Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Actions do not make things happen?

We were often taught from young to take actions and work hard to attain wealth, success and happiness in life. Anthony Robbins, the well known motivation speaker mentioned in his book ‘Awaken The Giant Within’ pointed out that we must not procrastinate but to quickly take actions to improve our quality life for without actions, dreams will always remains dreams period. It was thus interesting to know that there are successful people who do not share the same sentiments and thoughts as Anthony Robbins. Incidentally, a man by the name Dr Robert Anthony believes that the actions we took would in fact hinder us from reaching our goals and objective.
How is that so? Well, why not check it out at


Do you agree with Dr Robert Anthony research findings? I believe the majority would take sides and agree with Anthony Robbins thoughts instead. I too personally feel that dreams without immediate actions would result in procrastination and this in term hinder us from reaching our goals. No action no positive outcome so to speak.


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