A friend of mine once cracked a joke that a fat person may die of starvation and yet still look physically fat. Most people confuse weight loss with fat loss. The weighting scale can only provide an indication of whether you are putting or losing weight and nothing more. Just because you lose those extra weight does not necessary mean you will become healthier.
Your weight loss may be due to loss of essential body fluid such as water or muscle instead of the unhealthy body fat. Have you ever wonder why some people seems to have saggy skin as they aged? The loss of muscle due to lack of exercise and unhealthy diet in couple with unhealthy lifestyle and aging causes the skin to sag.
A weight loss survey conducted in Japan indicates slim or thin people with high internal organ fat is morel likely to suffer and die from fatal stroke or heart attack compare to obese people. Internal fat found within the organs of the body such as the liver is detrimental to our health.
Some people resort to cut down or even skip their meals in attempt to lose weight. In extreme cases, some people would even resort to self induce vomit or purging immediately after taking a large meals in the belief that this will help them to shed off unwanted fats when the stomach is empty. Eating disorder behavior such as Bulimia' is very dangerous and in some cases may even lead to death.
The body naturally respond to starvation by attempting to conserve energy and fat in anticipation of starvation mode. Reducing food intake has the adverse side effect of triggering the body to slow down metabolism rate and this in turn reduce the body ability to burn fat. Our body is designed to store fat and burn muscle under starvation condition and therefore starving yourself has the opposite effect of preventing what you want to achieve; to stay slim and trim.
When you go on crash diet, skip meals or try to starve yourself, you end up losing muscles instead of fat. Muscle breaks down to glucose at a faster rate compare to fat tissues which requires both carbohydrates and energy to burn. Muscles which are made of mainly protein is needed to burn fats thus as you lose muscle, you lose ability to shed off those unwanted fats.
Research by Harvard Medical School indicates fats deposited in the buttock and hip areas of women may in fact help to protect them against various diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart diseases.
Count yourself luck if you are a woman with big buttock,hip and thighs. Don't let the prevalent commercial misconception and twisted facts about being healthy equates to slim like those cat walk models scare you off.
There is good fat as well as bad fat just as there is good and bad cholesterol. Thus if you live and stay on healthy diet and lifestyle but yet seems to accumulate fat and put on weight by no means it indicates something is wrong with you. Our body is a marvelous piece of machine which knows what to metabolize and utilize to keep it tip top condition so long as we live a healthy lifestyle.
In summary, being fat may not necessary implies you are not healthy, on the contrary those fats may in fact help to keep you in tip top healthy condition. Food rich in fat but low in carbohydrates is more important and healthier than those low in fat but high in calories. Just remember that you need fat to burn fat!. So next time if anyone laugh at you and comment on your big buttocks or thighs, take it as a compliment instead!.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Good Fat - Being Fat Does Not Imply You Are Not Healthy

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Good Fat
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