Many teens and adults are under the misconception that the best thing to do for acne-prone skin is to keep it as dry as possible. Not only is this not true, it could lead to worse skin problems.
One of the best things you can do for your face if you have breakouts is to keep it moisturized using a natural product that will keep your skin balanced without clogging pours. It's this fear of clogging your pores that keeps so many people from using moisturizer on their skin. Look for the word "noncomedogenic," which means it won't clog pore.
Here are some other common skin care myths:
---Using rubbing alcohol on your skin will kill the bacteria that causes acne and improve your complexion. Applying rubbing alcohol on your skin not only won't help you eliminate acne, it can cause skin irritations that increase your acne.
---The sun will help clear up your skin. If you go out and bake in the sun, you're going to perspire---and that can lead to more acne. While people continue to claim the sun helps their skin, there is no scientific proof of this, and there certainly is proof that too much sun causes other problems, including skin cancer. If you are using skin care products with retinol, a common ingredient in topical acne moisturizers, it is even more important that you also use a sunblock to protect your skin because the use of retinols increases your skin's sensitivity to the sun's harmful rays.
---The more you wash your face, the better. Actually, you should probably limit your face-washing to twice a day. The only time you should wash your face more is if you perspire. Use a gentle cleanser, one made specifically for acne-prone skin when possible.
---Scrubbing your skin with a washcloth or sponge will help get rid of acne faster. The last thing you want to do if you have acne is irritate your skin more. Wash your face gently using only your fingertips. Never scrub.
---Use the hottest water you can tolerate because hot water opens pores. Acne-prone skin is delicate, so you should treat it that way. Warm water, gentle cleansers, no scrubbing. The less irritated your skin, the better.
When you have acne, you simply want it to be gone. Good skin care and skin care products can go a long way toward helping you have clear skin. Start reading labels, and if something doesn't work for you, try something else. Avoid any product that has alcohol in it or that is laden with chemicals.
Monday, August 16, 2010
5 Myths About Caring for Acne-prone Skin

Acne skin care
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