If you haven't yet heard of krill oil, you are missing out on a great supplement. Krill oil is becoming a more popular way of getting your omega 3s that you find in fish oil, but with added benefits due to recent studies and comparison results. In this article I'll be going over the benefits of taking krill oil supplements also known as NKO or Neptune Krill Oil.
You can avoid taking in the outrageous levels of mercury and lead found in fish oil while at the same time increasing your intake of vitamins A, D and E found in krill oil. NKO can help prevention of things like arthritis, light sensitivity and even asthma. It also makes a great anti-aging supplement as well as helping women decrease symptoms that occur during PMS.
We all want to help our chances at being as healthy as possible. It's a good idea to help your body by taking supplements like omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Without them, you increase the risk of many avoidable health concerns. Omega 3s help support a healthy heart, a healthy immune system, healthy joint movement, healthy kidneys, and help maintain cholesterol levels. This will decrease your risk of health problems like heart disease, osteoporosis, and even some forms of cancer. Omega 3 is also known to give you strength and stamina which is something we all could use a little more of each day.
With NKO, there is also the benefit of high levels of antioxidants in krill oil that is not to be overlooked. Antioxidants play a big role in keeping your body healthy. You will also find phospholipids in NKO, which is basically a composite of the mineral phosphorus and fats that keep your brain healthy.
These important components allow for a faster breakdown of NKO in your body and therefore create better results. There was a study done at McGill University in Canada showing where consuming krill oil daily reduced LDL or "bad" cholesterol by 34% and increased HDL or "good" cholesterol by 43.5%. The results for fish oil did not come close to comparison, showing it reduced LDL by only 4.6% and increased HDL by 4.2%. The longer it takes to absorb in the body, the less effective and the results leave nothing to question as to why krill oil is should be your supplement of choice.
Friday, August 06, 2010
The Miracle of Krill Oil Supplements

Krill Oil
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