Coenzime Q10 abbreviated as CoQ10 is a natural substance (enzyme) produce by the body. This compound, also known as an enzyme or rather a cofactor enzyme is very important as it helps the body cell to produce and utilize energy properly. All cells in living organism requires energy to function properly.
Why is it so important for our body cells to produce energy? Let's cite for example the electricity supply to your home. You household appliances such as the computer, television set, toaster, microwave oven, air conditioner, refrigerator and many more relies mainly on electricity power to function. If the electricity to your home is cut off or disrupted you would experience extreme inconveniences.
Likewise our entire body system, both physically and mentally are deeply impacted if the cells in the body are unable to produce and utilize energy properly. The food we eat are broken down into nutrients which the cells need by various complex enzymes.
The mitochondria is the part of the cell responsible for the production of the energy. Mitochondria is also known as the factory power house of the cell. Excess carbohydrate is converted to sugar or fat and store in the cell as reserve fuel.
The factory powerhouse is responsible for converting the stored reserve fuel (sugar and fat) into useful energy called ATP which the body can utilize. A typical cell may contain a hundred or more of these tiny mitochondria.
A lot of problems can arise if our body is unable to produce adequate energy for the cells. Hormones imbalance, fatigue, weakening of muscles in particular the heart, inflammation of organs, and accelerated aging are some of the side effects associated with mitochondria related disease.
So what has CoQ10 got to do with the mitochondria? Research indicates some of the mitochondria related disease are due to low level compound of CoQ10 in the body. This compound facilitates the cell utilization of oxygen to synthesize with the sugar and fat in the cell to produce energy (ATP) for the cells more effectively.
As per my previous posting on pet dog Muffin which was diagnosed having serious heart inflammation due to aging, CoQ10 intake has proven to be very effective in this case. The flurry dogie seems to be in better health. Like any other nutrients, CoQ10 benefits depends on a variety of factors such as the patients health condition, lifestyle, age and etc.
CoQ10 is found in food such as beefs, spinach leaves, soya products and sardines. So if these food items are taken regularly it is expected that it's going to increase this enzyme in our body which definitely will provide more energy to work and keep us fresh.
Apart from these food mentioned above, several multi vitamins are also available in the market which recovers the deficiency of this enzyme in our body. Owing to its wonderful benefits you should try to include CoQ10 in your multi vitamin supplement which you take and this can also be included in the topically applied anti-aging creams as well, since it can rouse the re-growth of collagen and protein cells.
One of the question often raised with regards to CoQ10 supplement intake is how much should one take? No doubt this enzyme has lots of important health benefits but just because someone who took a high dosage of it feels good does not mean it is also good for you because your body functioning may be different from others. So it is always better to start the dosage in small proportion just to check if that's going to be helpful for you or not.