Nobody like likes to talk about it, but the fact remains that a large, healthy bowel movement is highly satisfying as well as important for your health. In case you don't have regular bowel movements, or in case your stools are hard, odd colored, or it is difficult to pass them, it means that your colon is unhealthy. Other facts are that constipation, gas, diarrhea, bloating, as well as a large belly and bad breath are signs of a unhealthy colon. Then there are the less obvious signs of a distressed colon such as tiredness, problem in concentrating, headaches, varicose veins, hemorrhoids as well as bloodshot eyes.
Colon is where the waste of our body goes. But our colon also tends to extract vitamins from this waste, primarily those that have escaped primary digestion. Colon also removes the excess moisture from the waste. And in case the waste is in there for too long and is not being expelled, it may lead to removal of too much moisture leading to hard, difficult to pass stools. This is a sign of constipation. And this can lead to much more serious health problems.
The colon cleansing facts are that a healthy lifestyle is required for a healthy colon. This means some exercise; as well as a plant-based; whole-foods diet to be included in the lifestyle.Other colon cleansing facts include the intake of lots of water besides plenty of sleep as well as a stress-free life. And in case you don't take care of these areas, it will not be easy to get your colon working properly. Besides, a colon cleanse treatment may be the first step in getting back a healthy colon, as well as large, healthy bowel movements.
The fact remains that no matter how much you eat or even what you eat, some of it will remain undigested and make its way to your colon. Then there are some foods which are worse than others. And in case your colon is taking too long to process the food, then that food is bound to ferment as well as putrefy.
This way the toxic substances can leech back into your bloodstream. Besides, the chemical pollutants like pesticides, herbicides, fungicides as well as chlorine, arsenic, mercury, and many more which are found in our food and water is causing so many health problems for our population. What this means is that all these colon cleansing facts need to be kept in mind in order to have a well-functioning colon which is highly essential for a healthy body.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Why Colon Cleansing Is Important To You!

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