Thursday, September 10, 2009

Exercise - The Natural Way To Deal With Sleep Problem

Getting adequate quality sleepis one of the most important aspect of our life. We need sleep to repair, regenerate and rejuvenate. In today's fast paced environment, sleep has become secondary of importance to eating or drinking. It is not that people do not wish to sleep but rather the daily stress and pressure in life has taken its toll of people's life so much so getting good quality sleep every night becomes almost an impossible task to achieve.

Our physical body is not in permanent state so to speak but rather most of the time body tissues, cells and organs undergoes repair and replacement during sleep. The cells that line the surface of the stomach last about 5 days after of which new cells emerge to replace damaged cells that were exposed to environmental toxins, heavy metals and other stress conditions .

Cells from different parts of the body are damaged at different rates and cell division occurs at different rates to replace damaged cells. Most of the body important restorative activities such as tissue repair, release of growth hormone, muscle growth and protein synthesis occurs during sleep.

Although there are multiple factors that contributes to sleep complications, nevertheless it is important that at the very fundamental basis you do some form of exercise daily. Is exercise important and contribute to better sleep? Well, you bet, the answer is a definite yes.

Exercise has considerable effect on how well we sleep at night. Our body is able to relax and we can fall asleep easier if we are physically active during the day. Our physical and emotional health is link to how much and how regular we exercise. Exercise impacts the chemicals in the brain which has the effect of regulating sleep cycles to optimum levels.

Do not go to sleep too soon after vigorous exercise because the body temperature increased during physical workout and this impact your ability to fall asleep. It is recommended that you do workout at least 4 hours before bedtime.

Most working adults finds it difficult to allocate spare time for exercise. We set off for work before sun rise and by the time we knock off work and reach home, we are all tired and exercise seems to be the last thing we would want to do.

The good news is though we don't need to spend too much time to be physically active everyday. All that is needed is 20 minutes or so, 3-4 times per week. There are various physical activities that you may consider, many of which do not require high impact strenuous exercise. For instance, yoga or Tai Chi involves breathing techniques which helps you to relax and improve blood circulation.

Simple daily activities such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking to the shopping center instead of driving helps to add small blocks of physical activity to your life and this in turn helps you to improve and correct some of your sleep problem .

In summary, for all you know, exercise might just be the best medicine that you need to deal with sleeping problem. Never resort to sleep aid such as sleeping pills unless really necessary. Busy people may find it difficult to spare time for exercise.

In my next article I will show you what some amazing equipment can do for you in terms of exercise and helping to address your sleep problem .
Till then stay healthy and cheers

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