Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Another Melamine poisoning scandal

It seems China’s food contamination scandal has reach a new level of unprecedented uncertainty. Just as the Chinese government goes all out to try to restore confidence to its food industries, it was reported in the press of late that eggs from China were discovered to be contaminated with the same industrial toxic melamine, the same ingredient that found its way into milk based food products. It is suspected that livestock were fed with Melamine laden feeds and this in turn resulted in the toxins being passed to eggs.

There seems to be no end in sight to China’s serious violation of product quality and safety. China’s consumable products have long been known to fraught with health risk The Chinese health authorities are known to have concealed and curbed known health risk related issues, products and malpractices and in trying to put a stop to any complaints filed by its people against the local government officials. Consumers are often threatened and warned of serious consequences should they go ahead to file complaints in court against those thugs who has ties with local or provincial political arms and influence.

The advent of the Internet has created a major challenge to the Chinese authorities with regards to filtering and controlling the dissemination of information deemed sensitive and damaging to the authority image. Chinese netizens from all sorts’ walks of life are now able to communicate and discussed issues that affect daily life more freely. The number of Chinese Internet users is increasing by the day and this has profound impact on forcing the Chinese authority to come in term with dealing with issues pertaining to food safety.
Lets hope this is good start for China to clean up it acts on health and food safety.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

PH balance and health

The PH balance of the body is important for health. The pH or "potential of hydrogen" is a measure of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution.

The pH scale is from 0 to 14 with 0 being most acidic and 14 being most alkaline. The center value is 7 thus 7 and above is considered alkaline and readings below 7 considered acidic. PH between 7 to 8 is considered healthy.

Our human body needs to have balanced PH in order to function correctly and properly. A healthy body should be slightly alkaline and measuring somewhere around 7.5 which is slightly more alkaline than acid. As matter of fact every cells in the body should be slightly alkaline.

Too much acid in our body tissue is harmful and detrimental to health. The body’ ability to absorbed mineral and other essential nutrients decreases in acid conditions. Acidic tissue causes fatigue and contributes to stress and depression. Essential minerals are channeled or transported from the rest of the organs such as the heart, brain, liver, muscle, skin and lungs to neutralize the acidic conditions in our body. As a result, the minerals in our body get depleted if it is not replaced in time and this weakens our body. Acidic conditions leads to a host of degenerative diseases. High acidity could cause blood sugar imbalance, joint pain and bone loss.

The liver function in detoxification for getting rid of heavy metals and toxins are also affected under acidic conditions. Cell DNA repaired is also impacted by acidic conditions of the body. Cells that has accumulated large amount of damaged DNA could lead to the formation of tumor or cancer. Cancer cells may proliferate under acidic and low oxygen environment. It is not uncommon for terminal cancer patients to have body acidity exceeding 1000 times or more as that of normal healthy person.

You can easily determine the acidity of your body by testing with a litmus or pH paper put into your saliva two hours or more after a meal. It is recommended to test with saliva instead of urine. The presence of alkaline in urine may indicate inability of the body to get rid of harmful acidic toxins properly whereas the presence of alkaline in the saliva indicates healthy body functions. Acid wastes are normally discharge from healthy person via urine.

PH balance is very important to health and helps the body to utilize mineral and vitamins more effectively.

The first step to attain a well PH balance life is therefore through adopting a healthy lifestyle. The various cells, organs and tissues in our body constantly undergo replacement and regeneration. Processed foods, beverages, fried foods, food additives and refined sugars increased body acids.

External environmental factors such as pesticides, herbicides and polluted air and water further pours more acids into our body. Detoxification plays significant role in helping our body to maintain pH balanced. Detoxification leads to healthy liver, kidney and lymphatic system and this in turn helps us to maintain pH balance condition.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Loose weight the easy way

Here’s an interesting link to loosing weight in 7 days without having to resort to the usual exercise and dieting methods that we all have been bombarded and bored with. I am a kind of skeptic though with regards to spinning in helping to loose weight.

Sure do, those ballerinas and ice skaters spin a lot and interesting mostly done by slim people. I guess no harm to give it a try since it is such an easy thing to do, just spin for couple of minutes.


Thursday, October 02, 2008

Restrict usage of mobile phone in public place

Mobile phones are great invention. They have attributed to the advancement of our communications in these modern times but on the other side, they have caused a lot of negative effects especially for the public. Yes, mobile phones have been a cause of public hassles. The misuse of this device could really be a headache for many.

Have you encountered this scene: you are in a public bus; an extremely loud ringing tone destroys the moment? Then, an extremely loud voice started to be like a chatterbox… you could hear even the most private conversations… without any pinch of discreet manner from the user. Why are these people doing such?

According to the Weekly Gripe (www.weeklygripe.co.uk), “Some people naturally speak louder when they are on the phone, and sometimes if there is a bad signal they will often repeat what they have said several times. Perhaps one of the main reasons we resent people using a mobile in close proximity to us is because we only ever hear half the conversation. It doesn’t make sense. We are naturally curious and like a puzzle with half the pieces missing we frustrated by being unable to see the complete picture.”

Indeed, No matter how we deny, we could not ignore listening to mobile phone conversations of others in a bus, a train, in the mall or any public place for that matter. Yes, listening and not hearing. Therefore, it is on purpose. This scene makes you annoyed, right?

Another one, you are down with all your appetite- eating lunch at your desk since you have a very short lunch break. In the middle of it, you just stop right off the bat because of a phone ringing somewhere. Is it not so disruptive? We are supposed to turn our mobile phones in a silent mode when we are at work; we are in a public place…

Ringing tones are cool and they are at any rate, a form of self expression. On the other hand, they are not something to show-off. There is always a time for everything.

As a form of good manners and right conduct, show that you have respect for others and you understand what real freedom is. Treat your mobile phone as an extension of your self- use it with the right amount of privacy. You just do not know how many people you get annoyed because of your improper use of the device called- cellular phone.