Here is a scary facts about pesticides. Over 78% of the apples analyzed contained pesticide residues. Over 93% of non organic oranges analyzed contains traces of pesticides. Over 83% of oily fish such as tuna were found to contain pesticide residues. The list goes on and on.
Apart from fruits, vegetables and fish, other meat such as chicken, beef, pork and even eggs were found to contain dangerous high level of pesticide residues. We live in a frightening world of food chain contamination. Insects are getting more tolerant to pesticides and as a result more potent pesticides were used to counter these pests.
Pesticides takes time to break down and it is a known fact that some unscrupulous farmers take the short cut by spraying pesticides and harvesting the crops before its due time. Pesticide residues on plants and vegetables makes it looks fresh and shiny.
Most pesticides kill pests by disrupting and destroying its central nervous system. Quite a number of pesticides are fat soluble gets stored in the body fat. Such pesticides are very difficult to rid from the body once ingested.
Peeling skin of non organic fruits may help but it is not possible to rid pesticide residues which are absorbed into the fruit. Increasing fruit intake daily may therefore increase risk of toxins into your body. Sounds weird but its true. An apple a day would only keep the doctor away provided the apple is free from pesticides!.
Is detoxification a necessity? Judging from the amount of pollutants and dangerous substance that we are exposed to then it is indeed vital for us to consider detoxification. Doing body detox is no longer a mindless, groundless and unproven scientific practice as most used to think.
How do you know if your body needs detoxification? When you gets tired easily, unable to sleep properly, gain weight for apparent no reason even though you maintain a healthy diet, skin rashes & disruptions, unable to focus on your work or aged prematurely.
As the saying goes, you are what you eat thus it is important for you reduce amount of exposure to pesticides. This include going green by taking organic food which are not exposed to dangerous level of pesticides, herbicides and other toxic substances.
One of the primary cause of premature aging is pesticide contamination. Toxin build up in our body disrupt hormone balance and trigger a host of diseases including cancer. As the saying goes, know your enemy if you want to win the battle. The same goes for our health. Know what is harmful to your body and takes appropriate measures to avoid or remedy the situation.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Pesticides - Premature Aging

Anti Aging
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