Time sure flies. Here I am writing this blog in the middle of the 1st month of the new year and things around my apartment seems to be the same as it was since many years ago. It is as if time stood still.
The book shelf , computer desk and my favorite bed in the study room is the same as it was 10 years ago.
With the exception of the computer, most of the items in my study room remains in good condition. Singapore is a hot humid tropic city and one of the most irritating aspect living in an equatorial region is that the humidity could really piss you off. Leather items such as jackets, wallets and metallic things turn moldy and rust due to the humid environment.
Which brings me to the next question as how on earth those marketing folks in shops bother to sell household products such as humidifier in such an extremely humid city. I can't really understand the logic behind it. Perhaps such item would find its place in air condition room but what the heck would anyone need it since the whole objective of turning on the air condition is to keep the air cool and dry.
Okay, so much so for my rant about humidifier but what is more important is how time marches on and we are aging by the years. It is not just the ladies who worries about crow feet , wrinkles or the extra tires around the waist, even the guy are pretty conscious about their looks too.
Even though some things don't change some do, definitely, in particular our waist line. Hair loss, weight gain, farsightedness and muscle loss are some of the signs and effects of aging. On a personal note, one of my resolution for this year is to get rid of that extra pounds around my waist. I am not really bother by those extra pound but I guess its good to keep our weight in check.
Its not just the uncomfortable feeling of having to put up with tight jeans due to weight gain, its more of a personal goal and personal satisfaction, something that makes me feel good when I am in tip top healthy condition. Well, I am the sort of lazy type so don't expect me to jog or do any long strenuous exercises.
At the moment I am sticking to the 'chi machine' and the home portable spa to keep my blood circulation and metabolism moving. On top of that, I will continue with sticking those controversial detox pad on my foot everyday. Heck care what other's think about the effectiveness of these so called lazy man exercise gadgets. I feel good about it and that's all it matters, period. Cheers!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
New Year Resolution - Weight Loss

weight loss
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