I hardly take nap in the afternoon in particular over weekdays. Lunch is usually quick meal and then it’s off to office and back to work till end of the day. Of course at times I can’t help it but feel the urge to doze off due to inadequate rest and lack of proper quality sleep. There are doctors who advice insomnia patients to avoid sleeping during the day as it might cause disruption and interfere with night sleep.
My dad live a ripe of age of up to 83 and I recalled he usually make it a point to catch a quick 15-20 minutes of afternoon nap daily throughout his life. Is afternoon nap good for health? Surprisingly the answer is yes. Those who live close to equatorial hot humid weather countries tend to loose concentration and focus during mid noon. A quick short afternoon nap could help to refresh and reenergize our mind.
There’s been much medical and scientific research into the benefits of taking afternoon naps. To date most sleep medical experts and researches agree that afternoon nap break is good for our health. Some companies even have policy of afternoon 1 or 2-hour official afternoon naptime for employees. As a matter of fact I am told that quite a number of companies in China are practicing afternoon nap break policies.
Sad to say, this afternoon nap policy does not go well with western employers and thus even Asian companies are starting to do away with official afternoon nap breaks.
On the other hand, over sleeping in the afternoon could cause headache thus the recommended afternoon nap should be just around 20 minutes of so.
Checkout the following web sites for more on the advantages of taking afternoon nap.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
The advantage of taking afternoon naps.

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