If you are feeling lethargic all the time, drowsy, sleepy, lack of energy and even muscle weakness despite having adequate rest, exercise and healthy diet then there is a possibility that you are suffering from some form of mitochondria disease.
Mitochondria disease is caused by genetic defects and inherited from the maternal side of the family. Thus a woman is responsible for passing this hereditary disease to the offspring. So thumbs up to the man, your child can’t put the blame on you for such disease.
It is not known exactly as to what causes leads to such genetic defects. Changes in the nuclear DNA of the chromosomes could be trigger by a variety of factors such as environmental pollution, toxins, radical oxidation, temperature, radiation and etc.
The mitochondria genetic footprint is passed to the offspring during the female egg fertilization process. Aging process could increase the risk of gene mutation of the mitochondria being passed down to offspring.
Mitochondria disease might range from non-noticeable symptoms to extreme severity cases leading to certain fatality. Mild mitochondria disease may not be easily noticeable and detectable by health experts.
The severity of the mitochondria disease depends on the trigger threshold. Most cells contains 100 or more of the mitochondria and if less than 30% of these mitochondria are not functioning properly, the person may still not feel the effect because the remaining 70% of the mitochondria is able to compensate and produce the necessary energy to sustain the cell.
If say more than 50% of the mitochondria in the cell are defective than chances are that the cell will not be able to sustain due to lack of energy and dies. Individual has different tolerance to different degree and severity of this genetic disease.
Treatment for this hereditary disease remains pretty much under research. One of the known ways to alleviate the symptoms and effect of this disease is by taking Coenzyme Q10. At this point of time there is no cure for Mitochondria disease but there are some measures you can take to minimize or reduce the side effects caused by this disease.
CoQ10 has powerful anti oxidant properties and helps the body to fights against radical oxidation that results in inflammation. It is also crucial for energy production as it contributes to the break down of sugar and fat for the production of ATP, the fuel used by cells to keep the body running.
Always consult a physician if you intend to take CoQ10 with other medications. This supplement is not regulated by FDA thus you should always start with a smaller dosage and gradually increase according to your body response.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Mitochondria Disease – Treatment With Coenzyme Q10
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Why You Need Coenzyme Q10

Coenzime Q10 abbreviated as CoQ10 is a natural substance (enzyme) produce by the body. This compound, also known as an enzyme or rather a cofactor enzyme is very important as it helps the body cell to produce and utilize energy properly. All cells in living organism requires energy to function properly.
Why is it so important for our body cells to produce energy? Let's cite for example the electricity supply to your home. You household appliances such as the computer, television set, toaster, microwave oven, air conditioner, refrigerator and many more relies mainly on electricity power to function. If the electricity to your home is cut off or disrupted you would experience extreme inconveniences.
Likewise our entire body system, both physically and mentally are deeply impacted if the cells in the body are unable to produce and utilize energy properly. The food we eat are broken down into nutrients which the cells need by various complex enzymes.
The mitochondria is the part of the cell responsible for the production of the energy. Mitochondria is also known as the factory power house of the cell. Excess carbohydrate is converted to sugar or fat and store in the cell as reserve fuel.
The factory powerhouse is responsible for converting the stored reserve fuel (sugar and fat) into useful energy called ATP which the body can utilize. A typical cell may contain a hundred or more of these tiny mitochondria.
A lot of problems can arise if our body is unable to produce adequate energy for the cells. Hormones imbalance, fatigue, weakening of muscles in particular the heart, inflammation of organs, and accelerated aging are some of the side effects associated with mitochondria related disease.
So what has CoQ10 got to do with the mitochondria? Research indicates some of the mitochondria related disease are due to low level compound of CoQ10 in the body. This compound facilitates the cell utilization of oxygen to synthesize with the sugar and fat in the cell to produce energy (ATP) for the cells more effectively.
As per my previous posting on pet dog Muffin which was diagnosed having serious heart inflammation due to aging, CoQ10 intake has proven to be very effective in this case. The flurry dogie seems to be in better health. Like any other nutrients, CoQ10 benefits depends on a variety of factors such as the patients health condition, lifestyle, age and etc.
CoQ10 is found in food such as beefs, spinach leaves, soya products and sardines. So if these food items are taken regularly it is expected that it's going to increase this enzyme in our body which definitely will provide more energy to work and keep us fresh.
Apart from these food mentioned above, several multi vitamins are also available in the market which recovers the deficiency of this enzyme in our body. Owing to its wonderful benefits you should try to include CoQ10 in your multi vitamin supplement which you take and this can also be included in the topically applied anti-aging creams as well, since it can rouse the re-growth of collagen and protein cells.
One of the question often raised with regards to CoQ10 supplement intake is how much should one take? No doubt this enzyme has lots of important health benefits but just because someone who took a high dosage of it feels good does not mean it is also good for you because your body functioning may be different from others. So it is always better to start the dosage in small proportion just to check if that's going to be helpful for you or not.
Friday, December 18, 2009
The Key To Longevity - Baby Face
So now finally there’s a good reason to be happy if you have baby face. Apparently there is research data indicating that baby face adults equate to longer life span. I wonder what other benefits researches may uncover in the future on those adults with baby face.
Interestingly Danish researchers reported in their findings the key to longevity on those baby face folks is most probably due to longer telomere, a key DNA component that affects the rate of aging. A telomere is part of the DNA that protects the cell from degradation and deterioration during cell replication.
The telomere allows the cell to replicate successfully through the process of what is known as cell division and this process helps to reduce the possibility of any anomalies arising out from the cell replication. Abnormal or incomplete cell and DNA replication may eventually leads to uncontrollable tumor growth such as cancer.
Cell division better known as ‘mitosis’ occurs throughout lifetime. Cell division is necessary to replace dead cells and it is what causes us to grow in lifetime. Cells are genetically program by the DNA to terminate after certain period of time so as to make way for new cells to replace those that are damaged. Shorter telomere may cause changes to the DNA that will prevent damaged cell from dying naturally.
Genetic DNA research indicates the telomere gets shorter and shorter during each cell division and eventually the cell division and replication stops when the telomere depletes. This phenomenon explains why there is limitation to how many times a cell can divide and replicate. Shorten telomere is one of the major causes of health deterioration and aging.
Apart from gene, external environmental factors such as pollution and stress affects how far we are able to hang on in life. The way I see it, it's kind of premature to conclude that baby face adults will indeed have longer life span as there are many other factors which determines one's health.
Perhaps it is not the outward physical appearance that determine how long one live but rather living a healthy lifestyle improve one's physical appearance thus making seems as though those with pleasant disposition and wellbeing lives longer.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Anti aging - Coenzyme Q10
My pet dog Muffin, a male Pomeranian is one of the older pet dog in town. He was barely 2 months old and weight less than 500gram when we first got it from the pet shop. Time sure flies. He is sure one lucky dog who enjoy the comfort of home and well like and taken care off by everyone in the family.
Muffin has always been in good health and hardly fall ill for the past 14 years. Things take turn for the worse as of recent. For the past 3 months he started to lose appetite, cough incessantly, vomited, experienced difficulty with breathing and muscle weakness. The visit to the animal specialist center prove to be timely.
The vet commented that we were lucky to have brought Muffin for checkout at the soonest opportunity because given the deteriorating condition, he could have not make it if not treated promptly.
Apparently he was suffering from serious heart inflammation, windpipe collapsed resulting in incessant cough throughout the nights and the lungs were filled with water, which probably explains the incessant cough throughout the nights.
Muffin has cataract on one of his eyes, which is common in aging dogs. He always had annual medical checkout and vaccination throughout the years. The vet always give him thumbs up on excellent good health.
All these years, Muffin diet consists of Caesar dog can food and other pet dog dried tidbits. He is very picky and choosy when it comes to canned dog food and he will not take any other brands apart from Caesar brand dog food.
Occasionally Muffin gets to enjoy home cook meals. It seems that years of salt and oily food intake have taken its toll on the dog. I guess the same goes for human. Aging is a normal process affecting every living organism.
No matter how careful we may be with our choice of food and lifestyle, accumulated toxins in the body through the food we eat, air we breath and other pollutants as well as aging across time eventually sets in and cause our body immune system to weaken and breakdown.
The vet has given specific orders that Muffin is to be put on strict special pet dog diet food approved only by the animal specialist center. No more canned food, pet tidbits and junk foods allowed, not even fruits such as pear or apple with the exception of papaya and vegetables such as broccoli.
The prescription treatment include heart medicine to reduce inflammation and drugs to alleviate water retention in the lungs. On top of that the vet also prescribed high concentration of Coenzyme 10 and other medications such as Sanhuang pills and Taurine. The vet mentioned advice that all dogs above 7 years of age should take CoQ10 supplements.
I have understood the benefits of CQ10 but hardly pay attention to it until I realized the tremendous improvement in Muffin's health as a result of taking CQ10. Even though he is still frail in health, nevertheless his condition has improved considerably.
What is Coenzime10 or CoQ10? How does this substance helps in the fight againts anti aging? Basically this substance is an enzyme produce naturally by the body and the level decreases with age.
This enzyme plays essential role in providing nourishment for the cells and the production of energy in every cell in the human body. It acts as powerful anti oxidant and protects the heart muscle,boost up immune function and helps to enhance stamina.
Free radical damage is one of the major factors responsible for accelerated aging process that caused many of the visible signs of skin aging. Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that can destroy the cell membranes.
Free radical is one of the primary causes of aging and age-related diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. It can also attack collagen molecules in the skin when the collagen becomes damaged the skin gets discolored, saggy and wrinkled.
Deficits in CoQ10 are associated with various diseases such as congestive heart failure, migraines, lowered immunity, infertility, fatigue, high blood pressure, chronic inflammation and host of age related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
This substance is found in food that we take regularly such as the beef, soybean products, spinach,broccoli and peanuts. Apart from aging, some medications such as cholesterol lowering drugs could deplete CoQ10 level and thus it is necessary and important to take CoQ10 supplements .
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Pet Ownership - A dog's life
Owning a pet can enrich your lifestyle, particularly if you are single and live alone. Research has shown that a pet can help to reduce blood pressure and lower anxiety. The bond and relationship that is build up between both pet and owner can help to raise the good feeling hormones, notably serotonin and dopamine. No wonder pet such as dog is considered man's best friend.
You always have to be mindful that you are making a lifetime commitment when you bring a pet home. Have you heard the phrase ' To you it's just a dog but to the dog you are his everything'. Dog ownership comes with total responsibility to the upkeep and well being of the pet's entire life. Being a pet owner can be quite challenging and at same time rewarding too.
I have been living with my Pomeranian pet dog for well over 15 years. He was just barely 2 months old and weights a mere 300gram when he became a member of the family. Today he is an old dog of ripe old age, slow and clumsy but albeit contented and happy with his life.
It was not that easy and smooth sailing in terms of caring for his well being though. It takes a lot of patience to clean up the mess that the pet created during the weekdays while I am away at work. At times after a hard day's work and reaching home in the late evening feeling completely exhausted and tired, the last thing on my mind was to spend another half an hour or more to bring it out for a stroll and clean up its living quarters.
Interestingly, the repetitive tasks of bringing out the dog for a walk, cleaning up and bringing it for the annual vaccination and other health checkout becomes routine and mundane so much so that I don't feel its bothering me at all.
Time sure flies. With advancement of age comes the deterioration of health. Gone are the days where the flurry doggie jumps around and play with toys. Nowadays he's quite withdrawn, quite and moves slowly.
Muffin suffers from cataract in one eye and had to be on medication for heart inflammation for the rest of its life. As a matter fact the vet mentioned that he's the oldest pet dog he had ever treated in the Animal Specialist Center.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Mobile Phone Radiation - What Is The Risk?
There’s no slowing down to the surge in mobile phone and other wireless gadget demand throughout the world. Mobile applications are getting more powerful, thanks to improvement made to the mobile equipment hardware and software.
Nowadays, mobile smart phones are jam packed with various features such as high-resolution camera, video recorder, inbuilt wireless wi-fi, multiple song and video format download and playback, huge memory and on the box ready support of myriads and host of Internet applications.
Goggle Android, Apple iPhone OS, Microsoft Mobile PC and many others are aggressively battling and vying for the lucrative mobile business market share. Some people just simply can’t leave their home without mobile phone. Wireless mobile communication has become a large part of our lifestyle.
Mobile phone video, data and voice charges are getting cheaper and more affordable. It is quite a common sight for people to get glued to their mobile gadgets, be in the street walking, jogging, sitting and even driving (although that is illegal and against safety traffic regulation of course).
You can immediately upload pictures taken through your mobile phone to share it with friends by connecting to the Internet and surf Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other social web 2.0 media, all within the palm of your hand.
Mobile e-commerce applications have come a long way. Nowadays you can conduct real time online trading, check the latest stock market information, order goods and services via web base applications, navigate your with GPS equipped mobile handset, watch television and movie online.
Beneath all these high tech solutions offered by mobile phone lays a hidden silent death trap. It’s not surprising that few people are aware of the danger associated with electromagnetic field radiation emitted by mobile phone and other wireless gadgets.
Mobile communication industry would want you to believe that there is only minimal risk associated with exposure to EMF radiation. Is EMF radiation exposure really safe and nothing to be of concern of as what these giant corporation stakeholders claim to be?
Well, it might be the case and perhaps we should not worry too much if the number of mobile phone users is low compare to the general population. The reality though is that mobile phone subscribers have increased multiple folds the past few years as mobile phone cost and subscriber-pricing plan becomes more affordable.
It is estimated that Singapore will have over 6.91 million mobile subscribers by year 2013. Mobile phone emits EMF so long as it is switch on regardless of whether you use it or not. Even in power saving mode, EMF is still emitted albeit in lower radiation level.
Imagine the amount of EMF radiation that you are exposed to in crowded areas. With typical 4 out of 5 person carrying mobile phone, it is not surprising that you are being bombarded with EMF radiation almost all the time.
The potential risk associated with mobile EMF has been known for years. Time and again mobile phone and other wireless equipment designers and manufacturers claimed there are no concrete findings to indicate that the radiation emitted from such equipments are harmful to health.
Since most of the EMF health risk investigations were either conducted or sponsored by organizations link to mobile industries and wireless markets, it is not surprising that results of the investigation would prove in favor of them (EMF radiation from mobile and wireless equipments do not pose any health risk).
Scientists now believe that EMF do indeed pose health risk. Some of the health risks associated with prolong exposure to EMF are 1) cancer, 2) genetic changes, 3) sleeping complications, 4) infertility problem, 5) psychological and personality changes, 6) brain and nervous system disturbance, 7) hormone imbalance and etc.
Do check out http://electromagnetichealth.org/quotes-from-experts/. It will help you to understand better the effects of radiation on health.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Fish Oil and Psoriasis
Fish Oil and Psoriasis - How Beneficial is it to Your Health?
Here's a good article contributed by Susan M. Taylor.
There are dozens of published studies concerning fish oil and psoriasis. The best results are seen when skin problems, of all kinds, are treated from the inside out and from the outside in.
Most problematic skin conditions are related to underlying nutritional deficits. Often, these are not outright nutritional deficiencies. The person may seem to be in relatively good health, were it not for the problems with his or her skin.
So, it's not outright nutritional deficiencies that researchers have looked at, but the "role" that dietary habits, particularly eating patterns that provide few essential nutrients, play in inflammatory skin diseases. Here's what we have learned, so far.
We know that psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory condition that can disappear and reappear, seemingly without cause. We also know that the condition can sometimes "spread", having a negative effect on the joints, fingernails and toenails.
Treatments for the condition have included drugs, topical ointments and non-drug treatments, such as regular exposure to UV light and dietary interventions, which have proven beneficial in mild, moderate and severe cases. Results seen concerning increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil and psoriasis treatment have been mixed.
As with most medical conditions, a complete treatment plan, which in this case should include changes in dietary habits and the use of good skincare products, is most beneficial. Research groups, particularly those related to the pharmaceutical industry, tend to look for a magic pill that can be prescribed to anyone and will work for most people.
If you think about it and you know anything about the importance of good nutrition, you realize that it doesn't make sense to look for miracle drugs. Other than antibiotics, there really aren't any. Even they are accompanied by unwanted side effects, including a reduction in beneficial bacteria in the gut.
A few of the latest studies concerning fish oil and psoriasis have focused on alternative treatments, because of all of the limited effectiveness and the side effects (some of which are very serious) caused by conventional drug treatments. Typically, doctors prescribe steroids or anti-inflammatory drugs. Steroids are of limited benefit and contribute to a variety of health problems. Anti-inflammatory drugs cause damage to the liver, which can be life threatening.
If you suffer from psoriatic plaques, here are a few of the things that you should try, judging from the evidence seen in fish oil and psoriasis studies, as well as other investigations.
Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables
Choose fish or fowl rather than red meat
Avoid processed foods and refined simple carbohydrates, which include white bread, white rice, white sugar and pasta
Use olive or canola oils for cooking, rather than corn, peanut or other types of vegetable oils
Use probiotics to improve the production of beneficial bacteria in the bowel
Eat more fiber or take fiber supplements
Take an omega-3 supplement, every day
The benefits seen in the fish oil and psoriasis studies are due to the natural anti-inflammatory activity.
Through the use of the suggestions mentioned above, you can reduce inflammation throughout your body and improve your overall health.
I have found a pure pharmaceutical grade fish oil product that is naturally high in DHA and EPA and also high in anti-inflammatory properties that comes from the world's most pristine oceans. See my website for more details of omega 3 fish oil products - the key to optimal health. To learn more about choosing the best fish oil product on the market today and the one I personally use and recommend to keep your mind and body young and active visit my website: Omega 3 fish oil supplements
Susan M. Taylor is a passionate advocate of preventative health care. She likes sharing information on her research and educating the public about the numerous benefits of omega 3 fatty acids.
Even though Psoriasis is not a critical life threatening disease, the itch and the pain could prove to be unbearable at times. Some doctors prescribe itch lotion that contains steroid. (for e.g. cortisolsteroid). Such cream and lotion may have long term side effects. )
Always choose anti itch Psoriasis cream and lotion which do not contain powerful compound such as steroid.
Don't suffer with psoriasis any longer. Avene Akerat Psoriasis Skin Cream gives you relief from the painful symptoms associated with psoriasis.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Anti Aging Products - Do They Work?
Anti aging products are popular items that are in high demand despite the global economic slow down. Just go to any pharmacies, departmental stores and shopping centers, chances are that you will be able to find all sorts of anti aging products that comes in various forms such as creams, lotions, vitamins, spas and drinks to name a few.
Not just women, men are also increasingly cautious and sensitive about their physical looks when they hit the 40s and beyond. Anti aging products are usually not regulated by the FDA or the ministry of health since it is considered cosmetic in nature.
It’s not surprising that sometime these anti aging products don’t actually benefit as much as advertised but we feel the effect of it as being really good in addressing aging due to our emotion. We make our mind that the product is good, buy it and then later try to justify with our emotion.
Some anti aging products in particular those from China contain toxic compounds and harmful ingredients that are never printed on the product labels. Some anti aging products from well-known international brands are in fact mass-produced and manufactured in China.
Product quality control is a challenge and it is not surprising for factories in China to source for cheaper ingredients to replace those of the original formula. Doing so would help to reduce manufacturing cost and further improve the product profit margin. A typical incident of cost cutting that went seriously wrong is the Sanlu baby milk power that is mix with melamine.
Have it ever occur to you that some anti aging products could in fact accelerate aging process instead of reversing or slowing it down? Some of the contents and ingredients of these wellness products carries along with it long term side effects.
Thousands of dollars were spent on advertisements to promote some of these anti aging products. Some of the efficacy claims of these products are downright outrageous and and ridiculous. For instance there are products which is touted being able to reverse aging. Aging is natural process and unstoppable. In other words you cannot stop aging but you can certainly slow down the process of aging.
The skin is the largest human organ; you wouldn’t want to apply anything on your skin, which you would otherwise not put into your mouth. The cream or lotion that you apply to the skin will eventually absorb into the blood stream. Increasingly number of cosmetic products such as anti aging products contains nanoparticles.
Toxic chemicals and compounds from the nanoparticles can easily cross the blood brain barrier and pose serious health complications. Some research indicates possibility of tiny particles reaching the placenta.
Check out http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-world/nanoparticles-could-pose-threat-to-humans-scientists-20090917-frxj.html
Instead of heading off to the nearest store to buy anti aging products why not considered the age old proven method to deal with aging gracefully?
No anti aging product will help if you do not have enough sleep. Getting enough sleep is important as it contributes to overall health. It is an established fact that a person may age prematurely due to prolong lack of sleep.
Lack of sleep could throw your hormones out of balance and disrupt the body system ability to repair cells and replenish vital energy better known as the 'Chi. Sleep is the body's natural way to healing and to grow.
In summary there are some anti aging products which helps in terms of improving your skin and making you look younger and youthful. It is unfortunate though that majority of the anti aging products don't work as claimed.
Furthermore, quite a number of these anti aging products contains harmful ingredients many of which carries long term side effects. Anti aging products that works for your friend may not work for you.
The best way to determine if any of these anti aging products are suitable for you or not is by improving your knowledge. Determine if the advertised product claims live up to current scientific sense.
Use the Internet forums to gather feedback from those who has used the products. Learn from those who know these products. Talk to friends who are familiar with these products and ask if they would recommend such products.
Check the product creator and manufacturer. Gather feedback from consumer reports websites and make sure it is not black listed by consumer complaint departments and other complaint boards.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Free H1N1 Flu Jab
Some companies in Singapore, notably multi national corporations such as the one I am currently work for (STX) are starting to offer free H1N1 flu shots for employees. Doctors and those working in the front line medical health services are given priorities to get the swine flu shot due to the nature of their jobs that expose them to potential H1N1 flu infections.
No doubt such kind intentions are much appreciated however I wonder if it is necessary for healthy adults to get the H1N1 jab much less children, elderly and pregnant woman.
Singapore has already received stockpiles of H1N1 vaccine to deal with any potential major H1N1 outbreak.
In general there are two types of H1N1 vaccines. The so-called ‘adjuvanted’ H1N1 vaccine contains substances that increase the body responses to the swine flu jab as well as boost up the body immune system. The other type of H1N1 vaccine does not contain any booster (adjuvant) and thus considered much safer by doctors to be administered to pregnant women and children.
Many countries including the United States are trying to get all their citizens vaccinated against H1N1. There are many reports and information circulating in the Internet which question the safety of such vaccination and also if it is really necessary for other healthy person to get the jab at all.
The fact that the World Health Organization has granted some of these H1N1 vaccine manufacturers almost complete full immunity against any liability that might arise out from these flu jab such as serious side effects really bothers me. After all, the vaccine wasn’t fully tested for its long-term side effects.
So should you or should you not get the H1N1 flu jab? Some argued that the vaccine has been administered to thousands if not millions of people worldwide with minimal fatalities observed or reported. Opponents of H1N1 vaccination on the other hand claim that the swine flu fatalities and risks have been over hype and that the risk outweighs the benefits.
See "H1N1 Not As Dangerous As It Is Thought To Be."
As for me, I wouldn’t want to take any chances though. Why get the swine flu jab if you are healthy? Let your natural body immune system and defense mechanism deal with the incoming pathogens and virus. After all, that has always been the way Mother Nature let we human deal with diseases.
In summary, my personal opinion is that there is no need to put your health at risk by taking a vaccine that’s rush out to the market without full studies of its mid and long term implications and side effects. Nevertheless the risks pose by such vaccine may not be as serious as some claim to be.
So ultimately the decision really depends on the condition of your personal health, environmental surroundings which may predispose you to higher chances of being infected with the swine and last but not least, your appetite for risk in terms of taking such vaccine. Massive H1N1 vaccination has come under much criticism from not just the public but also some of the better-established health experts’ community at large.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Natural Stress Management Using Aromatherapy To Beat Stress
Aromatherapy as we know it today was accidentally discovered in 1910 by a French chemist named Rene-Maurice Gattefosse. After burning his hand during an experiment in a perfume factory, he plunged it into a vat of Lavender essential oil, and was amazed at how quickly and well his hand later healed. Thus modern aromatherapy was born. The use of aromatic plants in healing and medicine can be traced back to thousands of years BC however, and evidence of the use of essential oils has even been found in Egyptian tombs and hieroglyphics.
The practice of aromatherapy harnesses the healing properties of aromatic plants and trees in the form of essential oils which are extracted from the leaves, flowers, stems, bark and roots. The extracted oils are highly concentrated, but when diluted they are suitable for use in baths, oil burners, massage oils, creams, lotions and sprays.
Aromatherapy is an extremely effective treatment for stress, as there are a number of oils which have sedating, relaxing and uplifting properties. The connection between smell and emotion is very strong, and breathing in pleasant smells triggers positive reactions in the brain which creates a sense of well being. This therapeutic effect works in addition to the healing properties of the oils.
Essential oils should not be taken internally but should be absorbed into the body either through inhalation or through the skin. There are a number of oils available which are used to treat stress and its symptoms, and there is a wide variety of ways in which oils can be used.
Probably the most relaxing way to enjoy aromatherapy is in the form of a massage by a qualified aromatherapist, however there are still plenty of benefits to be had by practicing aromatherapy at home. Good quality essential oils can be purchased from reputable suppliers such as drugstores, natural health stores and specialist web sites. Do not buy cheap low quality oils as these are usually synthetically produced, and whilst they may smell the same, they contain none of the therapeutic benefits of the plant.
Oils such as Bergamot, Neroli, Frankincense, Geranium, Ylang-Ylang and Sandalwood are very safe, and will induce relaxation and lift your mood. Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Jasmine, Marjoram and Clary Sage have the same effect, but these oils should not be used if you are pregnant. You should avoid using any essential oils in the first trimester of pregnancy without taking advice from a doctor or a qualified aromatherapist.
You can use essential oils on their own or blended with one or two other oils for maximum effect. If you are using them on the skin they should always be diluted in a carrier oil such as Sunflower or Sweet Almond. Ways that you can use essential oils at home include:
Baths. Fill the bathtub with warm (not hot) water, then dilute 4 � 6 drops of essential oil in a few tablespoons of vegetable oil or milk, and add to the water. Close the door so that the vapours don't escape, and soak for at least ten minutes.
Oil Burner. Add 2tbsp warm water to the oil burner bowl and then add 3 � 6 drops of essential oil. Light the candle underneath, and the heat will disperse the oils into the air.
Lamp Ring. Place two or three drops of essential oil onto a lamp ring, and place the ring on a light bulb. The heat from the light bulb will cause the oils to disperse into the air.
Room Sprays. Use a new plant sprayer, and add warm but not boiling water. Add the essential oil (4 drops per � pint water) and shake before use. Spray into the air, but avoid spraying onto surfaces and fabric which are likely to stain.
Massage. For massage, the essential oils must be diluted in a carrier oil such as Sunflower, Sweet Almond or Grapeseed. You will probably need around 7-10 teaspoons of carrier oil for a full body massage, so add 1 drop of essential oil per teaspoon of carrier oil. Mix well and apply to the skin with long sweeping strokes, always massaging towards the heart.
Using aromatherapy oils at home should be done with care. The essential oils are usually quite safe, but some oils can present hazards if not properly used. If you are in any doubt, always consult a qualified aromatherapist.
You should bear in mind the following guidelines before using essential oils:
1) Never use undiluted oils directly on the skin
2) Always seek professional advice from a medical practitioner or qualified aromatherapist if you have sensitive skin, are prone to allergic reactions, are pregnant or breast feeding, have a medical condition or are taking anticoagulant drugs.
3) Seek advice from a qualified aromatherapist before using oils on children.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Benefits Of Cammomile
Chamomile is a herb plant native to central and southern Europe. This plant is now grown throughout the world. The flowers and leaves from this plant are dried and used as tea. Chamomile is well known for its healing properties and has been used as sleep promoting supplements for ages. This herb contains the chemical 'chrysin' which is known to promote drowsiness and encourages sleep.
The flower of the chamomile contains essential oils and flavonoids. Chamomile oil has anti fungal properties and can be used to treat some of the skin ailments that are caused by fungal infections. The oil can be added into a hot bath (or spa) to helps moisturize and soothe dry skin.
On the other hand the flavonoids has anti oxidant properties that helps the body to heal and increase protection against free radicals which harms the body. Surveys and studies indicates that this herb contain anti-histamine properties that contributes to the reduction of inflammation, swelling from allergies and boost up the body immune system.
Drinking Chamomile tea regularly helps to promote relaxation and and alleviate stress. Some other possible benefits are relieve of back pain, improve rheumatism, regulate menstrual periods and alleviate symptoms of common cold.
Chamomile has both anti-inflammatory and sedative properties and has been historically used to help stop fits and fevers particularly in ancient Egypt. Chamomile is perfect for childhood ailments including earache and is noted for its gentle nature. Chamomile is also commonly used in shampoo for children or for fine blond hair. Chamomile can also be used for allergies, anemia, burns, dermatitis, diarrhea, fever, indigestion, menstrual and menopausal symptoms, insomnia, toothache, ulcers and even rheumatism. Chamomile is the most widely used essential oil and many people enjoy chamomile tea or other household products as part of their daily life.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Alternative Cancer Treatment
Here is a great posting on alternative cancer treatment. One of the important factors highlighted in that posting is with regards to how toxins are released to the body, in particular the blood stream as cancer cells dies during cancer therapy treatments.
Detoxification is one key aspects of alternative cancer treatment often overlook by modern convention cancer treatment. Detoxification should always be part and parcel of your daily health regime. Don't wait for health problems to affect you drastically before you start to take action to detoxify your body. After all, you got nothing to loose by regulating and cleaning up your body system regularly.
Friday, November 06, 2009
Nanotechnology - Benefits & Risks
Nanotechnology is an exciting new technology that offers tremendous opportunities in terms of improving quality of life. Nanotechnology involves the study, creation and controlling of materials , structures and systems that exist at the scale of atoms and molecules.
Such emerging technology offers great commercial rewards in areas of biological, electronics, electrical, chemical, mechanical and consumer goods such as cosmetics, textile, household and agricultural products. In the not too distant future, the adoption of nanotechnology will affect all aspect of our life.
Nanofilters capable of filtering particles the size of virus or even smaller could be cheaply produced and sold at affordable cost to be deployed in third world countries which are struggling to combat contaminated and polluted source of drinking water.
A vast range of applications many of which we envisioned only in the realm of science fiction can now be truly realized and implemented successfully with the help of nanotechnology. For instance, although still in experimental stages, scientist and nanotechnologist are now able to design and build tiny robots the size of pinhole to seek out and destroy specific cancer cells.
Cancer treatment breakthrough via nanotechnology could pave the way for medical scientist to not only improve treatment but also to develop long term effective vaccines agains AIDS and other such diseases.
Micro sensors build with nanotechnology better known as ‘nanosensors‘ or ‘dot sensors’ are capable of monitoring and detecting miniscule changes in temperature, pressure, displayment, flow, chemical response and other microscopic changes right at atomic and sub molecure level.
Nanocapsules containing drugs could be delivered to specific cells in the body with pinpoint accurarcy ,all without affecting other surrounding tissues and cells. Nanosensors can be programmed to determine the exact condition, the time and the necessary dosage to be released by the nanocapsules.
Its amazing how nanotechnology could someday make it possible for doctors and scientist to treat illness in a very radical different way.
On the other hand, the indiscriminate use of nanotechnology without any due consideration for social and ethical issues can have huge implications to humankind. Human may try to play God and strive to create new species through the manipulation of gene and biological engineering. Nanotechnology could become the catalyst for the development of new generation of weapons.
The increase presence of nanoparticles in cosmetic products may be detrimental to health. Nanoparticles are so tiny that it may cross the blood brain barrier or penetrate deeply beyond the external surface of the skin right through into organs and blood stream.
Nanotechnology – Skin Deeper Cosmetics.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The Girl Who Lives In The Dark
Happened to switch over the weekend morning screening of the TV channel programmed entitled 'The girl who lives in the dark”. It is a sad touching story of a nine year old girl by the name Wan Lao Yang who lives in the remote southern part of China (she seems to belong to a minority group) who contracted a rare form of skin cancer that left her severely disfigured.
She yearn to go schooling like other children but unable to do so due to her medical condition. The teachers had to turn her away from attending classes due to her deteriorating health. The tumors on her face grew quickly, blood, puss and tissue decay affected her vision badly.
There is no cure for this genetic skin disease. The disease is caused by the inability of the body system to repair DNA damaged caused by the Sun's ray (UV rays). The unfortunate girl has to spend most of her time in the debilitated cold dark shelter of her home to avoid exposure to sunlight.
The parents are peasants who could not afford expensive medical treatment. Doctors in her remote area told her parents the disease is hard to treat and turn them away. A local tourist guide came to know about her plight, took pictures and photographs of her disfigured face and posted them on the Internet in attempt to seek help from the public.
By chance a UK child skin specialist by the name of Dr Atherton got to know about it through the Internet and got in touch with Shanghai skin cancer specialists who then help to arrange a medical visit. Together with the Shanghai medical team, Dr Atherton applied one week leave to travel all the way to China. It was a long flight from UK to Shanghai .The journey from Shanghai to the remote village took another 2 days. Apparently the villagers got to know about the incoming visit and extended a warm welcome visit to the medical team.
When Dr Atherton first saw the seriousness condition of the girl, he wept. Due to the advance staged of the skin cancer, urgent arrangement was made to send the little girl to Shanghai for medical treatment. As the first course of treatment, Dr Atherton created a special UV face protection mask for the child. A week after the visit, both the girl and her father traveled to Shanghai for the first time together with Dr Atherton. The entire village people are glad that finally the unfortunate girl has fighting chance to recover from the dreaded disease and see the light of the day.
It was the first time both child and father took to the air and Lao Yang was very excited throughout the journey. Phone call was arrange so that Lao Yang's other siblings and mother could talk to her when she reach Shanghai. Being the good girl, Lao Yang reminded her other siblings to be good to their mother. She also told her siblings how she felt she was like walking on cottons during the flight.
Doctors in Shanghai were shocked at the condition of the girl. The operation to remove the tumor went successfully despite the complex surgery. In fact it is the most complicated operation ever been undertaken by the Shanghai medical team. 8 weeks after the surgery Lao Yang went home, much to the delight of the villagers and her siblings and parent. Special UV protection filter were put up in Lao Yang's class. Students and teachers were delighted that the little girl finally able to go back to attend school lessons.
Prosthetic surgery arrangement were made to address the scar and disfigurement caused by the tumor. The expensive medical costs were borne by various contributors and the Shanghai hospital. Unfortunately bad news soon follow suit.
Doctors in Shanghai hospital that operated on her discovered that the cancer has spread to her lungs. During an interview Dr Atherton mentioned he was putting his finger crossed and hoping that the cancer would not spread. Lao Yang did not make it pass her next birthday.
Lao Yang's struggle against this form of rare genetic disorder by the name 'Xeroderma Pigmentosum' is well documented and aired wordwide. It is important to note that the documentary is not just about advanced cutting edge medical science & technology.
Beneath all the treatment lies the human touch. The tour guide, doctors, in particular Dr Atherton and the Shanghai medical teams who offered their time , waiver of the medical expenses and attempt to give her a better life is what makes life meaningful and memorable.
Lao Yang is gone but she did not suffer and die in vain. Tissues samples from the Lao Yang's tumor are preserved in various medical research centers. Perhaps someday with the availability of the tumor samples, advancement and genetic engineering medical breakthrough could provide a cure for it once and for all.
Reference: Rare Genetic Skin Disorder - Cancer
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Woman Age Look Like Their Mother
A friend of mine once shared a joke on how it's possible for a man to easily figure out accurately or picture what his girlfriend might look like in years to come when she has aged and becomes old. Well, the answer it seems lies simply by just looking at her mum. If her mum is fat then there is a high probability that the girlfriend might be likewise in years to come. If her mum has wrinkles then it is quite probable daughter would suffer same skin condition eventually.
Apparently science has caught up with such jokes. Report release by medical researchers in California indicates most aging woman would increasingly resemble their mother in terms of physical outlook as they aged. Although the medical findings do not explain the root cause of such observations nevertheless this is not really surprising given the fact that woman inherit genetic traits from their parents.
Check out the following on woman age like their mother
Friday, October 23, 2009
Chi Machine - Cure For Insomnia
It’s not surprising that everyone suffers from occasional bouts of insomnia. Millions of people in the world suffer from some form of sleep disorder. Insomnia could be caused by various factors. Most people turn to quick fix involving the use of sleeping aid drugs such as melatonin, Valium, Tylenol and other potent sedatives to address sleep problem.
Sleep remedies involving potent drugs should only be used on shot term basis and under doctor's advice. Medication involving drugs may have serious side effects such as the case with Michael Jackson who is believed to have died due to improper administration of the potent anesthetic ‘propofol’ intravenous drug with the intention to help him sleep. Sleep aid drugs merely sought to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.
Of course by no means I am trying to imply we should stay away from sleep aid drugs completely You just need to avoid taking sleep aid drugs for prolong period of time and consult a doctor on the best medication appropriate for your sleep problem. If you are not careful you might become addicted to these drugs. Use these drugs with discretion. Most of the time, drugs do not deal with the underlying root cause of the sleep problem.
Surrounding environment such as the temperature, humidity, noise and the condition of bedding items such the pillow and mattress spring could disrupt an otherwise good sleep. Poor sleeping position and posture could harm and affect the spine, which in turn impact your sleep.
Poor nutrition and lack of exercise also contribute to sleep problem. Stimulants such as coffee and tea may also keep you from falling asleep so it’s recommended that you avoid caffeine and any other stimulants at least 3 hours before bedtime.
One of the major leading causes of insomnia is stress. Stress has tremendous negative impact on your health and life. Everyone experienced stress in one way or another. We live in a fast pace hectic world whereby our stress hormone is constantly being drive up due to demanding work and family life.
No amount of sleeping drugs would help if we were unable to deal with the stress that's causing us to loose precious quality sleep daily. Thus learning to cope with stress and challenges in life (stress management) is critical to helping you to deal with insomnia.
You might have heard the common catch phrase that coping with stress is easier said than done. Some people are more predisposed to mental stress. Biological and psychological factors influence individual ability to cope with stress.
Even children aren't spare from stress, notably examination stress. Recently I received an email attachment on some of the PSLE mathematic questions and I must admit the exam questions seems quite tough to me. Therefore it is not surprising that more and more children and students are having trouble and difficulty in coping with sleep.
How can you cope and deal with sleep problems given the multitude of contributing factors? First thing first you should make sure the surrounding environment don’t exacerbate sleep problem. Some times all it takes is just simple life style change such as removing distractions from your bedroom such as TV and computer.
If you are unable to sleep properly due to work stress or other personal concerns then it is imperative that you seek advice and help from those you can trust and rely upon in times of distress. Family members, close friends, self improvement coach or even religious leaders such as a pastor might be able to help you cope with stress.
Stress may cause you to loose sleep and the lack of quality sleep in turn creates more stress and the cycle repeats and escalate into severe depression and chronic insomnia. Prolong stress and chronic insomnia can cause serious internal organ inflammation, destroy health and put your life at risk.
So the big question is which of the two should you address first, sleep disorder or stress? It may be a difficult choice to make for some who are suffering from both chronic stress and insomnia. Prolong chronic stress maybe more difficult to analyze and deal with due to the diverse possible triggering factors. You will need to seek professional help to deal with chronic stress.
Sleep is one of the major factor that contributes to our overall wellness. Sleep enables the body to repair tissues, muscles and vital organs. Sleep also helps to reduce inflammation, improves and boost body immune system to fight agains diseases Lack of sleep accelerates aging and increase the risks of stroke and heart attack.
Our body is a marvelous piece of machine that is capable of repairing itself efficiently given the right condition such as good nutrient, exercise and adequate rest. Chemicals and compounds such as drugs don't actually heal our body directly.
Rather it is our body mind system with the help of the energy known as the 'chi' that drives to balance and regulates the body self-healing system. Have you ever wondered why you feel good after massage? The fact of the matter is that massage helps to release mental stress, promotes relaxation and balances the body 'chi' energy.
The 'chi' also known as the human life force is not simply a supertitious belief but is something very real that is constantly being acknowledge and recognized by modern western research in the fields of physics and medicine. Chi is a form of energy that flows through the meridians the way electrical impulses flow through the nerves.
The chi machine benefits elderly people and those who are prone to injury in need of exercise. As the name implies, the movement to the body in a 'snake' like motion helps to align the spine, relaxes muscles, improve blood circulation and flow of oxygen to body system. It also helps to improve lymph fluids flow so as to improve detoxification and eliminate toxins from the body.
Many people who has used the chi machine for just 15 minutes daily experienced great results in terms of improve sleep and relieve emotional stress. The swinging of the feet creates a harmonic response up through the body, which balances energy levels and releases tension. The therapeutic massage effects through the use of this machine is very rewarding. Daily use of it for 15 minutes prior to bedtime improves insomnia condition.
Fifteen minutes of passive exercise with the chi machine is estimated to be equivalent to 90 minutes of walking. The best part of it is that after the machine has stop swinging you feel sudden surge of relaxation and rejuvenation of energy across your entire body from head to toe.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
The Chi Machine- Spinal Alignment
The central nervous system extends throughout the spinal column, beginning from the brain and branch out from the nerve networks to every part of the body. The extended network of nerves is termed the autonomic nervous system. Blood and immune system such as the globulin are produced by the spinal column bone marrow.
The central nervous system controls important functions such as breathing, heart rate, digestion and many other activities many of which is out of conscious control. Misalignment and abnormal pressure and stress applied to the spine may impact the normal body functions and trigger diseases on an otherwise healthy body.
The spine can be subdivided into 4 major sections namely the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacrum. Problems to any of these spinal sections may cause impact to different organs and cause different illnesses.
For instance, insomnia, dizziness, migraines, ear inflammation, cataracts and sore throat may be associated with problems on the cervical vertebrae. Stiff neck, liver disease, rheumatism, lack of strength and swelling thyroid may be trigger due to thoracic vertebrae condition.
The degree of spinal misalignment may worsen and the symptoms or illness associated with it may change gradually or abruptly making it extremely difficult for physician to pinpoint the underlying cause of the health problems.
We can move our spine in sideways much like the way snake moves in ‘S’ shape. Applying the appropriate pressure and movements such as the snake like profile can help in the realignment of the spine.
Most form of exercises does not adequately help to flex the spinal column in a twisting snake like movement. Physical and mental stress may caused the spines to be rigid and as such it is important for you choose the appropriate form of exercise to prevent causing more harm to the spine.
Correct spinal movement exercise helps to re-align the spine, release the chi energy and balance the energy movement throughout the body. Optimal spine movement helps to relieve vertebrae joint, stimulates the autonomic nervous system and provides pleasure sensation.
The Chi Machine is passive aerobic exercise equipment that has been proven to help tone, heal back problems, strengthen the mental and physical body, stimulates the lymphatic, increase energy and promotes better sleep.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Chi Machine - Reduce Cancer Risks
Exercise contributes to overall health because it helps to increase intake of oxygen to our body. Why is it so important for us to acquire proper amount of oxygen to our body? To understand the importance of oxygen in relation to our health, firstly we need to know that Our health is maintain by trillions of cells which provides necessary energy to body systems and all vital organs.
Vital organs in the body such as the heart and lung requires energy to function properly. Without energy, the heart would stop beating and the lung would collapse resulting in cessation of life. Cells in our body requires nutrients and oxygen to produce energy. Exercise increase the intake rate of oxygen which in turn enable the cell to obtain nutrient and produce energy more efficiently for the body.
One major discovery pertaining to cancer is that a cell deprived of oxygen may turn cancerous. Normal healthy cells requires oxygen and nutrient to generate energy while cancer cells make use of fermented sugar and low oxygen to produce energy needed to multiply the cancerous cells.
Dr. Otto Warburg,a Nobel prize winner in medicine prove that cancer cells cannot thrive and live in high oxygen low sugar content healthy cells. Cancerous cells are harder to develop in the presence of adequate oxygen.
The 'Chi Machine' helps to boost up blood cell production, improve blood circulation and tissue oxygenation. Thus it is not surprising that using the 'Chi Machine' on a regular basis could strengthen and protect your body against cancer, many of which were triggered due to surrounding environmental factors such as pollution, stress, sleep disorder,radiation, hormone imbalance and lack of nutrients.
The 'Chi Machine' is a wonderful piece of passive aerobic exercise tool for everyone. By using this machine daily in conjunction with healthy nutritional diet, you will be on your way to become stronger , rejuvenated and improve level of fitness more then ever before.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Chi Machine - Exercise While You Relax
Regular exercise helps to improve blood circulation, improve hormone balance, reduce anxiety, depression, minimize heart disease, regulate blood pressure, prevent obesity and improve quality sleep. Physical activities involving exercise should be very much part and parcel of our daily life if we are to remain healthy.
There are many things in life that requires our attention and many which sap us off our energy, mental focus and time so much so that we are physically and mentally completely exhausted. It is difficult to find the necessary motivation to do exercise when we are tired or not in good mood after a hard day's work.
Physical activities involving strenuous exercise are harmful to those who suffer from heart complications and other health problems. Some physical activities such as jogging may cause strain to muscles and tendons of the leg and foot.
How do we motivate ourselves to exercise regularly? Is there a way to get our body to burn excess fat without resorting to drugs or subjecting ourselves to tiring physical fitness activities? Is there a way for us to relax and lie comfortably in our own home yet kicking our body into high gear exercise mode? In short is there a lazy and comfortable way for us to conduct regular exercise comfortably of our home?
The answer is an absolute yes. We don't need to spend time in the gym and sport recreational club to exercise. So what exactly do we need to do to keep ourselves healthy without having resort to any form of physical exhaustive exercise?
One of the most convenient, economical and effective ways to perform regular exercise is by using the ‘Chi Machine’. This machine is commonly duped the ‘lazy man’s exercise machine’. What is exactly the ‘Chi Machine’?
In a nutshell the ‘Chi Machine’ consists of a small exercise device where you lie on your back and put your ankles on the footrest. The machine will sway your feet from side to side. You may wonder what benefit such a seemingly simple machine does for our health?
The answer lies in the investigation and findings of Dr Shizou Inoue whose scientific research leads to the creation of the 'Chi' machine. His investigation indicates human body movement raises the level of oxygen in the blood and the Chi (energy) thus resulting in improves health.
The machine is design to simulate the movement of fish in the water. Dr Shizou discovers that specific rhythmic frequency movement energizes the body circulatory fluids and lymph and this helps to maximize the oxygenation of the entire body at cellular level through the physical stimulation.
10 minutes of exercise with the ‘Chi Machine’ is equivalent to half an hour aerobic exercise all at the convenience at your own home. In summary the daily use of ‘Chi Machine’ offers various benefits such as improve quality sleep, weight loss, reduce stress and anxiety. It also helps to boost up immune system, firming and toning of thighs, limber spine, joints and last but not least improve overall better stamina.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
H1NI Vaccine – Is It A Blessing Or A Curse?
Production of the H1N1 swine flu vaccine for worldwide population is schedule to increase to cope with anticipated rising number of infections due to the incoming winter. China alone is schedule to rush out the production of H1N1 vaccine for almost a million of its population schedule to gather at the capital Beijing to celebrate the country national day parade.
Countries all over the world inclusive of Singapore plan to stockpile the vaccine just in case there is another round of global outbreak. The young, elderly, sickly and pregnant woman are considered priority to get this flu jab.
Exactly just how safe is the H1N1 vaccine?
1)Dangerous compounds
Dangerous additives such as mercury and squalene were reported to be present in the H1N1 flu vaccine. These additives are known linked to the development of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
2)Triggering Of Deadly Nerve Disease
This vaccine has been linked to a deadly neurological disease known as Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). GBS attacks the lining of your nerves, causing paralysis and inability to breath, and can be fatal.
3)Cancer Risk
In an interview with the press, German Medical Scientist Wolfgang Wodarg raised the concern of potential health risks associated with the swine flu vaccine. Dr. Wodarg in within his capacity as authoritative lung cancer expert is concern that the swine flu vaccine contains animal cancer cells and as such the long-term side effect of any allergic reaction when injected is not known.
The risk of contracting cancer is not known at this point of time.
See: H1N1 Cancer Causing Risks
4)No Way to Sue Big Pharma
Giant pharmaceutical companies that produce such vaccines are granted FULL immunity from all liabilities arising out from potential short term as well as long-term side effects associated with the administering of such vaccines. In other words you are a guinea pig as far as the vaccine is concern and you have no recourse to sue the company for any eventual side effect arising directly out from it.
Wish to know more about the risks associated with vaccination?
Download information on Vaccination Horrors Exposed over here.
So in summary, just how safe is the H1N1 vaccine? You be your own judge.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Good Fat - Being Fat Does Not Imply You Are Not Healthy
A friend of mine once cracked a joke that a fat person may die of starvation and yet still look physically fat. Most people confuse weight loss with fat loss. The weighting scale can only provide an indication of whether you are putting or losing weight and nothing more. Just because you lose those extra weight does not necessary mean you will become healthier.
Your weight loss may be due to loss of essential body fluid such as water or muscle instead of the unhealthy body fat. Have you ever wonder why some people seems to have saggy skin as they aged? The loss of muscle due to lack of exercise and unhealthy diet in couple with unhealthy lifestyle and aging causes the skin to sag.
A weight loss survey conducted in Japan indicates slim or thin people with high internal organ fat is morel likely to suffer and die from fatal stroke or heart attack compare to obese people. Internal fat found within the organs of the body such as the liver is detrimental to our health.
Some people resort to cut down or even skip their meals in attempt to lose weight. In extreme cases, some people would even resort to self induce vomit or purging immediately after taking a large meals in the belief that this will help them to shed off unwanted fats when the stomach is empty. Eating disorder behavior such as Bulimia' is very dangerous and in some cases may even lead to death.
The body naturally respond to starvation by attempting to conserve energy and fat in anticipation of starvation mode. Reducing food intake has the adverse side effect of triggering the body to slow down metabolism rate and this in turn reduce the body ability to burn fat. Our body is designed to store fat and burn muscle under starvation condition and therefore starving yourself has the opposite effect of preventing what you want to achieve; to stay slim and trim.
When you go on crash diet, skip meals or try to starve yourself, you end up losing muscles instead of fat. Muscle breaks down to glucose at a faster rate compare to fat tissues which requires both carbohydrates and energy to burn. Muscles which are made of mainly protein is needed to burn fats thus as you lose muscle, you lose ability to shed off those unwanted fats.
Research by Harvard Medical School indicates fats deposited in the buttock and hip areas of women may in fact help to protect them against various diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart diseases.
Count yourself luck if you are a woman with big buttock,hip and thighs. Don't let the prevalent commercial misconception and twisted facts about being healthy equates to slim like those cat walk models scare you off.
There is good fat as well as bad fat just as there is good and bad cholesterol. Thus if you live and stay on healthy diet and lifestyle but yet seems to accumulate fat and put on weight by no means it indicates something is wrong with you. Our body is a marvelous piece of machine which knows what to metabolize and utilize to keep it tip top condition so long as we live a healthy lifestyle.
In summary, being fat may not necessary implies you are not healthy, on the contrary those fats may in fact help to keep you in tip top healthy condition. Food rich in fat but low in carbohydrates is more important and healthier than those low in fat but high in calories. Just remember that you need fat to burn fat!. So next time if anyone laugh at you and comment on your big buttocks or thighs, take it as a compliment instead!.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Exercise - The Natural Way To Deal With Sleep Problem
Getting adequate quality sleepis one of the most important aspect of our life. We need sleep to repair, regenerate and rejuvenate. In today's fast paced environment, sleep has become secondary of importance to eating or drinking. It is not that people do not wish to sleep but rather the daily stress and pressure in life has taken its toll of people's life so much so getting good quality sleep every night becomes almost an impossible task to achieve.
Our physical body is not in permanent state so to speak but rather most of the time body tissues, cells and organs undergoes repair and replacement during sleep. The cells that line the surface of the stomach last about 5 days after of which new cells emerge to replace damaged cells that were exposed to environmental toxins, heavy metals and other stress conditions .
Cells from different parts of the body are damaged at different rates and cell division occurs at different rates to replace damaged cells. Most of the body important restorative activities such as tissue repair, release of growth hormone, muscle growth and protein synthesis occurs during sleep.
Although there are multiple factors that contributes to sleep complications, nevertheless it is important that at the very fundamental basis you do some form of exercise daily. Is exercise important and contribute to better sleep? Well, you bet, the answer is a definite yes.
Exercise has considerable effect on how well we sleep at night. Our body is able to relax and we can fall asleep easier if we are physically active during the day. Our physical and emotional health is link to how much and how regular we exercise. Exercise impacts the chemicals in the brain which has the effect of regulating sleep cycles to optimum levels.
Do not go to sleep too soon after vigorous exercise because the body temperature increased during physical workout and this impact your ability to fall asleep. It is recommended that you do workout at least 4 hours before bedtime.
Most working adults finds it difficult to allocate spare time for exercise. We set off for work before sun rise and by the time we knock off work and reach home, we are all tired and exercise seems to be the last thing we would want to do.
The good news is though we don't need to spend too much time to be physically active everyday. All that is needed is 20 minutes or so, 3-4 times per week. There are various physical activities that you may consider, many of which do not require high impact strenuous exercise. For instance, yoga or Tai Chi involves breathing techniques which helps you to relax and improve blood circulation.
Simple daily activities such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking to the shopping center instead of driving helps to add small blocks of physical activity to your life and this in turn helps you to improve and correct some of your sleep problem .
In summary, for all you know, exercise might just be the best medicine that you need to deal with sleeping problem. Never resort to sleep aid such as sleeping pills unless really necessary. Busy people may find it difficult to spare time for exercise.
In my next article I will show you what some amazing equipment can do for you in terms of exercise and helping to address your sleep problem .
Till then stay healthy and cheers
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Anger Management - How To Cope With It
Everyone experience anger or lose tempers at one time or another. After all, we human are emotional beings and sometimes we may loose control of ourselves when our patience wears thin so to speak or when we no longer able to tolerate things that people do which constantly agitate and annoy us.
Anger management is very important as we live in a society whereby people we interact with in our daily life may irritate us, either intentionally or otherwise. There is no point to get angry all the time over other people's insensitivity to our emotions and feelings. I bet most people recalled the comic character called ‘The Incredible Hulk’? Dr David Banner turns into the 'Hulk' whenever he gets angry and the greenish hulk then goes about on a rampage.
Even though Dr David Banner is just a mere fictitious cartoon character nevertheless sometimes we simply behave in the same manner by our uncontrolled outburst, by throwing our tantrums around, sending out ridiculous angry email or fiery and devilish SMS targeted towards those whom they feel deserved to feel as miserable as themselves.
Some people gets angry at the slightest bit go wrong and goes on to ruin an otherwise perfect day both for themselves as well as others. There are those who dare to show and target their anger only on those whom they believed they can trample on. Some of these people take out their frustration on their spouse, family members,children or even their pets.
Anger management is a learned skill. Prolong anger can lead to mental illness. As such should you feel you are risk of losing uncontrolled temper in the way that could be detrimental to you or others then it is important that you seek professional help.
There is no one shoe fit all size solution when it comes to dealing with anger. Individuals requires different anger management techniques and as such its best to consult a trained experience counselor, pastor, parents or trusted close friends for help.
Below is a list of tips that you can use to help prevent your anger getting out of control:
1)Find something soft to punch for instance a pillow or punching bag
2)Write about your feelings in your diary
3)Give yourself a break and take time out. Get your object of anger out of your sight so that you have time to cool down. Go to the beach or somewhere where you can shout at the top of your voice to release without causing unnecessary alarm to others.
4)Exercise, play games or whatever to get your mind off the object of your anger.
These may not be permanent solutions to deal with anger but it can provide opportunity for your rage to cool down for the time being.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Poisoning Your Self Through The Skin
Cosmetic business thrives regardless of the state of the world’s economy. Good or bad times you will find ladies spending money on cosmetic products. Cosmetic business is multi billion-dollar industry.
Here’s a good posting on the dangers associated with deodorants and other cosmetic make up products. The key point to remember is that you should never apply anything to your skin that you will not put into your mouth and eat it.
The skin is the largest organ in our body. Whatever that we apply to the skin will cross the skin blood vessel barrier and enter the blood stream one way or another. For a simple experiment, just take a garlic or ginger chop up and rub it against your skin. You will feel the garlic or ginger taste as it enters the blood stream and triggers your sensory perception.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Light Treatment - Chroma Therapy
In a nutshell, chroma therapy refers to healing with colored light. Color therapy or chroma therapy is an interesting method to treat various illnesses among which are sleep disorder and depression.
Chroma therapy encompass ways such as visualizing and meditating on a color or being close contact with certain colors with the understanding that it could help treat sleep disorder and therefore enhance a person's physical and emotional state.
Chroma therapy has been practiced since ancient times. The Indian ancient art of treatment such as Ayurvedic treatment encompass chroma therapy. Colors are believed to be associated with not just the physical body but also the spiritual as well as emotional aspect of life and that the wholeness of the entire body depends on each charkas, areas of energy in the body which is link to a color.
It is interesting to note that despite the limited knowledge light and of what constitute color, ancient medical practitioners are able to utilize chroma therapy to help treat patients suffering from various sicknesses. We know that light is made of colors and different colors has different wave length (different energy waves).
How does chroma therapy treatment works? The photo receptor cells of our eyes turn the light that enters the retina into electrical impulses. This in turn signals the brain to release hormones. Different energy waves from the light stimulates the releases of different hormones.
Thus chroma therapy can be used to treat various illnesses such as insomnia (by stimulating melatonin) and other sleep related disorders by controlling the release of hormones. Medical research indicates colors in particular while and blue light stimulates calmness and relaxation.Below is a summary of the different colors and its benefits
Chinese culture adore red so much so that red color is considered auspicious color and attract good luck .Red color is used during wedding days or other happy occasions.
From scientific perspective, red light is known to increase blood pressure and affect the adrenal glands and releases adrenaline into the body.
Red light is good for blood circulation and increase energy. Those who are prone to emotional disturbance should avoid it because it may increase anxiety and anger. It is also advisable that those with heart problems avoid red.
Some people believed pink rejuvenation, comfort and calming effects. It is a good emotional color and believed to increase one's compassion and help fertility issues.
It is considered one of the best colors. It helps to calm the nerves and mind, enhances anti septic effects and speed up the healing of throat, stings, itches and bites conditions. It is also helpful for treating insomnia and inflammation of the eyes. Blue light has cooling effect for treatment of fever, measles,chicken pox and mumps.
Helps to relieve tension due to shock,improve digestive system and alleviate headaches.Some people also claimed that it helps lower blood pressure, and relaxes the heart.
Helps to remove fear, purifies blood stream and helps in the treatment of boils, ulcers, bruising, insomnia and reduce varicose veins.
In summary chroma therapy is beneficial in certain ways for treatment of various diseases however it should always be used as complimentary medicine in conjunction with other standard medical treatments.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
How To Deal With Anger Management
Everyone, children and adults alike experiences anger. Everyone has good and bad days. It is not surprising that not everyone is able to control their anger effectively through proper anger management techniques. Anger can be triggered by a variety of circumstances and sometimes you can be agitated and angry for no apparent reasons.
Destructive and harmful responses to anger are usually the result of behaviors learn from the adults in life who express their anger in inappropriate ways. It is common for you to imitate others, conscious as well as subconsciously and sad but true, destructive behaviors are usually learned from those you cherish the most.
Uncontrolled outburst of anger may also land you in trouble and you may live to regret for the silly impulsive actions that cause you end up on the wrong side of the law. The law may be forgiving but society never forgets. You may forget what you did but who knows, family members, relative and friends may remember what you did for life.
Being angry all the time is detrimental to health. Angry feelings raise blood pressure, disrupt sleep, interfere with your appetite, destroy relationships and may even cause imbalance of hormones which thereafter trigger other health problems.
Now that you know why being angry is really bad for health and wellbeing, isn't it time to learn how to control unhealthy anger? Anger management is the process to control anger. The goal of anger management is to reduce internal responses and emotions that is cause by anger.
One good approach is to identify and determine the things that agitate and provokes you to anger and develop effective strategies manage your response to it without provoking angry responses.
Strategies such as relaxation techniques, problem solving, behavior modification, communication and change of environment can help you to control anger. The following suggestions can help you to reduce your stress levels so as to enable you to control yourself when you are face with situations that provokes your anger.
Simple relaxation techniques
Simple relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, and relaxing imagery can calm anger. Try to think about the things that makes you happy, recall past experiences and occasions that makes you feel good. Try to replace agitated thoughts and impulses with more rational ones.
Hold your peace and say nothing
There is no point in trying to reason or argue with someone who is extremely angry. Likewise your anger may cloud the mind and impair your reasoning and judgment so much so that speaking in anger may aggravate the situation and likely to hurt other's feelings. Try to remain calm and silently outward for couple of minutes or as long as you deem necessary to give emotion within you to subside.
Give yourself a break
If you find yourself unable to control your anger, it is best to to walk away from angry situations. Take a walk or find some other means to give yourself a break.
Think before you speak
Always be mindful that the words that comes out from your mouth cannot be retracted. Most people regret things they say in anger, so think before you speak.
Lift up your countenance and smile!
Smile has a powerful effect on diffusing tensions. Let the opposing parties know that you are offering goodwill through your smile.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Fountain Of Youth
Most people (inclusive of the late Michael Jackson) would go as far as pay any price to attain eternal youth. Science has yet to unlock the secret to eternal youth even though there is increased understanding and knowledge as to what affects aging.
Is it possible that some day the breakthrough in the field genetic bio-engineering might just enable we human to understand and unlock the key to immortality? I guess no one knows for sure, not at the least for the next 5 or ten years to come. Come to think of it, wouldn't the world going to suffer from over population and scarcity of food if everyone lives forever?
Here's an interesting article on a girl who doesn't age. Enjoy reading and who knows, you might just be the lucky person who someday might be able to benefit from science breakthrough in anti aging technology and treatment.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Different Types Of Anger And What It Could Do To You
Everyone experience anger one way or another throughout life time. Individual has different tolerance to agitation and stress. Once the tolerance threshold is reach, a person may blow up literally speaking and let go off anger in unhealthy ways that may further aggravate situations.
There are many forms of anger and recognizing the different types of anger will enable you to cope and deal with it. Anger can be classified into the following categories namely:
1)Chronic Anger
It's best to avoid direct confrontation with person of such character. Such people hate the world they live in, dislike themselves, hate almost everybody else and temper flare up at the slightest agitation. A person who suffers from such a problem do not have a rational explanation of why he or she is angry all the time. Multiple factors could leads to chronic anger and professional councilors,doctors or psychologist are usually needed to deal with the person suffering from chronic anger.
2)Deliberate Anger
This type of anger is usually deliberated anger or fake anger and is quite often used by boss to control their subordinates. The anger usually don't last long and it leaves quickly when the objective has been met or if it is being confronted.
If you feel that your boss is deliberately picking on you and manifesting such anger, don't try to fight back because chances are that you won't win. Just take it as it is and the anger will subside quickly since there is not much the boss could do if you keep your cool. Depending on circumstances, deliberate anger can escalate into other form of anger, more so if you choose to confront head on with people of such nature.
3)Judgmental Anger
People suffering from insecurity or pride may try to humiliate other's by putting them down in front of gatherings so as to try to make themselves look superior.
4)Passive Anger
This is a form of controlled anger whereby the person experiencing it is able to suppress his emotion outwardly and not showing it physically. Such person person often choose to vent his anger by mocking the person who angers him, usually in a very sarcastic and insulting manner.
5)Healthy Anger
This is also known as constructive anger and person of such nature deals with his or her anger by turning the anger into some form of constructive and beneficial responses such as self improvement. Person of such behavior is able to manage and control his anger. Successful people usually possess such traits.
Which of the above category of anger do you belong to? Why not turn the anger which you may experience from time time into contructive anger? After all you may cause yourself more harm than good by your uncontrolled anger which only serves to increase your stress hormone unnecessary.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
How To Reduce Stress - Anger Management Tips
One of Forrest Gump most famous words are ‘Life is a bunch of chocolates, you never know what you're are gonna get.’ Life sure is full of surprises and unpredictable. Life is full of ups and downs. You never know what could happen to you with every new day, for better or for worse.
We deal with all kinds of people and with all kinds of situations. But one thing is for sure – we do face people and situations that irritate or anger us. So, it is better to face the fact that we do get angry at times and to start dealing with it for our own good.
It is not uncommon for us to find it difficult to prevent people from getting to us while we're in our workplace. Do evaluate if somebody is trying to make you angry by intention. If this is true, then there’s all the more reason for you not to let them get the satisfaction of driving you up the wall.
Keep your cool and be levelheaded! On the contrary if someone gets on your nerves unintentionally, you need to curb this kind of anger as well, or you may end up hurting somebody for no apparent fault of theirs. If this is the case, a friendly chat may be the solution.
When anger appears as a result of direct provocation, it is usually with an intention to get you into some sort of trouble. Do not succumb to it. Instead, breathe in and breathe out calmly, and you will clear your mind by doing so. The minute you fly into uncontrolled rage, you’ve already lost the battle.
If you are the object of someone else’s anger, try and get your self as well as him under the effect of calmness, by speaking in a soft tone. It is the natural feeling to shout at the other, but try and avoid that; you may resolve the situation in a matte of seconds this way. If you find yourself in a trying situation where you cannot actually display your anger, you could vent it into something harmless like scribbling on a piece of paper. This works well especially in places like formal meetings and business discussions. Physical exercise is another great way to lose some anger and get something constructive out of it in the bargain.
Get in control of your anger and release it in doses when and if required. If you are in charge, you need to let the person in question know that he has angered you. This can be done in a number of ways, and different people need to be spoken to differently. Yelling is rarely ever the right route and would only aggravate and destroy relationships.
Finally, when you have done something wrong yourself; do be honest enough to accept the fact and to apologize where necessary – this by far is the most important anger management strategy.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Sleep Disorder Link To Chronic Diseases.
Getting adequate good night sleep is one of the most important aspects in your entire life. We all need sleep for repair, regeneration and rejuvenation. Our body produces melatonin in the dark and it plays a role in both sleep and aging.
In young people, the pineal gland generally secretes melatonin naturally, but this is not the case in older adults. Older adults exhibit a decline in melatonin production as they age. Besides contributing to sleep loss, this reduction alone is associated with many age-related degenerative disease.
Melatonin is produced primary at night and affects well being thus sleep loss has been associated with depression. It is a known fact that sleep debt elicit depression like symptoms. Sleep deprived people have low levels of melatonin, which triggers an inflammatory response.
Inflammation is process whereby our body natural defense system comprising white blood cells and other chemicals known as inflammatory chemicals protect us from foreign harmful substances such as bacteria and viruses.
In some circumstances, the body natural defense system or immune system triggers inflammatory response unnecessary, usually in the absence of foreign substances which it is suppose to fight off and this cause damage to the body tissues. Chronic inflammation can create havoc to the body immune system and affect vital organs.
In addition to its ability to control your daily cycle which better known as circadian rhythm, melatonin modulates the expression of a number of genes related to inflammation. It may therefore have a two-pronged effect in improving mood: Its ability to regulate your daily cycle, and its ability to control inflammation. Controlling inflammation is more important than most people would ever imagine.
Chronic insomnia can lead to early death. Ongoing research indicates insomnia's role in promoting constant state of low grade inflammation which accelerates many diseases and aging. Low grade inflammation is recognized as one of the leading contributors of heart attacks and strokes.
Recent reports of sudden death involving otherwise healthy people while running on thread mill or doing rigorous exercise has been attributed to low grade inflammation. More and more people suffering heart attacks and strokes has normal healthy cholesterol level .
More doctors has now come to understand that low grade inflammation is as dangerous, if not more dangerous than high cholesterol in contributing to heart disease and stroke. Insulin resistance leading to diabetes can also be cause by low grade inflammation.
In summary, the act of preventing chronic inflammation within the body by simply getting adequate sleep could very well help prevent obesity, hypertension, stress, rapid aging as well as a whole host of chronic diseases.