Saturday, September 04, 2010

Does Hypnosis Through Weight Loss Work?

It's a daily struggle for many American to attain and keep a health weight. Many fail. The CDC reports that in several states the rate of obesity has risen steadily since the mid 1980's and in several states now exceeds 30 percent. This has been a boon for the weight loss industry as more and more people are seeking effective weight loss systems. One method that many people are finding lasting success with is weight loss through hypnosis. One frequently asked question though, is does hypnosis for weight loss work?

Weight loss through hypnosis works by addressing the fundamental reason why most weight loss programs fail. Weight loss results when a person expends more calories than they take in and most weight loss programs center around that principle. Unfortunaely expending more calories than one takes in isn't easy and requires disciple and self control.

Most people fail to follow weight loss programs long term because it takes to much will power. In other words they feel like they at odds with themselves. It's uncomfortable and therefore unsustainable. Weight loss through hypnosis can help with this problem.

Science tells us that if we take in fewer calories that we expend, we will lose weight. This applies to everyone. The problem is, most people find it very difficult to eat less than they expend for any length of time. This is often due to the way we have been conditioned to think and act.

It is our subconscious mind that controls most of our behavior and if we want to change our behavior we have to change the way we think. Other wise we will always feel like weight loss is a struggle instead of an easy natural process. Hypnosis for weight loss helps to create new thought processes. New subconscious thought patterns make our chosen diet and exercise plan feel natural and right, which makes it easy to be successful.

Safety is a concern for many people learning about weight loss through hypnosis. In spite of what you may have seen of TV or heard, hypnosis is safe. All reputable hypnotherapists make of point of saying they are not able to make you do things you don't want to do.

You won't be out robbing banks under the influence of hypnosis. There is also no case of any one ever being stuck in a hypnotic trance. Weight loss through hypnosis is simply a very relaxed hyper focused state of mind in which the subconscious mind is active and able to be retrained with more positive thought processes that result in weight loss.

There are some definite good points about weight loss through but there are also some troublesome points as well. On the good side, hypnosis for weight loss can help you solve the reason why you may not have achieved the success with weight loss that you have always wanted. On the negative side it does take time to implement. Many people experience almost immediate behavior changes but they need to devote time each day to listen to the hypnosis training program. Thirty minutes is typical and if that's not to much of a price to pay for lasting weight loss you may want to learn more.

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