For a healthy body,proper nutrition and sleep in right quantities are necessary. People attach more importance to nutrition than to the sleep requirements of the body though both are equally important for the health of the body. Some functions of our metabolism can happen only during sleep without which our metabolism goes into turmoil.
If you have sleep disorders,you are not alone. Throughout the world the number of people suffering from the sleep disorder insomnia is increasing by the day. Loss of sleep may hasten the onset and increase the severity of diseases like hypertension,memory loss and diabetes.
Any drug which is easily available over the counter (OTC) without any restriction is called over the counter medicine or drug. Over the counter or OTC sleep|sleeping aids can be purchased easily by anybody without prescription.
When the body can not get proper amount sleep on it's own,OTC sleep|sleeping aids help the body get sleep by inducing it. Sleep aids are sold in the form of pill or potion.
OTC (over the counter) sleep|sleeping aids benefit-1 is that sleeping aids help the body to get the much needed sleep. This increases the capacity of the body to repair it's worn out cells there by invigorating the body.
Over the counter or OTC sleep aid benefit number-2 is that it helps the body achieve proper sleep by which the body is invigorated and refreshed. It also leads to improved work performance. This results in enhanced quality of life which otherwise is not possible without the help of sleep aid.
Benefit no.3 of using OTC sleep|sleeping aids is that by inducing much needed sleep it fights weight gain. When there is lack of sleep,the appetite is enhanced resulting in food consumption leading to weight gain.OTC sleep aids stop this by inducing sleep. Proper sleep thanks to sleep aid also contributes to blood pressure control thus improving heart condition.
Benefit no.3 of using OTC sleep|sleeping aids by making sleep possible help refresh the brain leading to increased memory power. Also during sleep,the repair of skin tissues damaged by ultra violet radiation of the sun during day time takes place improving skin health. Sleep aids also indirectly cause release of 'human growth hormone' which can be released only during sleep.
One of the most common OTC sleeping aids is melatonin. Melatonin is usually used to address sleeping problem due to jet lag but you can also use it as short term measures to overcome sleeping problem. You need to be cautious though to ensure so as not to become over dependent on it because prolong intake of such medication could result in addiction.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
OTC sleeping aids

sleeping problem
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