits. He is very picky and choosy when it comes to canned dog food and he will not take any other brands apart from Caesar brand dog food.
Occasionally Muffin gets to enjoy home cook meals. It seems that years of salt and oily food intake have taken its toll on the dog. I guess the same goes for human. Aging is a normal process affecting every living organism.
No matter how careful we may be with our choice of food and lifestyle, accumulated toxins in the body through the food we eat, air we breath and other pollutants as well as aging across time eventually sets in and cause our body immune system to weaken and breakdown.
The vet has given specific orders that Muffin is to be put on strict special pet dog diet food approved only by the animal specialist center. No more canned food, pet tidbits and junk foods allowed, not even fruits such as pear or apple with the exception of papaya and vegetables such as broccoli.
The prescription treatment include heart medicine to reduce inflammation and drugs to alleviate water retention in the lungs. On top of that the vet also prescribed high concentration of Coenzyme 10 and other medications such as Sanhuang pills and Taurine. The vet mentioned advice that all dogs above 7 years of age should take CoQ10 supplements.
I have understood the benefits of CQ10 but hardly pay attention to it until I realized the tremendous improvement in Muffin's health as a result of taking CQ10. Even though he is still frail in health, nevertheless his condition has improved considerably.
What is Coenzime10 or CoQ10? How does this substance helps in the fight againts anti aging? Basically this substance is an enzyme produce naturally by the body and the level decreases with age.
This enzyme plays essential role in providing nourishment for the cells and the production of energy in every cell in the human body. It acts as powerful anti oxidant and protects the heart muscle,boost up immune function and helps to enhance stamina.
Free radical damage is one of the major factors responsible for accelerated aging process that caused many of the visible signs of skin aging. Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that can destroy the cell membranes.
Free radical is one of the primary causes of aging and age-related diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. It can also attack collagen molecules in the skin when the collagen becomes damaged the skin gets discolored, saggy and wrinkled.
Deficits in CoQ10 are associated with various diseases such as congestive heart failure, migraines, lowered immunity, infertility, fatigue, high blood pressure, chronic inflammation and host of age related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
This substance is found in food that we take regularly such as the beef, soybean products, spinach,broccoli and peanuts. Apart from aging, some medications such as cholesterol lowering drugs could deplete CoQ10 level and thus it is necessary and important to take CoQ10 supplements .
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Anti aging - Coenzyme Q10

Anti aging skin care
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