A recent poll was done of adults in this country, and they were asked what they would change about themselves if they had a magic pill they could take before bed, and wake up with the change.
The overwhelming majority of people put weight loss at the top of the list (beyond being younger, of course.) So why is it that we think of weight loss as some kind of magical
thing that is only available to us in the realm of fantasy? Why is it so hard to lose weight?
In a recent press report, the US military is concern that obesity in America has reach a crisis level proportion. A general was quoted that it may become a security threat for the nation if the soldiers cannot perform their duty to utmost ability due to obesity health risk.
Well, if you think about our way of life, then the answer may be more unmistakable. Fifty or a hundred years ago, most of us would have had jobs that were much more bodily demanding, so we would have burned a lot more calories over the course of a day.
Contrast that to our jobs today, and you can readily see the distinction. Most of us fortunately sit at our desks all day, and whine when we need to take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Another regular hassle that leads to the huge and growing corpulence plague in our society today is the food that we eat. We simply don't eat nearly as healthy as we used to.
Back in the good old days, we would eat home grown, community food that was cooked fresh every night. Today, however, we are hard pressed to go a pair of days without stopping by the burger place or the ice cream stand on the way home from work.
So, it is rather clear why it is getting more simple and easier to be plump and out of shape. But what do we do? Unsurprisingly, we need to boost the quantity of exercise that we do, and diminish the amount of unhealthy food that we eat.
What's the best way to do this? Most experts believe that slow and continual is the best way. Sure, we'd like to take that
magic pill and wake up looking like those models on the covers of magazines, but we need to be realistic. A slow, steady line of attack is commonly the best.
As far as diet goes, just cut back just a little bit on fast food, and try to eat a little more healthy things during the week. Stay away from red meat, and sugary carbohydrates.
Eat more lean protein and complex carbohydrates like oatmeal and wheat pasta. It doesn't take much, and little changes can add up to a fairly important change over time.
As far as exercise goes, walking is most certainly the best that you can do. It's straightforward, it's habitual, and you're most certainly already pretty good at it.
You don't need any unusual equipment or even extraordinary shoes. Just whatever sneakers you own now, and an open stretch of sidewalk, and you're good to go.
Most individuals find that starting off by only walking ten or fifteen minutes every day is a amazing place to start. Pretty soon you'll be building up some good momentum, and you'll certainly develop some pretty healthy habits.
Saturday, May 01, 2010
The Amazing Secret of walking for weight loss

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