Thursday, November 16, 2006

Success & Failure

Every healthy baby stumbles and falls numerous times during the walking learning phase. A baby never consider each unsuccessful attempt to walk as a failure, rather each unsuccessful attempt further strengthen the baby’s desire to be even more determine to get on his or her feet. Consider the butterfly emerging from its cocoon. It takes the butterfly great efforts to free itself from the cocoon.

Alas as we grow older we began to become more conscious about failure in whatever things that we do. We are afraid, embarrass or discouraged easily and quickly when people brand or called us failures. Sometimes we even condemn ourselves, directly or indirectly as failures when we fail to achieve our goals and dreams, be whatever they are.
There is nothing to be afraid of about failure. Let us be bold and confront failure head on. After all, failure is but just a temporary stumbling block within our path to success eventually. We should not give up nor quit when we failed. We truly failed when we quit or give up on our self. Furthermore, we began our walk towards failure the moment we stop learning. Thus always remember to make learning a life long process. Spend 15 minutes or so in a day everyday to read on topics of our interest. You will be amazed how the knowledge that you gathered from reading 15 minutes or so a day would quickly add up to equivalent of years of experience.

Life is full of challenges. Learn to overcome difficulties and hardships in life through patience, determination and hope. We are not born to be a failure neither is anyone a born looser. We fail only because we let failure to get a hold on us. If someone is able to achieve success in life so can we.

How do we measure success? Different people have different opinion about success. Some equate success with big cars, high career jobs, nice houses, expensive and luxury lifestyle while some equates success to the peace and tranquility of the state of the human mind. No doubt it feels good to have lots of money, the gratification and the feeling of being able to do the things that we hardly or never even dare thought or dream off is simply just wonderful.
Hard to agree though, success should not be measure in terms dollars and cents rather in terms of the quality of our life.

Checkout the following link:

Brutality of the police force
How brutal would some black sheep in the police force be? The barbaric and senseless murder of a 28-year-old Mongolian woman by the police officers in KL, Malaysia is all that stands between sanity and complete madness. Shot execution style twice in the head and body blown up to pieces with 4 C-4 plastic hand grenades so as to erase all evidence.
Prior to this incident, the Malaysian police force is already under heavy fire and criticism for corruption and prison violence. The Malaysian police force now has a lot to answer and it would take more than mere words and apology to win the heart and confidence of the people.

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