Thursday, November 22, 2007


I came across a free report on how to maintain healthy relationship and preventing breakups. This is unlike many of the other dating advice freely available in the Internet whereby the guys are told not act like a wussy so to speak, to be a challenge and maintain attraction to the opposite party. I like the report because it is not lengthy, it offers pure sound common sense and practical advice, I guess couples, young and old alike will find it useful. Enjoy reading and cheers!

Friday, November 16, 2007

In our quest to pursue financial freedom, it is important to remember that health is the most important aspect of our life that we should never take for granted. It is our personal responsibility to look after our health much as we desired wealth.
If you desire to maintain good health, it is important to follow up with sound advices, share experience with like-minded communities and live a healthy lifestyle.
Here’s the link to a great health forum that you can participate and get valuable information to some of the questions that you may have in mind.
Last but not least, yet another link to information pertaining to cancer treatment and avoidance.
Enjoy reading!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Decision making

Here a link to a great resource about decision analysis and risk management.
We all have to make decisions at some point in time. Making hasty decisions based on emotional feelings so to speak can be a very costly affair down the road. There are those who are inclined to make ill informed decisions based on their own personal liking and preferences, equally bad choices.