If you are feeling lethargic all the time, drowsy, sleepy, lack of energy and even muscle weakness despite having adequate rest, exercise and healthy diet then there is a possibility that you are suffering from some form of mitochondria disease.
Mitochondria disease is caused by genetic defects and inherited from the maternal side of the family. Thus a woman is responsible for passing this hereditary disease to the offspring. So thumbs up to the man, your child can’t put the blame on you for such disease.
It is not known exactly as to what causes leads to such genetic defects. Changes in the nuclear DNA of the chromosomes could be trigger by a variety of factors such as environmental pollution, toxins, radical oxidation, temperature, radiation and etc.
The mitochondria genetic footprint is passed to the offspring during the female egg fertilization process. Aging process could increase the risk of gene mutation of the mitochondria being passed down to offspring.
Mitochondria disease might range from non-noticeable symptoms to extreme severity cases leading to certain fatality. Mild mitochondria disease may not be easily noticeable and detectable by health experts.
The severity of the mitochondria disease depends on the trigger threshold. Most cells contains 100 or more of the mitochondria and if less than 30% of these mitochondria are not functioning properly, the person may still not feel the effect because the remaining 70% of the mitochondria is able to compensate and produce the necessary energy to sustain the cell.
If say more than 50% of the mitochondria in the cell are defective than chances are that the cell will not be able to sustain due to lack of energy and dies. Individual has different tolerance to different degree and severity of this genetic disease.
Treatment for this hereditary disease remains pretty much under research. One of the known ways to alleviate the symptoms and effect of this disease is by taking Coenzyme Q10. At this point of time there is no cure for Mitochondria disease but there are some measures you can take to minimize or reduce the side effects caused by this disease.
CoQ10 has powerful anti oxidant properties and helps the body to fights against radical oxidation that results in inflammation. It is also crucial for energy production as it contributes to the break down of sugar and fat for the production of ATP, the fuel used by cells to keep the body running.
Always consult a physician if you intend to take CoQ10 with other medications. This supplement is not regulated by FDA thus you should always start with a smaller dosage and gradually increase according to your body response.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Mitochondria Disease – Treatment With Coenzyme Q10

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